This made Xia Jue feel relieved. Otherwise, in this secret place, if everyone knew him.

On the basis of his cheap master's killing behavior, a large number of people came to attack him.

And another important reason is that in the secret world, those real favourites go to fight for opportunities, and they don't bother to talk to him.

The opening time of Xutian secret place is only one month. If you haven't gone out after one month, you have to stay here.

Wait a thousand years to open it again, then go out again.

What this means, it goes without saying, is almost the same as waiting to die.

It's impossible for us to survive by relying on the cultivation of natural resources and local treasures in the secret place of virtual heaven.

Because only the friars in the foundation period can be safe in this secret place.

If you exceed it, you will be killed by the rules of heaven and earth in the secret place.

It can be said that no one can survive the killing of the rules of heaven and earth.

So this is the reason why those lucky men can put down their grudges and leave Xia Jue aside and give priority to looking for opportunities.

As long as out of this secret situation, those proud men are very confident and can easily play with him.

Anyway, his master has already said that as long as he doesn't surpass two levels, he won't do it himself.

What else to worry about? Although his reputation is not so good, he has made many people gnash their teeth with hatred by throwing away their ancestral graves, abducting saints and so on.

But his credit is still trustworthy.

As long as he says something, he has never been seen to break his promise.

Along the way, Xia Jue and Wednesday talked and laughed.

This made him a little scared on Wednesday. However, after a period of time, he found that Xia Jue was not one of those old-fashioned people, so he was relieved.

Therefore, on Wednesday, I also relaxed my mind and chatted with Xia Jue.

Until Xia Jue asked why he was a friar of foundation building on Wednesday, but why he was so miserable.

Wednesday's look dimmed down, and then said the reason.

It turned out that it was Wednesday's father who had offended the manager of a big sect, so he was retaliated.

Both parents lost their lives in that accident. Fortunately, they successfully escaped on Wednesday. With the resources given by their parents, they reached the level of foundation building.

Then I heard about the trial of this mysterious place, so I wanted to come here to meet the chance.

As for why we don't go to a small sect to make a living, we are afraid of being noticed by our enemies. It's not good for us. Secondly, it's a disaster for that kind of sect.

So on Wednesdays, I usually live on my own, and I dare not go to places where there are many people. I want to get revenge, but my strength is too weak.

This is what it's like to be incognito and practice in the mountains.

Xia Jue was not surprised. Of course, he also felt that in the cultivation world, it was just like this. There was no way to do everything.

If you are not strong enough, and you are killed one day, no one dares to say anything.

Xia Jue and Wednesday, after walking a long distance, found that the road here was finally broken.

After a certain distance, I saw a group of people surrounded by a hole, and I didn't know where and what to do.

They quickly approached the past, only listening to the monks' comments.

"It's said that there will be a holy medicine in it. I don't know whether it's true or not."

"It's true, of course. I saw with my own eyes the disciples of the holy land enter."

"Yes, yes, and one of the prince's generals, I heard that he also entered, and wanted to earn those opportunities."

"These people are amazing. They can get the favor of those top forces, or at least they are the proud people of one side."

"So what, have you become someone else's man?"

"Shh, be careful. You can't talk nonsense, otherwise you will be killed!"

"Unfortunately, I don't know what it is. Those characters have gone in and are doomed to have no chance for us. "

"Look, it's the carriage of the Ziyuan Dynasty. Is it the prince of the Ziyuan Dynasty who came in person?"

"It should not be. I heard that the prince of the Ziyuan Dynasty was looking for greater opportunities."

At this time, the carriage in the sky, emitting an ancient but vicissitudes of life, appeared in front of the public in the blink of an eye.

There was a man sitting in the carriage, a young man, wearing a suit of armor and imposing manner.

"Hiss, I didn't expect that the prince of the Ziyuan Dynasty didn't come, but he did?"

"Is this the first general under which Prince?"

"Yes, that's him. It seems that the prince is sure to get the holy medicine. Even he sent it out. "

There was a lot of discussion, and I couldn't help feeling a little dejected. Seeing this man coming, many people left here dejected, and they didn't even have the heart to fight.After the carriage stopped in front of the cave, people refused one after another. Which general in the carriage came out immediately and swept the crowd with disdain.

Then he took two bodyguards and flew into the cave?

Xia Jue heard that it was the holy medicine. It is said that the holy medicine is rare in a hundred years. No wonder those holy people in the imperial dynasty valued it very much.

Xia Jue's idea is very simple. Anyway, sooner or later, he will just go to the holy land with the best sons of the emperor. So he can go in and compete with them for the holy medicine.

No, I can make myself stronger. I'm also laying a foundation for myself. In the future, I will win more.

Originally, according to Xia Jue's idea, he would not take such a risk. However, the temptation of the holy medicine was too great, and he was cheated by his own cheap master.

After all, they will be hostile to these people, so it's no big deal to rob them.

You can't wait for them to come and kill yourself, can you?

That's too bad. It's embarrassing to talk about it.

I can't turn over that in my 18 years.

So Xia Jue said to the other side on Wednesday after he thought about it.

"I'm going to go in and see which one, you? Will you come with me or wait for me here? Or you can go somewhere else. "

On Wednesday, he was slightly surprised, but he also knew that he could not stop Xia Jue's killing behavior.

On Wednesday. It's true that Xia Jue is very powerful, but if he offends these holy places, I'm afraid it won't be easy. Moreover, he may not be able to compete at all. It's better to go to other places to find other opportunities.

Xia Jue of course to understand his idea, although it is indeed safe, but Xia Jue still intends to go in for a fight.

I couldn't stop it on Wednesday, so I had to sigh.

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