
The friars all around seemed to be crazy. Someone directly killed his companions, just to prevent him from influencing himself to snatch the treasure.

At this time, the greed of human nature was exposed. On Wednesday, I was stunned. I stood still, as if I was afraid of being secretly targeted.

Cold no trace directly from the sky, chose a direction, quickly rushed past.

But Leng Wuhen's side, there were no friars fighting with him. Even if they accidentally met, they also avoided one after another.

No way, cold traceless identity, it is too amazing, few people, can be compared with him.

In addition to his outstanding strength, most people are not his opponents.

But no one is so stupid that he dares to compete with Leng Wuchen for a different treasure! That's no different from looking for death.

Chutian looked at this scene with some venom on his face, and then said with a faint look.

"Xia Jue, how about the fight between us? Otherwise, the chance of Yibao will really flow through like this. You don't want to see this scene, do you? After all, whoever comes here is looking for opportunities! "

There is nothing wrong with Chutian's words. No one can resist the temptation of Yibao, otherwise those people just now would not be like this.

Xia Jue just thought about it and agreed with Chu Tian's statement. Anyway, his experiment is almost complete. His own power is roughly equal to Chu Tian's.

No one can do anything for a while. It's better to let go of the grudge and snatch the treasure.

What's more, even if you win or lose, you will certainly be hurt a lot. There is still a cold traceless problem. If you are targeted by cold traceless at that time, it will be quite troublesome.

And between Leng Wuchen and Xia Jue, there must be a war, which need not be questioned.

Therefore, Xia Jue decided to give up and fight for the exotic treasure first.

Chu Tian saw that Xia Jue agreed, and a trace of brilliance appeared on his face, then he continued.

"Xia Jue, I can say in advance that there will be a war between us after the end of the joint snatch of the exotic treasure! I admit, you are very strong, not inferior to me

With that, Chutian rushed to a place without looking back and entered the position of competing for the strange treasure.

Xia Jue just Leng Leng, then also chose the direction of a few people, chasing down.

As for Wednesday, he didn't move in the same place. There were so many people chasing him. He didn't want to join. It was too dangerous.

It's just for the sake of seizing these strange treasures, just like the monk.

Xia Jue shows his wind Jue. In the twinkling of an eye, he catches up with a few people and leaves them behind. But the strange treasure still flies forward with the light beam.

"Look, it's Xia Jue."

Said the man in a trembling voice.

"Hiss! His speed, how so fast! It's worthy of being the proud one who can fight against Chu Tian! "

Another monk hesitated, thinking whether to keep up.

Xia Jue's move is tantamount to announcing that they have no hope.

But in the face of Yibao, they don't want to give up. After all, there are not many opportunities. There are only a few Yibao, but there are many monks here.

Otherwise, no one would have been cruel and directly attacked.

Just when they hesitated, Xia Jue had caught up with the general one, grasped it in his hand, and was looking at it.

It's a dagger. It's shining all over the body, showing a breath of soul.

However, Xia Jue has a kind of self-consciousness. This dagger really looks like a treasure, but it is far from his Tai Long Sword. At most, it is better than the magic mirror.

But on the whole, it was ok, so Xia Jue put it away directly.

"Well, he actually got it. Let's go. It's not his match at all."

"Go back and see if there is any secret treasure in the lake."

"Yes, there may be something missing in the lake."

Seeing that Xia Jue had succeeded, they couldn't help looking disappointed.

Then decisively turned back.

On the other hand, Chutian directly and strongly killed several friars and grabbed Yibao in his hand.

What he got was a long gun, which was full of red light. At first sight, it was a fierce weapon. It must have been stained with the blood of many people.

Cold no trace there, emitting bursts of cold breath, will be a few monks frozen into ice sculpture, and then in the cold no trace of a blow, inch by inch broken, into pieces on the ground.

All of them are not Yilin. This man is colder than Chutian. He didn't even leave the whole body.

What Leng Wuhen got was a long sword, and his whole body was cold, which was consistent with his practice.

After a fierce struggle, all the other treasures belong to their own families.However, those people, after they got Yibao, suffered minor or severe injuries, and then quickly fled here.

There are also people chasing down, trying to seize the opportunity.

But most of them went back to the lake to see if there were any other treasures.


Sure enough, a sound broke out again in the lake, and another strange treasure flew out. All of a sudden, people were in chaos, and they fought for it one after another.


There is a secret treasure, which rushes to where on Wednesday, and then he grabs it.

People can't help but be speechless. Isn't that lucky? There's no one!

A few of them came here on Wednesday with a bad look. A big man said to him.

"Boy, your strength is low. Even if you get the treasure, you can't master it. In the end, it's inevitable that you will be robbed by someone who has a heart. Why don't you give it to me to keep it for you?"

On Wednesday, his face turned white with a brush. He said it well, but on Wednesday, it was very clear that the so-called "leave it to him for safekeeping" was just to seize the opportunity.

In any case, he is all powerful. In the eyes of these people, he is not worth mentioning at all.

On Wednesday, I can't help feeling a little resentful, so I'll just hand it over. He's reluctant, but these people are not good at it. If they say they don't want to, it's conceivable that they will be beaten by them.

However, on Wednesday, I was really unwilling to hand over the Yibao.

After weighing for a while, he said on Wednesday.

"If you have the ability, you go and rob other people. I've got it. It's mine. Why do you rob it?"

A few people's face, suddenly a cold, a fierce light appeared in the eyes, the head of which big man directly dissatisfied said.

"So you don't want to? Don't think Xia Jue will support you! "

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