The point is that they can't refute it. When you think about it, it's really like that.

A group of people, such as Wen Feng, felt that their chest was blocked. It seemed that there was something to stimulate from their chest, but it was blocked again.


Finally, he was so angry that he couldn't bear it and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"That's blood vomiting? I didn't say you, your seven degrees are too small, isn't it a holy medicine? Are you not so angry about throwing away your ancestral grave? "

Xia Jue continued to fight and said.

"Zheng Zheng!"

At this time, a lot of people had already finished their work and launched a fierce attack on Xiajue. Yuanli concentrated his attack on Xiajue.


Xia Jue's heart went down, and he took the Tai Long Sword in his hand and directly scattered the Yuan Li of several people. At the same time, he was close to the stairway.

Without saying a word, Xia Jue jumped down and ran down the stairs.

Without him, there are too many people here, and all of them are self-cultivation people!

A few people are no worse than him. He can kill some people, that is, because there are many people on the opposite side. In addition, no one knows that he can attack the spirit, so he suffered a temporary loss.

Moreover, he has already spent more than half of his strength. If he continues to fight here, he will lose out in the end.

Xia Jue doesn't want to put himself in danger.

So he took the risk to get close to the holy medicine. After he got it, he began to run away regardless of everything.

"Come on, catch up with him and don't let him run away?"

"This little bastard! What a gnashing of teeth

"Don't let me catch him, or I'll have her cramped and skinned and boil the sky lamp!"

"That's right!"

Wen Feng and other friars are almost mad. This guy is beyond their expectation! It fell into his hands and suffered losses in his hands.

At this time, Xia Jue had already rushed to the first floor and ran out along the gate.

He was followed by at least 50 or 60 people. From time to time, a few yuan li appeared behind him.

Xia Jue had a keen sense of God, and quickly avoided the past.

After a while, Xia Jue hesitated to get into the gate, and then he stood at the lower position.

At this time, they suddenly saw a vibration coming from behind, and they could not help feeling a little strange.

"Isn't this the guy who killed the ground generals under the second prince of the Xia Dynasty?"

"Yes, it's him. I've met him before."

"What's going on? Why did he run away in a panic? Isn't there a great change in it? "

"Maybe it's true. There are many mysteries hidden in the secret place of the empty sky. Maybe there is something incredible."

Several people are a face surprised and nervous stare at is running Xiajue.

"Get out of the way!"

The summer Jue suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly a big drink, let that several people can't help but whole body a shock, immediately quickly came up the road.

This guy even dares to kill people in the great Xia Dynasty. What else does he dare not do?

So, after hearing Xia Jue's words, he subconsciously made an action.


It was just like the wind from Shijue's body.

"So fast!"

"Worthy of being able to kill the third general of the Xia Dynasty!"

Several suddenly surprised, for Xia Jue's strength, and have a more profound consciousness.

But what's the matter with him? What's he doing running so fast?

"Thief? Where to run

"Little bastard! Don't let me catch you, or you'll be dead! "

"Catch up!"

At this time, when a few people hesitated, a few angry voices came from behind.

This makes a few people more surprised! What's the situation?

Then, dozens of people rushed out, blushing, angry and swearing!

Quickly from the side in front of a few people rushed past.

"It's Wen Feng, the first war general under the second prince of the Xia Dynasty!"

"Isn't this Sun Tao, the descendant of Qixia school?"

"This is the core disciple of Ziyang sect!"

"That person should be the core disciple of Qinglong Holy Land!"


Several people recognized the identities of many of them and made their voices one after another.

However, those people, having no time to deal with these rookies, rushed directly.

"Xia Jue, even if you go to heaven and earth, I will kill you!"

The style of writing roars suddenly, he can't even see Xia Jue's shadow now. It's false to say that he is angry.Those rookies, can't help more doubt, who is Xia Jue?

Is it the young man who killed the general on the ground?

So many people are chasing him alone?

How much anger has to be done to make this happen?

All of a sudden, they remembered that they went into the cave just for the holy medicine?

Now it seems that the holy medicine must have been given by someone named Xia Jue. Otherwise, the disciples of the top schools would not be so angry!

At this time, Xia Jue had rushed out of the cave quickly, and saw Wednesday hiding on one side.

"Go, get out of here!"

Xia Jue rushed over in a hurry, pulled up Wednesday's arm, then picked a direction at will and flew away quickly.

"What's the situation?"

"I don't know. It looks like something happened inside."

Seeing Xia Jue's appearance, the crowd around him suddenly showed a look of surprise.


At this time, Wen Feng and others rushed out of the cave. They didn't see Xia Jue. They couldn't help but want to vomit blood!

This asshole is so shameless. What a shame!

"Let's go, unite with the experts in the gate, and fight against the little bastard. I don't believe I can't find him!"

"Yes, issue a reward order. As long as anyone can provide Xia Jue's information, if it is true, he will be rewarded with 10000 yuan stone. If he catches Xia Jue, he will be rewarded with 100000 Yuan Stone!"

"Yes, under the heavy reward, you will be able to find out his whereabouts?"

Wen Feng and others all nodded in agreement. So he left here immediately and went down to prepare for the matter of pursuing Xia Jue.

The rest of the people who didn't dare to go in here were stunned and didn't understand what happened?

Who on earth is worthy of being pursued by so many people at the same time?

It seems that even if it's not those genius, it's also a master!

This kind of person, certainly not nobody!

But why does Xiajue sound so strange? Never heard of it.

"Hey, did you forget? It is said that the name of the disciple of the old bastard in the legend is Xia Jue. "

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