If it wasn't for Xia Jue and Tai Long Sword, I'm afraid I didn't dare to compete with others so casually.

After all, the gap between realms is not small.

Since they chose to quit, Xia Jue didn't care, but looked at the ground that people were staring at just now.

Where is a huge white stalactite hanging? Under the stalactite tip, there is a small groove, which has gathered a lot of stalactites.

This kind of stone milk is naturally raised, it is difficult to gather together, and the quantity is rare. Generally, people find it and take it directly.

Only in this secret place of the empty sky can there be practitioners for thousands of years, so they can gather together.

However, even after thousands of years of formation, the number is not too much.

But the effect of stone milk is very strong, only one drop is enough to make people have a huge transformation.

To Xia Jue's surprise, those guys didn't take away the stone milk. They couldn't help feeling strange.

Finally, it can only be attributed to the fact that when they were considering how to allocate, they came in and interrupted their thinking.

So I haven't had time to take the milk away.

Xia Jue shrugged his shoulders and no longer thought about it. Anyway, as long as no one grabs it from him.

Then Xia Jue took out a white porcelain bottle and collected all the stone milk in the groove.

Looking at the stone milk in his hand, Xia Jue showed a satisfied look.

Then Xia Jue went to a stone platform and sat up. He drank half of the milk directly from the porcelain bottle.

Immediately the vase was sealed and put into the storage bag.

Then Xia Jue began to sit and rest.

stone milk is in the belly of Xia Jue, directly quoted by Xia Jue Yuan Li, rapidly refining and rapidly absorbing the essence of stone milk.

Then Yuan Li urged him to swim among his four limbs, five viscera, eight channels and so on. After a while, he swam away all over the world.

At the same time, the energy of stone milk diffused out in his body, nourishing every inch of his muscles.

I don't know how long after that, Xia Jue's momentum soared, and at the same time, he successfully broke through to the later stage of foundation construction.

Although he didn't reach the peak, it was very good. You know, he only broke through once before he entered the secret world.

At this time, Xia Jue felt that his whole body was full of strength, like useless strength. His whole body's Yuanli also recovered to the peak state.

"This stone whelk is really extraordinary. It makes me break through a small realm again!"

Xia Jue said to himself happily that he wanted to take it and see if he could get anything.

However, he soon stopped this idea. No matter what kind of natural materials and land treasures are, the effect will be great for the first time. If they are used for the second time, the effect will be greatly reduced!

In other words, even if he continues to take stone milk, he can't make a breakthrough.

It's better to leave some for Hou ling'er than to waste so much.

She is now only in the realm of heaven level, even less than the foundation period, it is too weak.

In this world of self-cultivation, it is difficult to protect oneself.

So Xia Jue still felt that it was necessary to improve her cultivation.

Xia Jue got up and left quickly.

Use Yufeng Jue to break through the waterfall directly. When you get outside, you suddenly feel refreshed!


At this time, the two voices of breaking the air came and shot straight at Xia Jue's eyebrows.

Xia Jue couldn't help but be awed by the wind, and then he quickly used the Yu Feng Jue to escape.

"Boo Boo!"

The concealed weapon directly broke through the waterfall and flew into the cave.

At this time, several figures rushed out quickly, holding a long sword in their hands, stabbing at Xia Jue.

Xia Jue clapped his right hand, and the Dragon Sword appeared in his hand.

"Ding Ding!"

Xia Jue's sense of God was sharp, and he quickly reflected it. With a wave of the dragon sword, he directly cut off the weapons of those people!

The broken sword fell into the deep pool under him.


Several people were surprised. They didn't expect that Xia Jue's dragon sword was so sharp!

At this time, Xia Jue saw the figure of several people in front of him. It was the people who had just left.

But Zhou long was not among them.

"You? Do you want to kill people? Sneak attack? Why did you give me this idea so easily

Xia Jue grins coldly, and his eyes stare coldly at the people in front of him.

"Hum, Xia Jue, I didn't expect to be seen through by you. That's right. It's just our strategy to slow down. Now that you're out, you can see the real chapter under your hand!"A man gave up his broken sword and photographed it to Xia Jue. He showed his highest accomplishments in the later period of foundation building.

"Startle cloud palm!"

With the man's a big drink, the other several people also quickly abandoned the hand of the broken sword, each show their martial arts, thinking of Xia Jue attack here.

"Ha ha, did you dare to fight me just now? Do you think it's my opponent now? "

Xia Jue gave a cold smile. He didn't pay attention to these people. He just raised his eyebrows and his momentum rose abruptly.

A big drink, the hand of the Dragon Sword quickly shot.


The Dragon Sword directly shakes those people back! With the improvement of Xia Jue's cultivation, the Tai Long Sword seems to have changed a lot.

Both the power and sharpness are much higher than before.

"What, you broke through in such a short time?"

The man at the head was a little surprised. Just now, Xia Jue felt that he was no longer an opponent, not to mention Xia Jue, who had been promoted to the late foundation period?

It's just that I'm not willing to give up the stone milk, so I'm not satisfied with it. Several people just discussed this one.

Thinking that when Xia Jue came out, they would launch a sneak attack, and then divide the treasures and stone milk of Xia Jue equally.

However, what they didn't expect was that Xia Jue broke through? But also avoided their concealed weapon attack!

At the moment, it's not necessary to face each other head-on. It's definitely not an opponent.

"It's just a breakthrough. What's so surprising? What's more, isn't your realm still much higher than mine? "

Xia Jue said sarcastically.

Several people's faces, a burst of green, a burst of white, the gas is not light, at the same time by Xia Jue's speed to frighten.


The man at the head, without hesitation, wanted to leave here with a few of them.

Anyway, I can't fight. What's the difference between staying here and looking for death?

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