The generals under the second prince are not the top experts, but they are definitely beyond the talents in the general school.

But easily defeated in Xia Jue's hand, this lets them have to be shocked.

The strength of Xia Jue is beyond their imagination. He must be an expert.

Looking at Xia Jue's look, there are a lot of bastards. Although his master did a lot of things that people would like to kill him when he was young.

But for his strength, or very recognized.

Although they were spurned and pursued by the people of the whole eastern region.

However, the generation of Tianjiao who once killed in the eastern region couldn't lift their heads. Some of the well-known tianzhijiao were also defeated by him.

Now, Xia Jue's master has grown up and become a giant.

Naturally, few people would provoke him.

Now I have a disciple, namely Xia Jue. Although I don't know how to be, if he can be valued by him and become his disciple, his natural strength and talent are certainly not weak.

If you are afraid to grow up, you may not be as strong as his master.

However, as for whether Xia Jue can grow up, they still maintain a skeptical attitude.

After all, Xia Jue's master gave him such a high challenge. Even those proud people who are famous in history, when they were young, it was very difficult to achieve what level?

Of course, it's all Xia Jue's business, but they are a little suspicious.

Xia Jue put away the general's storage bag, and then went on to the deep. After walking for a while, he saw a door, emitting bursts of brilliance.

Outside the door, there are broken limbs and blood everywhere. It seems that the more inside, the more fierce the fight.

Immediately, Xia Jue directly stepped into the door and rushed into it.

I don't know what material it is made of. It emits faint light. There is mysterious energy flowing on it.

Xia Jue secretly said that he was surprised, but he still rushed to the inside. He had come late enough. If he was any slower, he was afraid that the holy medicine would make people get ahead.


Just at this time, a voice came. The sound pierced through the stone. Xia Jue could not help but feel some pain in his ears.

I saw a huge bat, half the size of a man, flying towards Xiajue.


Xia Jue can't help but a Lin, hurriedly hold the dragon sword in the hand.


The bat called again and flew over Xiajue's head. Xiajue cut it with a sword.


All of a sudden, a pool of black blood fell from the air. Fortunately, Xia Jue had expected that, so he quickly used the Yufeng Jue to avoid the past. Otherwise, Xia Jue would have been drenched by the black blood. Thinking about the scene, Xia Jue would be a little unbearable.

Which bat screamed, then there was no movement, Xia Jue walked by to check, found that the bat into a Yin Qi, dissipated in the air.

"It doesn't seem to be a monster, and it's a Yin thing!"

Xia Jue could not help but frown. It seems that the cave is not so simple, and there are still Yin things.

After that, Xia Jue continued to walk inside. Except for the corpses of some Terran or demon monks, he saw a stone statue instead.

The stone statue is in the shape of a man, with armor carved all over his body. One hand holds a halberd, and the other hand is broken.

In addition, there is a pile of gravel in the original place. Looking at those, it should have been a stone statue before.

The stone statue is like a guardian here, revealing an indescribable power, but it doesn't move.

Xia Jue was more cautious, convinced that it was not so simple. If one is careless, his life may be in danger.

Xia Jue bypassed the stone statue and went on for a long distance.

At this time, in front of suddenly appeared a scarlet building, looks, extremely coquettish, let a person feel very strange.

Xia Jue was surprised. It's really weird here. Isn't it a secret place of empty heaven? Who on earth can build a building here?

Xia Jue was not sure, and then he walked towards the building.

A moment later, Xia Jue appeared in front of the building.

The door of the building had been sent. At a glance, Xia Jue saw ten coffins in the hall of the building.

Xia Jue is a little surprised. Is there a coffin in this place? Who on earth was buried here?

Then, Xia Jue passed the bodies of the latecomers and went in directly.

In the hall, almost all the coffins were opened, some of them were empty, only a few of them had a corpse.

Towards Xia Jue, he forgot where he had found nothing unusual in the past.

Naturally there were signs of fighting, but the bodies were much less.It seems that there are few monks who can enter here.

Xia Jue didn't dare to be careless. He held the dragon sword in his right hand and the magic mirror in his left hand. He had filled Yuan Li and walked towards the steps.

There are three floors in total. The second floor is empty and has nothing.

Xia Jue calmed down and wondered where those people had gone? Why is there no movement now?

Even in the third floor, there will be a little bit of movement, right?

It's too quiet!

After that, Xia Jue didn't think much about it. Anyway, he didn't want to shrink back.

Then he bit his teeth and went up to the third floor.

At this time, Xia Jue saw that there was no one in the third floor, but they all looked at a high platform in front of each other quietly.

There is a flowerpot on the high platform. There is a red plant growing in the flowerpot. It seems to be bleeding.

On the branches of the plant, there are three blood red fruits, emitting a faint light and fragrance.

Xia Jue guessed that this should be the holy medicine in the mouth of those friars.

Just a little strange in my heart, why are these people still?

It's a strange atmosphere!

At this time, a few people felt the arrival of Xia Jue, looked back coldly, and suddenly they were surprised.

This guy? Why is he here? Are you not afraid to be killed again?

Or is he a master? How else would you get in here?

But more people didn't even look at him, staring at the holy medicine on the high platform.

Xia Jue of course also noticed that someone was watching him, but he didn't care.

Of course, Xia Jue was not reckless. All of them didn't start. They were obviously waiting for the chance to see who could not bear it first.

I'm afraid I'm afraid I'll be attacked by the crowd.

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