He thought that these shadow guards could not beat Xia Jue, but it should be no problem to hold on for a while and a half.

But I didn't expect to be abandoned by Xia Jue so easily.

This made him even more glad that he joined Xia Jue.

The remaining five shadow guards saw that Xia Jue abandoned one of their partners so easily, and they all stopped their actions subconsciously and stepped back two steps.

Five people looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

"Who on earth are you?" Shadow seven now finally looks at Xia Jue.

According to the truth, they can't have never heard of such a powerful character.

But in front of him, the ugly eight monsters had no impression.

"You don't need to know who I am, because I won't explain too much to a few losers." After Xia Jue finished, he moved again.

"Damn it."

The remaining five shadows scolded in secret and then went up to Xia Jue.

"Bang bang."

A few minutes later, all five shadow guards were abolished.

Looking at the five shadow guards falling on the ground.

Lin Xi's chest is one after another.

The shadow guards are extremely valuable talents for the Wang family. Every time one of them is discarded, there will be one less. The Wang family should be heartbroken.

But they deserve it.

Who let them offend this famous God of war.

"Ding Ling Ling."

Xia Jue's phone rings again.

"You are Xia Jue, right? We are in your company. Remember to bring Wang Shao here, or your wife and your father-in-law..."

after the end of the phone, the voice hangs up.

Xia Jue's face was very gloomy.

I dare to threaten Su Yihan.

It seems that the Wang family thought they had lived too long and wanted to speed up their death.

"What's the matter, Mr. Xia?" Lin 11 sees that Xia Jue's face is not right and asks cautiously.

"There's something wrong with the company. Ah dog, bring Wang Heng here first."

"I wonder why there are only six shadow guards here, and the other six actually went to the company." Lin Xi suddenly realized.

In the lobby of Su's real estate.

A few of the dogs' men and some of the security personnel were put down on the ground.

In the lobby, Su Yihan and Su Changming sit on a chair, and beside them are six shadow guards with a lot of evil spirit.


A few cars stopped at the gate of Su's estate.

Xia Jue and a group of people came down from the car.

"Mr. Xia, these guys are the remaining six shadow guards of the Wang family." Beside Xia Jue, Lin Shiyi said.

Xia Jue nodded.

"You are Xia Jue?"

Xia Jue's appearance is easy to recognize, so as soon as he enters the lobby, the other party recognizes it.

"What about Wang Shao?" A shadow guard asked.

Xia Jue waved behind him. Ah, the dog dragged Wang Heng up.

"Wang Shao, are you ok?" A shadow guard asked with concern.

"Kill them quickly."

When Wang Heng saw Yingwei coming, he became arrogant.

"Well, we'll take you home first, and let you go!"

"You haven't let it go yet." Xia Jue sneered.

"OK, let's go each other."

Xia Jue nodded and agreed.

Then Yingwei motioned Su Yihan and Su Changming to go.

And Xia Jue also indicated that Wang Heng could climb over.

Soon, Su Yihan and Su Changming returned to Xia Jue.

"Are you all right?" Xia Jue asked anxiously.

"Su Yihan shook his head."

"My father-in-law and miss Sulin will take me home first." Xia Jue said.

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

"Step, step, step."

There's a helicopter coming over Su's estate.

"Send Wang Shao to the helicopter first." A shadow guard said.

Then Wang Heng was carried out of the door.

Xia Jue has no time to talk to him.

Because the Wangs will be removed soon.

It doesn't hurt to let the garbage live a little longer.

After a while, the shadow guard who sent Wang Heng out came back.

"Shadow five, shadow seven, what about them?" One of them asked the back shadow guard.

"Abandoned by him." Ying Wuyi looks at Xia Jue bitterly.


The other five looked startled.

How is that possible?

No one knows the strength of their shadow guards better than them.

There are six shadow guards sent to deal with Xia Jue.

It is no exaggeration to say that the six film guards can go back and forth in the international battlefield.

And now it's solved by Xia Jue?It was unacceptable to them for a while.

"Now that you've come, don't try to go back." Xia Jue's mouth raised gently.

"With a dark needle."

One of the shadow guards spits out these three words, then takes out something similar to a fist button from his pocket and buckles it on his hand, then aims at Xia Jue.

The other five shadow guards are all buttoned up and aimed at Xia Jue.

"Let it go."

One of the shadow guards called out the word, and then all the shadow guards clenched their fists.

I saw the fist button on countless fine needles shot out.

Xia Jue did not panic.

He seemed to take a few steps lightly.

Then he dodged the needles.

"Is it fun?"

Xia Jue looked at these people cruelly.


Ying Wei knows that this seemingly ordinary ugly eight monster is actually an extremely dangerous person. He doesn't care so much. He just wants to kill Xia Jue as soon as possible.


A shadow guard flew out before he could sit down and react.

The other five shadow guards were shocked.


Before they could recover, another shadow guard was shot away.

The remaining four shadow guards didn't have the courage to fight with Xia Jue again when they saw this scene, and ran to the door like running for their lives.

But they are facing Xia Jue.

None of the people Xia Jue wanted to abolish could run away.

"Bang bang."

The remaining four shadow guards were all abolished.

So far.

All the shadow guards sent by the Wang family were destroyed.

"Clean up all this rubbish and make sure it's back to its original state before you go to work tomorrow."

"Yes, Mr. Xia." The gangsters watched Xia Jue leave with adoration


at night.

Inside the villa.

Su Yihan and Su Changming are a little upset, obviously because of today's events.

"Don't worry, things will get better." Xia Jue comforted them.

"Xia Jue, why don't we shut down the company?"

This is also the decision made by Su Yihan after careful consideration.

After offending the Wangs, their company is now in a very difficult situation.

The bank does not lend money, but is also squeezed by peers. Even the employees of the company have begun to have different ideas.

And there's nothing she can do to change that.

"Yes, Xia Jue, or we'll shut down the company first." Su Changming also said.

"Dad, Yihan, don't worry. Everything will be fine after tonight." Xia Jue continued to comfort.

Seeing that Xia Jue was so confident, Su Yihan thought about what he said and swallowed it.

Late at night.

Villa roof.

Xia Jue seemed to enjoy the night scenery again.

At this moment.

A black shadow appeared behind Xia Jue.


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