"Brothers, your company is here." Xia Jue raised his mouth slightly.

The gangsters knew what Xia Jue meant and immediately surrounded the dark man.

"You garbage deserve to fight with me? Get out of here

The dark man saw that Xia Jue wanted to let these younger brothers grind him again, and he was immediately angry.

The dark man doesn't want to fight with the gangsters, but they won't let him go.

A look at the gangster on him, the dark man can only fight.

Strange to say.

The dark man thought that this group of thugs seemed more difficult to deal with than yesterday.

Yesterday, three or four of the twenty gangsters could dodge his punches, but today there are seven or eight.

"Bang bang."

Ten minutes later.

The dark man put down the thugs again.

But after putting these thugs down, he also sat on the ground and gasped.

"Good. Come back tomorrow." Xia Jue is quite satisfied with the gangsters, because their strength is growing every day.

"I'll come to your mother!"

The dark man was angry. The ugly man was playing with him as a monkey. He didn't care so much. He waved his fist to Xia Jue.

He wants to punch the Xia Jue to relieve his anger.

At this time, however, Lin Shidong moved.

He quickly stepped in front of Xia Jue's body and gently grasped the fist of the dark man with one hand.

All the people watching the scene were dull.

You know, this swarthy man is a black boxer.

What's the power of his blow?

No one dares to imagine.

And now, the man in Tang costume actually grabs his fist with one hand.

How much power does it take to do it?

The crowd was so surprised, not to mention the dark man.

He was sure that if he hit the body of an ordinary person, he would definitely break a few ribs, but he was caught by the thin guy in front of him.

The dark man stabilized his mind. He wanted to take back his fist and give it to the other side to see if they could catch it.

But at this time, the other party's claw is like a firm forceps, which put his hand in it, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

"Asshole, let me go." The dark man can only swear.

Lin Shiyi ignored him, kicked him in the stomach and released his hand.

The dark man covered his stomach and fell to the ground in pain.

Xiajue came up to him and shook his head.

"Even the security team leader of our company can't fight. How can you challenge me?"

The crowd was a little shocked at this.

The man in Tang Dynasty clothes cleaned up the dark man with one move. He was just a security captain?

Then the security team leaders of their company are so powerful. How can this ugly monster be so powerful?

People can't believe it.

On the ground, the miserable dark man was ashamed to hear that the other party was just a security captain.

"Take him aside and don't delay our training." Xia Jue said to the hoodlums who had been relieved.

Then several gangsters carried the dark man to one side.

At noon, Xia Jue announced the end of today's training.

Because he's starving.

"Mr. Xia, we have a restaurant on the fourth floor of the shopping mall in front of us. Would you like to try it?" Open your mouth and let your ancestors be.

"All right, then go." Xia Jue nodded and agreed.

Then they came to any restaurant on the fourth floor of the mall.

"Ren Shao, why are you here?" When the manager of the restaurant saw Ren Zu coming, he quickly welcomed him out.

"Arrange some private rooms for me as soon as possible."

"No, here it is." Xia Jue pointed to the card seat on one side.

From here you can see the traffic flow below. It's also suitable for relaxing. It's much better than being in a stuffy box.

"OK, that's it. Kill a yellow lipped fish and serve some special dishes." Renzu knew that Xiajue liked to eat yellow lipped fish, so he told the manager to get one.

"Yes, yes." The manager hurried into the kitchen.

Xia Jue and Lin Shiyi and Ren Zu were at the same table. The rest of the gangsters sat down at several tables respectively, and then they sat down and waited for the dishes to be served.

At this time, Xia Jue's earlobe moved.

"Be careful."

He took a picture of the head of Xi'an Lin to one side.

There was a bang.

Xia Jue and others as the left side of the glass broken, glass slag splashed several people everywhere.

It just happened in a flash.It's two seconds later when people react.

"What's the matter?"

Ah, dog and Ren Zu stand up.

The other thugs heard about the situation of this force and gathered around to see what happened.

Xia Jue opened his palm and a 9.0 mm bullet fell down.

"This is... Sniper bullets!"

"There's a killer!" Ren Zu called.

Ren Zu's cry made the whole restaurant in a mess.

Gangsters immediately find a good shelter, do not let the body exposed.

"Bang bang."

Because the glass has broken.

Several people could hear the gunfire coming from the opposite side.

Xia Jue grasped the bullet firmly like a fly.

On the opposite roof, a fierce looking sniper almost lost his chin when he saw this scene.

You know, it's a big caliber sniper bullet. If you go down with one shot, you have to penetrate the steel plate.

And now I'm caught in the hands of this ugly freak like a water drop. Is it still human?

What kind of mission did he take?

The sniper was so scared that he didn't need a gun. He just ran away.

After waiting to run far, the sniper dials a number and says in a hurry: "mission cancelled, mission cancelled."

"To cancel the task, you need to deduct three times the Commission and lower the star level. Would you like to cancel it?" A hint came from the other side.

"Cancel it for me, this guy is not human at all, and no one can deal with it!" The sniper seems to be scared out of his wits and can't care so much.


after hiding for a long time, the people in this restaurant found that there was no movement, so they stood up carefully.

"Who the hell sent the sniper? If I know, I have to strip his skin." Ah, the dog just yelled.

"Mr. Xia, thanks to you this time, otherwise..." Lin Shiyi is still afraid for a while.

If it wasn't for Xia Jue, he would have gone to Yama to report.

However, Lin Xi's fear of Xia Jue was deepened.

It's a sniper gun bullet, and it's also the most powerful one. Xia Jue slapped it in the face...

after hearing Lin Shiyi's thanks, dog and Ren Zu thought of it.

Then the two faces showed the expression of the devil.

Before, Xia Jue caught these bullets directly.

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