Xia Jue could not help but wonder how powerful the so-called son of God, son of Saint and so on would be?

Is it true that the dragon and the Phoenix are among the people?

Afterwards, Xia Jue didn't think much about it any more. He tried his best to send out Tai Long Sword and killed it here.

Every opponent is a master, Xia Jue has to be careful!

So, all hands without reservation, the Dragon Sword sent out bursts of golden light, chopping here one after another!


The sound of weapons intersecting came out here.

Some people's weapons are of poor materials. They were cut off in the chopping process of the Tai Long Sword. There was no suspense.

One after another, he showed an incredible look, as if he had seen something extraordinary.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"

The summer Jue suddenly is a move to clap, a big hand, the moment again air condensation, toward the public clapped down.

"Ah, ah!"

Suddenly, several people could not escape, they were hit directly, screamed, and then lay on the ground.

"Green lotus sword technique!"

"Fire fire fire skill!"

"Cold ice formula!"


The rest of them showed their unique skills and attacked Xia Jue.

Among them, the attack of several people, such as the style of writing, is the most powerful, and the means emerge one after another, which makes Xia Jue have some difficulty to cope with!

After several wars, it was like the whole wooden building shaking.

In the void, various colors of the Yuan Li shock, shooting, the scene is very intense.

Everyone, including the style of writing, was surprised. Dozens of people joined hands to attack Xia Jue, but they couldn't win him. On the contrary, he hurt a lot of people!

Although the number and his hands of the Dragon Sword some relations, but this strength, they have to pay attention to it!

This guy, who was unknown in the past, absolutely has the strength to fight against those divine sons and holy sons!

It's beyond them, almost everyone!


At this time, Xia Jue made a mental attack again, which made the people in front of him move in a daze. Then, Xia Jue's dragon sword was wielded, bringing out a shower of blood!

"Bang bang!"

At this time, Wenfeng is waving a mace in his hand, which has been smashed down again towards Xiajue.

Xia Jue's eyes flashed a fine light. Tai Long Sword drew a semicircle in the air and quickly met him?


When the two weapons collided, there was a spark. At the same time, the yuan force vibrated, and all of them scattered unpredictable energy.


At this time, two people nearby killed him. One of them waved his hand, and a red flame appeared in his hand, emitting bursts of blazing breath. He patted Xia Jue on the shoulder.

The other one's toes pointed a little and flew up in the air, with bursts of force on his legs, kicking towards Xia Jue's head.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"

Xia Jue gathered Yuan Li in his palm and grabbed the man's leg in the air. Then he threw it and threw it out. At the same time, the vacuum fingerprints had already hit him, which immediately brought out a piece of blood fog!


At the same time, the right hand is too dragon sword, already toward another person chop can go out, immediately cut that person's palm can come down, blood storm.

"Ah, ah

The man let out a scream and fell to the ground.

"Turn the tiger's arm!"

Xia Jue hit the man with another move of martial arts. He immediately screamed and stopped. Looking at the man, there was no sound.

After killing two people in a row, Xia Jue moves again. He rushes towards the furious style of writing, and cuts out the sword Qi of Tai Long Sword in his hand.


The style of writing waves the mace to disperse the sword Qi directly! At the same time, the body retreats to avoid Xia Jue's edge.

At this time, Xia Jue suddenly played the Yu Feng Jue, playing the speed to the extreme.

He sped up and rushed out towards the holy medicine. During the war, Xia Jue approached the holy medicine intentionally or unintentionally.

Fortunately, as he expected, people didn't react immediately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xia Jue directly grabbed the holy medicine and flowerpot, and then put it into the storage bag.

Immediately, Xia Jue's body quickly retreated, at the same time, he waved the dragon sword, and cut three people in succession.

At this time, all the talented people reacted later.

"No, this guy, I'm afraid he had this idea for a long time!"

"Damn it, he took the holy medicine!"

"Come on, stop him, don't let him run away!"

All of a sudden, all around people screamed, yelled and rushed to Xiajue,Those who didn't join the war and watched all of them could not help but be angry and attack Xia Jue.

They watched for a long time, but they didn't dare to do it. It was because they were restrained by each other that Xia Jue took advantage of it.

Seeing the holy medicine fall into the hands of Xia Jue, how can they not be angry?

Therefore, they attacked Xia Jue one after another.

"Little thief, where to run? If you want to run after taking the holy medicine, is it too wishful thinking?"

"Little bastard! The same virtue as his master! Let's go together and kill him! "

"Everyone, which little bastard is rushing towards the stairway!"

All of them were furious and rushed to the stairway.

"Hum, if you are really a junior, you dare to take the holy medicine! Today, wherever you go, I will find you and kill you? "

The style of writing is also very angry. This guy can do this kind of thing, which makes him gape!

"Ha ha, don't be funny. If you don't take it by yourself, I'll blame you instead? What's more, you have been deadlocked for so long, and the final result is not the same? Since none of you want to do it first, I'll do it for you. "

"Besides, don't be so tall! If you could kill me, you would have come to kill me long ago. So many of you can't help me. Instead, you let me take the holy medicine. Now you have enough face to scream here. Who gave you the courage? "

"Besides, there is only one strain of holy medicine. In the end, only one person can get it. In the end, it's not good for anyone to take it. I've solved this big problem for you. You should thank me."

"Even if I don't thank you, I'm still to blame now. Alas, it's really human?"

Xia Jue ran and said that he was close to the stairway. Between his words, he killed three monks.


Wen Feng and others, suddenly highlighted a mouthful of blood, which was given by Xia Jue!

This guy. What's wrong with that? Do you have to say this? Suddenly there are a few people feel no light face!

What a shame!

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