"I want the treasure in your hand. It's for your face. Don't be unkind, or I can't guarantee what will happen to you when I move my hand later."

The words of this great man are full of threat.

He just saw Xia Jue leave here and go after another secret treasure, so he was not here.

In this way, he has the courage to come here and try to win on Wednesday.

As long as he gets it, he will take his men and leave here quickly.

Xu Tian's secret place is so big, even if Xia Jue has the ability, he can't find himself so soon.

Otherwise, he would not dare to do so.

Hearing this man's cruel words, he hesitated in his heart on Wednesday, but he could not release his hand and held Yibao tightly in his hand.

Although he was resentful on Wednesday, he could not help beating drums in his heart because of the coercion of these people. His hands began to tremble, Zhan said.

"You can't do this, or brother Xia will come back later, and you'll have a good look."

On the face of the big man, there was a trace of anger.

"Boy, don't be ignorant. I don't want to attack you. Don't force me!"

On Wednesday, he was startled by the words of the great man, and his face showed a bitter color.

He knew very well that if he didn't give it to him, the big man in front of him would probably kill him directly. When Xia Jue came back, it was too late. Even if he had a strange treasure in his body, he would not steal it at last?

What's the use of keeping this treasure?

Yibao may have a chance to get it again, but only once in life!

"Boy, I advise you to be wise and don't ask for trouble!"

"Yes, or you'll have to suffer a lot later. Don't blame us for not reminding you."

"Now feel the pain quickly, otherwise, your life is worrying!"

A few younger brothers behind the big man can't help saying to Wednesday.

On Wednesday, he complained bitterly in his heart. After some ideological struggle, he still stretched out his treasure to a big man.

At present, it is still important to ensure life. As for Yibao, he has no extravagant hopes.

"Don't dawdle, hurry up!"

The big man drank discontentedly, already stretched out his hand to the secret treasure in his hand and grabbed it.

At the moment, he was very proud in his heart. This guy, even so counseled, really let him succeed. Don't mention how happy he was.

"I advise you to stop!"

At this time, a voice suddenly rang out, into the ears of several people.

Which big man was stunned directly, kept the hand movement, did not dare to move, because this sound, he incomparably knew.

On Wednesday, I couldn't help but see the light in front of my eyes. I was full of excitement. I quickly took back the hand holding Yibao, and then I ran to Xiajue without stopping.

In fact, Xia Jue noticed here after he got another treasure. Then he came back quickly. When he saw the big man, he wanted to grab the treasure on Wednesday, which made him angry.

Although this kind of thing is common in the cultivation world, Xia Jue doesn't want to see it, especially the people who are related to him.

A few days later, Xia Jue had a good sense of Wednesday, just a little too weak, which made people look very counselled.

But in other aspects, Wednesday is still very good, Xia Jue has regarded him as a companion.

Now seeing this big man, he could not help but be angry that he wanted to fight Wednesday.

So I looked at the man coldly.

On Wednesday, he said to Xia Jue with gratitude: "thank you, brother Xia."

Xia Jue waved his hand and said, "it's just a little thing. It should be. Don't care."

On Wednesday, I nodded and didn't say much.

Which big man, at this time, reacted. He could not help but feel embarrassed and shocked, and even scared.

This Xia Jue, however, is a person who can share equally with the Chutian of Yin Yang sect!

He is just a friar at the peak of the middle period of foundation building. How dare he fight with Xia Jue?

Just now, I just wanted to take advantage of the fact that Xia Jue was no longer in charge of everything and take advantage of me on Wednesday.

Now Xia Jue has come back, he is afraid to do so, and he regrets his behavior just now.

Why are you so stupid? Don't you think it's good to rob and run? Now good, didn't grab the treasure don't say, also by Xia Jue to stare at, at the moment he even cry mood have.

His several younger brothers, also directly froze there, Xia Jue brought them all pressure, it is too big.

"Ha ha, why don't you talk?"

Xia Jue sneered and continued to say to which big man.

Which big man can't help shaking in his heart. He quickly takes back the gesture of stretching his hand. Then he shows a smile to Xia Jue, which is uglier than crying."Brother Xia, this is a misunderstanding. Please don't worry about it!"

Several of his subordinates nodded and said.

"Yes, it's all misunderstandings, misunderstandings."

"We just want to play a joke with one of our brothers."

"That's it. I didn't expect you to be misunderstood."

Xia Jue picked his eyebrows and said, "misunderstanding? Ha ha, you really dare to say that. If it wasn't for what I saw with my own eyes, I'm afraid I would have believed it. "

Those people suddenly face a stiff, have dumb, do not know how to say.

Xia Jue walked forward slowly and said, "since you think it's a misunderstanding, you should hand over all the things on your body. It's a misunderstanding."

When they heard Xia Jue's words, they turned pale and looked at each other. They didn't know whether they should listen or not.

With a smile on his face, the man replied: "brother Xia, do you think this can be exposed like this? Think of it as a friend? "

Xia Jue's momentum suddenly broke out, which made these people dare not speak.

"Who gave you courage? Bargain with me. Now you have two choices. One is to leave everything on you and go away immediately. The other is to kill you and take it by myself

Xia Jue's voice was extremely cold, which scared them. They were as cold as chaff and sweat.

"I We choose the first one. "

Which big man faltered and said, and then quickly put his storage bag on the ground. Several other people saw this and followed suit one after another.

"All It's all here. Can we go now? "

The man asked tentatively in a trembling voice.

After seeing Xia Jue nodding, several people ran away. They did not dare to stay here for fear that Xia Jue would go back and kill them.

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