"Well, do you want to go now? Do you think it's so easy for me to be beaten and killed? "

Xia Jue snorted coldly, and the Tai Long Sword in his hand gathered Yuan Li and swept out to those people.


All of a sudden, a golden sword gas directly pierced one person, and blood spilled on the spot, which made the other people scream!

"Let's go!"

Leading which man, a big drink, the first random choice of a direction, quickly flew out.

The rest fled one after another.


Xia Jue shows his wind Jue, catches up with the man in the blink of an eye, and penetrates it with a sword.

The others were also chased by Xia Jue and killed one by one.

Then Xia Jue went away without looking back and left here.

Half a day later, a desert appeared in front of Xiajue, which made Xiajue feel strange.

It's amazing that there is such a vast desert in this mysterious place.

The key is, why is there desert in a place with abundant aura?

Xia Jue couldn't understand it, but he didn't care too much about the details.

Existence is rationality. If you can't understand it, don't think about it.

There are footprints everywhere in the desert, but they are a bit messy. It seems that someone has entered here.

"Is there any treasure in it?"

Xia Jue whispered to himself. If not, there would not be so many footprints here.

Then, Xia Jue did not think much, and quickly moved towards the depth of the desert.

In the desert, yellow sand is everywhere. No one knows how many crises there are.

It can be said that it is extremely dangerous, but there will also be some opportunities. If you are lucky, it may rise.

As for what treasures there would be, Xia Jue did not know.

After doing this for half a day, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, staggering forward.

In front of the figure, a huge cactus appeared, with huge thorns all over the body.

Those thorns alone are ten feet long. As for which cactus is as big as a hill, it's daunting.

Xia Jue didn't think much about it, so he moved forward quickly, towards the figure.

Looking at his back, Xia Jue suddenly felt familiar.

At this moment, the man seemed to feel someone behind him and quickly turned his head.

"Brother Xia?"

A voice of surprise came from the figure.

Xia Jue also saw his face. It was not long ago that he separated on Wednesday. Unexpectedly, he came here.

"Why are you here?"

Xia Jue stepped forward and asked curiously.

On Wednesday, he looked a little dispirited, but after seeing Xia Jue, his face flashed a trace of joy, and then he took out a bottle in the storage bag. After two drinks, he looked much better.

On Wednesday, he calmed down and then said, "brother Xia, I came here after I separated from you not long ago. It is said that there is a treasure in the desert, but no one has ever found it. As for what it is, no one knows. I came here mainly to try my luck. Unexpectedly, I met brother Xia. Is brother Xia also here to look for opportunities?"

Xia Jue shook his head and said, "it's almost the same, but I saw a lot of people coming here, so I just came in to have a look."

On Wednesday, he nodded and said, "in that case, how about brother Xia going with me? Although my strength is low, but two people, after all, have a care. I don't think brother Xia has any clue. It happens that in my hand, there is a map uploaded by my ancestors, which marks the place where treasures may appear in the desert. Maybe two people have a better chance. "

Xia Jue couldn't help being curious and said, "do you even have a map?"

"It's true that it was the ancestor of a thousand years ago, which ancestor was lucky enough to enter the secret place of empty sky when it opened last time, and then left this map, but it's a pity that my ancestor didn't get the treasure at that time," he said on Wednesday

Xia Jue said, "it's really a pity."

On Wednesday, they nodded, so they went all the way to the desert. When they passed a cactus in front of them, they went to the cactus on Wednesday, took out the knife they carried, and then cut a knife on the cactus.

Suddenly, the cactus, on the outflow of the green liquid, Wednesday quickly took out a container, the liquid into.

Xia Jue couldn't help being curious and asked, "what are you doing?"

On Wednesday, while receiving the liquid, he replied: "cactus is a fixed water source in the desert. I don't know how many years such a large cactus has been in this mysterious place. It must absorb a lot of aura between heaven and earth, so it can grow so big. It's just that there is no channeling. Otherwise, after so many years, it would have become a practitioner. Don't underestimate it The liquid contains the essence of life, not the ordinary cactus. After drinking, it can make people full of spirit! It's like a panacea. "Hearing what happened on Wednesday, Xia Jue was a little surprised. How could this cactus have such a magical effect?

Then, Xia Jue avoided the huge thorns, cut a small hole in the cactus, took a little with a small bottle, and tasted it.

Although the effect of Xia Si astringent liquid is not very effective, some people feel the bitterness of life.

At the moment, Xia Jue felt that his fatigue was swept away, and his body seemed to have endless strength.

This kind of feeling is very strange. After a while, Xia Jue feels that the cactus is not as simple as he imagined, but he can't say what's different.

"How's it going? Am I right? "

He said to Xia Jue with a smile after he had received several bottles on Wednesday.

Xia Jue nodded, and then he took a bottle.

After the collection, they left here and took out the map on Wednesday.

But looking at the crooked lines and words above, Xia Jue was a little stunned.

It seems that our ancestors on Wednesday are not those who are good at this aspect! Even the map is so blurred.

The key point is that on Wednesday, I can still get to know Xia Jue. I really don't know what to say.

"Go in this direction. According to the signs on the map, there should be such treasures here. Why don't we go and have a look?"

After watching for a while on Wednesday, he pointed to the oasis ahead.

Xia Jue is a little suspicious. This guy, are you sure it's not a random direction?

But I said that on Wednesday. I have to go up and have a look.

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