As for those who have asked to leave, they regret it.

It is precisely because they asked to leave that Xia Jue offered such favorable conditions to retain the remaining employees.

This is a wedding dress for others.

These people who leave now want to beat their chests.

"General manager Wu, it depends on the situation." At this time, general secretary Wu came to him.

"He said

"When the bus that we got from other cities was stopped by a group of people when they entered the toll station of Zhonghai, they said they had fished out of the boundary, and then beat people when they saw them. Many foremen were injured." Said the secretary.

"Is there such a thing? Have we let the security department go? "

"It's past, but many foremen are from different places, and they have been stopped at each toll station. We can't stop too much."

"OK, leave it to me. Let me know the dogs and let them all go." Xia Jue said.

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

Xia Jue with a crowd came to one of the toll stations.

I saw a group of people with sticks standing beside these contractors and workers like a group of robbers.

The contractors and workers squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

"It's none of our business. The boss of Tianhai group asked us to come in and work. We didn't know that we robbed your jobs." A contractor kept begging for mercy.

"Well, we don't allow anyone to interfere in our cheese in Zhonghai. You've fished out the boundary." A man with an iron bar kicked the contractor again.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ah, the dog is angry at the situation.

"It's none of your business. Don't mind your own business. Get out of here." The other side was not polite.

"Oh, brothers, get rid of them for me." Ah, the dog called a bunch of thugs and rushed up.

These gangsters have been trained by Xia Jue for two days, and their skills have improved a lot. How can the other side beat them? They are soon cleaned up by the gangsters.

"Who is the contractor here?" After the matter was settled, Xia Jue asked the crowd.

"I am, I am." A fat man stood up.

"It's OK. Go to Zhonghai and do your work."

"Ouch, we have encountered this kind of situation before we entered daozhonghai. How dare we go in? I'll call Mr. Wu and say that we are not willing to do it, and we are not willing to do it for any money." The contractor then took out the phone.

Seeing this, Xia Jue frowned.

"Ask them who sent them."

It's obvious that someone is targeting Su's real estate. Xia Jue wants to find out these Ren, otherwise Su's real estate won't have to start.

"Come on, who sent you here?" Ah, a dog's foot on a man's hand.

"Stop fighting. It's Mr. Chen who asked us to come."

"Mr. Chen? Which President Chen

"General manager Chen of Longteng group."

Chen Guan?

I didn't expect that before I got into trouble with this Wuzai, he tripped me first.


in Sujiazhuang garden.

Liu Yiming, Chen Guan, Xiao Yu and others are here.

"I've had people close all the intersections. Those contractors should not dare to come in." Chen Guan said.

"I've let people spread the bad news about Su's real estate, and the effect has come out. It's said that now the employees of Su's group have started to leave on a large scale." Liu Yiming said.

At this time, Su Junhao rushed in.

"Dad, it's not good. Wang Heng was captured by the ugly eight." Su Junhao said in a hurry.


When they heard the news, they stood up.

"When did it happen?" Su Changqing asked in a hurry.

"Not long ago, more than an hour ago."

"What did the Wangs say?"

"Wang Lin has informed the master of the Wang family. It is said that someone has been sent by helicopter and will arrive soon."

"Well, the Wangs are going to be serious this time. We have to match the Wangs. Now we are going to try our best to crack down on Su's real estate and Tianhai group, so that the Wangs can see our attitude." Su Jianwei spoke.



when Xia Jue and others want to leave after solving the problem of toll station.

There's a big helicopter in the sky.

"This is...

ah, the dog and others are baffled.

Before long, a rope was put down in the helicopter, and then several people on it slipped down the rope.

"Shadow guard!"

Lin Xi beside Xia Jue spat out these words.

"I didn't expect that the Wangs sent them all here. Mr. Xia, you want a little..."Lin Shiyi just wanted to remind Xia Jue that these guys are very powerful, but he thought that this is the God of war. Even if these guys are powerful, how can they be Xia Jue's opponents.

However, Lin Xi'an was surprised that there must be 12 people in Yingwei every time they went out. Why did six people come today.

"Lin Xi'an, you should know the rules of the Wang family. You should know what it's like to betray the Wang family."

"Yingqi, don't scare me with the Wangs. I'm not afraid of the Wangs now." Lin eleven said with disdain.

"You are Xia Jue, aren't you? Hand over the prince and then break your own hands and feet. I can consider letting the family spare you a way to live and let you be a watchdog at the door of the king's house." Shadow seven said.

"There's so much nonsense, single fight or group fight?" Xia Jue looked at them with the same eyes as the dead.

"Hahaha, it's so rampant. No wonder you dare to move Wang Shao. I really don't know how to write dead words. Let's go together and solve him quickly."

After that, six people rushed up.

These six people's body method is very fast, so far Xia Jue has seen the fastest person in Zhonghai.

"Bang bang."

Xia Jue had a few moves with these people.

These people also have some strength. I don't know where they are better than Lin Xi.

According to Xia Jue's estimation, these people have the ability to protect themselves even if they go to the international battlefield, unlike Lin Xi, who goes to deliver vegetables.

"I haven't been active for a long time. It happens that you are here today. I'll have a good time with you." Xia Jue raised his mouth slightly.

Shadow seven and others hear Xia Jue's words and suddenly get angry.

Who do you think they are?

Now Xia Jue treats them as playthings?

They rushed to Xiajue again.


A shadow guard's whip leg hit Xia Jue's shoulder.

"It's too weak." Xia Jue looked at the shadow guard and shook his head.

"You're going to die for me." In the face of Xia Jue's ridicule, the shadow guard swung his fist to Xia Jue's head.

Xia Jue grabbed his fist.

"I thought you had some strength, but I didn't expect that you were just a group of goods with strong outside and strong inside."

After that, Xia Jue pinches hard, and the shadow guard's hand bone breaks instantly. Then Xia Jue kicks the shadow guard out.

See this scene, Lin eleven brain melon seeds buzzing.

This is the shadow guard of the royal family.

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