For Xia Jue, it doesn't matter. He's not familiar with this secret place. He doesn't know where there are opportunities and where there are no opportunities. He just looks black and doesn't know anything.

The first two were just luck.

Since we said it on Wednesday, maybe there is something ahead of us. Let's go and have a look. Anyway, we won't suffer any loss. At most, we will delay some time.

Here, the footprints obviously become less. Many footprints only show a general trace, which can make people see that someone has passed through.

But a lot of footprints are covered by the sand in the desert.

Xia Jue didn't pay much attention. Together with Wednesday, he walked slowly along the route on the map.

The oasis is just around the corner, and it's almost there after another dune.

They quickly walked up to the sand dune and looked at the oasis which was not big in front of them.

There are some shrubs growing in the oasis, and in the middle is a small lake, emitting strange bursts of light.

By the side of the lake, a figure was walking.

"Have you been taken first?"

On Wednesday, he frowned and looked at the map again to make sure it was right here.

"Go down and have a look first. Maybe those people don't have their hands, or they will leave long ago."

After thinking for a while, Xia Jue said.

On Wednesday, they nodded and rushed down quickly.

The people in the oasis didn't care when they saw two more people coming. Many people wanted to come here to look for opportunities, and it was not bad for the two of them.

Anyway, there are a lot of people here these days. It's no big deal to have two more.

After arriving at the oasis on Wednesday, Xia Jue and he turned around the lake.

"Is there a secret treasure in it?" Xia Jue couldn't believe it.

However, seeing so many people here, they did not leave. It is estimated that there should be something in them. As for what it is, it is not known.

"I don't know. It's just a mark on the map. There may be a secret here." He shook his head on Wednesday.

Xia Jue couldn't help being dumb, but he didn't say anything more. Instead, he looked at the lake carefully.

There were bursts of light in the lake, but there was no unusual phenomenon.

It's just a little strange.

"Isn't that Xia Jue? Which old bastard's disciple? "

At this time, a voice suddenly came, pointing to Xia Jue.


At this time, all the people around him were surprised and forgot to come to Xia Jue.

"It's true

Several friars around Xia Jue immediately retreated, as if they were afraid of causing any trouble.

But in fact, it is true. If the disciples of those top forces knew the identity of Xia Jue, they would not hesitate to choose to kill him, in order to avoid the humiliation brought by Xia Jue's master.

So, who dares to stay with Xia Jue? If he is defined as Xia Jue's accomplice, wouldn't he be in trouble?

I'm afraid I'll be killed by the way, right? There's no suspense.

But at the moment, there was a man who was standing beside Xia Jue with an indifferent look, which made them look curious.

Looking at Xia Jue and Wednesday, they should not come from the same school.

At least, they haven't heard that any old bastard has other disciples.

As for whether it is or not, no one knows.

If Xia Jue knew what they were thinking, he would have some doubts.

Because he has two senior brothers.

On Wednesday, he was a little surprised. He didn't know the identity of Xia Jue. He just knew his name. He didn't understand how these people reacted so much?

But since they know Xia Jue, maybe Xia Jue's background is also very big!

Of course, if you knew the truth on Wednesday, you wouldn't think so.

As a disciple of Daoqing, this identity is very big, not weaker than those top forces, but this reputation is not very good.

At this time, the two skyrocketing blood gas suddenly came out, and quickly approached.

"The foundation is great and full!"

People around them could not help but brush their faces, and there was also some shock and fear on Wednesday.

Because those two blood gases are coming towards them.

"Which is Xia Jue? Come out and die

One of them frowned and said coldly.

Blood gas speed, very fast, blink of an eye, to Xia Jue and Wednesday two people's body.

At this time, many people see the identity of the two, have burst out surprised.

"It's the son of Yin Yang religion, the son of Chu Tian and the son of ice and snow holy land, cold without trace!"

"Hiss, it's them. There are few rivals in the same generation. If they didn't show up now, we wouldn't find them?""Now there's a good play to see. The monk named Xia Jue has old grudges between his school and these two forces. I'm afraid he can't get rid of them."

"Yes, the two gods of Yin Yang sect were killed by some old bastard."

"It is said that the son of the holy land of ice and snow was tortured to death under the hands of the old bastard, and even the saint in the door was also harmed by the old bastard!"

"Shh, be careful! Are you not afraid to die? "

The people were talking about it. Looking at Xia Jue's eyes, they were also full of unknown meaning, with a look of banter.

Xia Jue looked at the two people in front of him, and was surprised to hear their comments.

The person who can become the son of God and the son of God must be the leader of the young generation and the true pride of heaven.

Different from those who have a false name, such people must be the best of their peers, and even their strength is not inferior to those of the older generation!

Some people with outstanding ability can even compete with the friars in the golden elixir period without relying on the secret treasure!

This kind of strength is beyond the reach of many people.

Even Xia Jue had to be cautious.

On the other side of the Wednesday, he was already scared and embarrassed. He had never touched or even seen this kind of son of heaven before.

Not to mention, now such a person, standing in front of him, covetous of him.

"Are you with Xia Jue?"

The God son of Yin Yang religion, whose eyes are like electricity, exudes the breath of heart and soul, and looks at Wednesday.

Under the pressure of such a strong heart, even the body began to tremble on Wednesday.

The breath of these two characters is so strong that he can't help shivering!

On Wednesday, when he trembled and wanted to speak, a force suddenly poured into his body and made him feel better.

On Wednesday, he turned to Xia Jue and looked at him with a smile.

It was clear on Wednesday that Xia Jue had helped him just now. I couldn't help feeling grateful.

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