Ah, the dog is better.

Because he had heard that Xia Jue could catch the bullet empty handed when he was under snake brother's hand, but he had never seen it.

But Ren zuke is just stupid.

This is beyond his knowledge of the science of the world.

"Can you really catch the bullet..." Ren Zu muttered to himself.

"It should be the Wang family." Lin eleven gave his guess.

"Wang family? That's good. Let's go and detain Wang Heng's brother and sister first, so that he won't do these little tricks to us again. "

Xia Jue is not afraid of these rubbish.

But no one around him has such ability.

If you're crazy, you can't tell Wang family what to do.

"What are you doing? Let's go."

Ah, the dog left with his little brother's anger.


Zhonghai first people's hospital.

Wang Heng saw that his order failed again, and he was so angry that he smashed the bed board.

"This bastard is a cockroach that can't be killed."

"Don't be angry, elder brother. I'll let nachou Baqi be free for a while. If he offends our Wang family, he'll feel better." Su Junhao has made his own home.

"Is it?" Xia Jue came in with ah Gou and others.

"Xia Jue!" Seeing that Xia Jue came, Su Junhao stood up in a panic.

"What do you want?" Lying on the bed, Wang Heng asked coldly.

"Oh, my legs are all connected. No wonder I can hop so much. Come on, help Wang Shao and let him skip for a while."

"I see, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog walked towards Wang Heng's bed with a grim smile.

Wang Heng began to panic when he saw this scene.

"What do you want? Don't mess around."

Before Wang Heng finished his words, his legs were broken by ah dog.

"You bastards, I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you." Wang Heng roared madly.

"Xia Jue, don't do so absolutely. It's not good for everyone." Su Junhao braved the threat.

Xia Jue did not look at him: "give me a comfortable place for Wang Shaoan."

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

Ah, the dog let two younger brothers take Wang Heng away.

"Xia Jue, where are you going to take Wang Shao?"

Su Junhao chased after Wang Lin for two steps without success.

Kyoto Wangs.

After hearing the call from Wang Lin, the Wang family owner smashed the phone to pieces.

The housekeeper standing on one side was secretly frightened.

What's the difference between the two natural disasters.

"Call out the shadow guards for me and let them go to Zhonghai."

The housekeeper's mouth was opened by Wang's words.

The shadow guard is a guard used by the Wang family to guard against invasion.

Each of them is an elite who can fight against one hundred.

Even the previous 141563 may not be able to deal with one of them.

And now the main family will be one of their teams to the Zhonghai?

What kind of existence did Wang Heng and Wang Lin provoke?

The housekeeper couldn't imagine.

"Yes, master."

Although the housekeeper was extremely curious, the housekeeper was in a period of rage, and he did not dare to ask more.


after Wang Heng was closed, Xia Jue returned to the company.

When Xia Jue arrived at the company, Wu Shan didn't know when he was coming.

He is holding another meeting with Su Changming, Su Yihan and the company's management in the conference room.

"Mr. Xia."

Seeing Xia Jue coming in, Wu Shan stood up immediately.

"It's OK. You have a meeting. I'll listen to you." Xia Jue motioned to everyone not to panic.

"Mr. Su, now the Bank of China shipping has cut off our loans, and our capital chain has started to break." Wu Yiyi said.

"Tianhai group still has a lot of cash flow on its account. If Su's real estate needs it, it can remit it right away." Wu Shan said.

"This is secondary. The key point is that there are no staff in the following work now. If the work is delayed all the time, it will seriously affect the progress of the project, and it will cost nothing every day." Su Yihan looks worried.

"Mr. Su doesn't have to worry about this. I've transferred a group of people from other places. It's estimated that they will arrive in Zhonghai city in half a day. As soon as they arrive, they can start work immediately." Mr. Wu said.

"One more thing..." Wu Yiyi was in a dilemma.

"Say it!"

"Now the whole China shipping is filled with bad information about Su's real estate, which makes many employees panic. So many employees have applied for resignation like the personnel department." Wu Yiyi summoned up the courage to speak.That's a problem.

If you want to say that there is no contractor for the following construction workers, you can start early from other places.

However, once so many white-collar talents leave the company on a large scale, it is difficult to find suitable candidates all at once.

This will cause the company to be out of line and unable to operate, which is more serious than those workers who do not have contractors below.

Su Yihan, Su Changming and Wu Shan all have some difficulties in this matter, and there is no good solution.

"If you want to quit, let them quit. It's a disaster for those who don't believe in the company to stay here." Xia Jue spoke softly.

"It's Mr. Xia. I'll ask the personnel department to approve all the people who want to leave in a moment." Wu Yiyi replied.

More than half an hour passed.

After discussing some general issues, they walked out of the meeting room.

After walking out of the meeting room, many of the employees who were working with their heads down seemed to feel guilty and didn't dare to look at Su Yihan.

"I know that many of you have heard rumors outside and want to leave. Now I can tell you that all of you who want to leave have been approved." Xia Jue said loudly to the staff on the field.

Hear Xia Jue's words, a lot of employees hang their heads lower.

"As for those who are willing to stay, the company will not treat you badly. The year-end bonus will be doubled. If you want to buy a house in China shipping, the company will give you a discount on the cost price."

As soon as Xia Jue said this, all the employees raised their heads in shock.

Xia Jue's reward is too attractive.

Not to mention doubling the year-end bonus.

Let's say cost price.

Why do they work so hard in China shipping?

Most people are in order to save enough money to pay the down payment of a house in Zhonghai and have their own home in Zhonghai.

At present, Xia Jue directly said that he could give the house to them at the cost price. They are in this business. Of course, they know how much money can be saved if they can buy a flat at the cost price of the real estate company.

Not to mention that half of the original can be saved, at least one-third is available.

This at least saves them years of nine to five fighting.

So a lot of people who didn't ask to leave started to get excited, as if they were in the blood of a chicken.

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