Xia Jue thought about it, but it's very possible. Otherwise, why don't they pick the holy medicine?

Is it fun to watch?

Just as Xia Jue was thinking about it, he stood up and said with a wolf king stick in his hand.

"Since you don't want it, don't blame me for doing it first."

Xia Jue looked over and found that the man was the one who had driven the carriage before. Wen Feng, the first war general of a prince of the Ziyuan Dynasty, glanced at the crowd and grabbed the holy medicine on the platform.

"Dare you

All of a sudden, some people drank and sent out a martial arts attack on Wen Feng, the first war general.

"Well! How dare you do anything to me? "

Wen Feng gave a cold hum and raised his hand to disperse the man's martial arts skills. Then the mace began to dance and make a whirring sound.


The mace hit the man in the face and made him scream and die on the spot.

With this change, all the people in the field heard the sound and started to attack one after another.

A few werewolves whimpered in the crowd.

The crowd was in great disorder and began to attack each other.

At this time, someone stares at Xia Jue and attacks him.

"Hum, boy, how dare you show up here? I admire your courage. Let me see what the old bastard's disciples are really good at!"

He said. The man attacked.

This man, named Li Ao, was a disciple of Taiyi religion. The monk was in the late foundation period.

At that time, Xia Jue's master dug the clothes of taiyijiao's grandmaster and exposed the bones of the grandmaster to the sun for three days.

This makes the whole Taiyi sect gnash their teeth.

Therefore, when entering the secret place of the empty heaven, the elder of Taiyi sect gave the order to the disciples who entered the secret place. If they saw the disciples of any old bastard, they would kill them.

As long as they can be killed successfully, they can become the disciples of the supreme elder of Taiyi sect. They may even be favored by xuanzu and accepted as apprentices.

So. The disciples of Taiyi religion will attack Xia Jue regardless of everything when they see him.

This makes Xia Jue a little depressed. Why should an old bastard do something bad and let himself carry the pot?

What old bastard are you going to fight. What are you going to do with me?

However depressed return depressed, Xia Jue still hurried hand, resisted Li Ao's attack.

This makes Li Ao can't help but be surprised, Xia Jue's fighting power is even higher than him, let him give birth to some fear.

At this time, there are also a few people, toward Xia Jue here, quickly attacked.

Xia Jue can't help but scold an old bastard secretly. What's the matter? I didn't do anything, so these people gave me a hand for no reason.

Of course, Xia Jue is also very clear in his heart. Even if there is no cheap master, these people will attack themselves in order to get the holy medicine.

Immediately, Xia Jue launched the Tai Long Sword and quickly launched an attack.


All of a sudden, there was the sound of metal collision. At the same time, the martial arts skills were all over the air. The secret method was like playing without Yuan Li.

The scene was very chaotic.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"

Xia Jue's hand is also merciless. Raising his hand is a big vacuum handprint, which can repel one person.


Then there was another move to disturb the spirit of several people. Xia Jue put away his sword and cut his head directly!

Few of the people here dare to preserve their strength. They all try their best.

Li Ao and others can't help but be surprised and angry. The old bastard's disciple was unknown before. Was he so powerful?

"The picture of a lotus boat in Taiyi!"

When Leo uses his secret method, a bright light appears in his palm, and a big picture suddenly appears in front of him. On the picture, a man stands on a lotus boat and swims in the river.

With Li Ao's urging, the boat of Taiyi lotus sends out its amazing energy, which can be suppressed towards Xia Jue.

The people around Xia Jue were shocked, and they were afraid to fight!

"Hiss It's a unique skill of Taiyi sect. The picture of a lotus boat in Taiyi sect! "

"Li Zhou's disciples are not the core of the same generation

"Well, it seems that the boy will die in Leo's hands."

A few people were surprised.

Xia Jue can't help but feel awe inspiring. This picture of lotus boat can suppress his action. Although he can still act, his speed is much slower.


Taiyi lotus boat suddenly makes a sound. The figure in the picture suddenly steps on the lotus and rushes out quickly. He pinches the flower finger in his hand and presses down towards Xia Jue."Broken!"

Xia Jue bit his teeth and stabbed the Dragon Sword full of strength at the empty shadow on his head.


Suddenly, Yuan Li on the Tai Long Sword turned into sword light and rushed to the virtual shadow.

In a burst of loud noise, the virtual shadow was directly smashed by the sword light of the dragon sword!

Not only that, the sword light's aftereffect did not disperse, continued toward too one lotus boat chart to blow past.

There was another loud noise. The picture of Taiyi lotus boat was cut to pieces in the light of Tailong sword.


Leo spat out a mouthful of blood in his mouth, and the secret method was broken, which made him suffer from backfire and internal injury.

His face turned white and he was shocked. He didn't expect that the picture of Taiyi lotus boat, which he was proud of, was so easily broken by Xia Jue.

"What? How could it be

"Li Ao, the core disciple of Taiyi sect, is not as good as the disciple of an old bastard?"

"Hiss Is that too strong? "A sword broke the boat of Taiyi lotus?"

They took a breath of air and looked at Xia Jue. They could not help but change their looks.

This is a tough job!

On the other side, the group of people in the battle could not help but look at Xia Jue's eyes one after another, flowing with incredible brilliance.

"Hum, it's just a small skill of carving insects. I've killed you today!"

Xia Jue snorted coldly, and he gave up. Sooner or later, these people will attack him.

Why don't you take this opportunity to deal with them first?

See Xia Jue fly out, in the hand too long sword continued to cut toward Li Ao to go out.

"Too vigorous!"

Li Ao is greatly shocked and shows another despair in a hurry. Yuan Li emerges from his palm and forms a round vigorous Qi outside his body to protect his body.


At this time, Xia Jue had come near him. The Dragon Sword broke everything, and the brush pierced into Li Ao's vigorous Qi.

All of a sudden, too a gang Qi issued a loud bang, have broken.

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