"Wang family, get rid of the name."

"Yes, Lord."

The next day, a news shocked the upper class of Kyoto.

It was an important figure of the Wang family who died unexpectedly overnight.

And the Wang family was also suspected of a number of charges, and finally a big family collapsed.

But of course, people didn't believe that the Wang family collapsed unexpectedly.

everyone guessed that the Wang family had offended some of the top figures, which led to this end.


The news spread to Zhonghai.

Su family manor.

When Su Jianwei heard the news, he knew that his hands were shaking.

On the other hand, Su Changqing and his son were also upset.

"How can this be possible? The Wang family is deeply rooted in Kyoto. It's impossible to say so." Until now, Su Junhao can't believe it.

Just then, Secretary Fang came in.

"Did you hear anything?" Su Changqing asked in a hurry.

"I've used my contacts in Kyoto to inquire about it. It's widely spread in Kyoto circles that the Wang family offended a big man, which led to this misfortune. As for who they offended, there are different opinions.

Some people say it was the Zhao family, the arch rival of the Wang family, who also said it was the Qian family, a super big family in Kyoto, because Wang Heng had robbed the woman who was the little head of the Qian family before. " Secretary Fang said.

"It's impossible. If the families in Kyoto had attacked the Wang family, it would have been impossible to do it at this juncture." Su Changqing expressed his opinion.

"Dad, you mean the ugly one did it?" Su Junhao looks at Su Changqing.

It's reasonable to say that this ugly man did it.

Because Wang Heng happened to have a conflict with him here.

But how could that ugly monster have the strength to destroy the Wang family?

It's impossible to drive this ugly monster out of the royal family.

This is exactly what Su Junhao can't figure out.

Su Changqing shook his head.

Obviously, he was not sure whether it was Xia Jue.

"Chen asked Chen official Liu Yiming and Xiao Yu to come here so long. Why haven't they come yet?" Su Changqing said to Secretary Fang.

"I'm going to call and ask if they're here." After Secretary Fang finished, he went out.

The Wangs are down.

Well, they can't suppress the arrogance of Tianhai group and Su's real estate, so they have to work out a countermeasure.

"Mr. Su, they don't know what's going on. They won't answer our phone now." Secretary Fang ran back in a hurry.

"Damn it."

Su Changqing smashed the table.

The tree fell, the monkeys scattered, and the Wang family fell. It seems that these guys are going to find their own way out.

What about the Su family?

"Father." Su Changqing has no choice but to see if Su Jianwei has any.

Su Jianwei seems to be ten years old in an instant.

Two days ago, he was still in high spirits and claimed to be the leader among the powerful people in Zhonghai city. But he was driven underground in a flash. It's really hard for him.

"Grandfather, without the protection of the Wang family, Su's real estate and Tianhai group will not let us go." Su Junhao is also in a hurry.

"Call Su Changming and say I want to talk to them." Su Jianwei said powerlessly.

Hearing this, Su Changqing and Su Junhao face a burst of green and red.

I didn't expect that now they asked to go to Su Changming.


as soon as Su Yihan woke up, he received a call from Wu Yiyi, vice president of the company.

"What, I'm going to the company."

Don't worry. After the call, Su Yihan is still a little out of breath.

It's just that these messages are so powerful.

"You did it again." Su Yihan gives Xia Jue a white look.

"What did I do?" Xia Jue pretends to be innocent.

"It's said that the Wang family fell down overnight. You are really good at it!" Su Yihan said jokingly.

"The Wang family has collapsed. How can it be? It's a super family in Kyoto." Xia Jue's eyes widened.

Su Yihan looks at him like an idiot.

I almost didn't say "continue to play".

"There are people out there, and there are days out there. Maybe the Wangs have offended too many people. Although the Wangs are from Kyoto, there are many powerful families in the world."

"Maybe, but I have to go to the company now." Su Yihan then stood up.

"What happened to the company?" Xia Jue seemed to ask unintentionally.

"Liu Yiming, Chen Guan, Xiao Yu and others are here. They are waiting to see us in the company first."

"Before, these Wuzai wanted to give them some opportunities to show themselves. I didn't expect that they would be so rebellious. This time, they don't have to be given the opportunity. Those who know how to hand over the group and get out of Zhonghai. If they don't know how to do it, let's deal with them slowly." Xia Jue snorted coldly.Su Yihan nodded and agreed with Xia Jue.

These guys are so shameless. They always turn around. It's time to show them some colors.

When Su Yihan and Xia Jue come to the living room, Su Changming seems to be going out in a hurry.

"Dad, are you going to the company?" Su Yihan asked.

"No, your grandfather came to me and said he wanted to talk to me and let me go to the manor." Su Changming said.

"Dad, you've been driven out of the family by him. What are you doing in the past?" Xia Jue knows that it must be the collapse of the Wang family. The Su family is afraid and wants to ask Su Changming to make peace.

"But I listen to Dad's meaning is to make peace with us. I think if this matter is solved with harmony, it will be good for both sides. You can go there together."

"Dad, that's because the Wangs have fallen. Now they come to make peace." Su Yihan said.

"What, the Wangs are down?"

Hearing the news, Su Changming opened his mouth in an O shape.

"This... How is this possible..." Su Changming still couldn't believe it.

But he thought about it.

No wonder early in the morning, Su Jianwei called to chat with him about his family and the good impression between his father and son. He thought it was su Jianwei's conscience, and finally remembered that Su Changming was his son whose blood was thicker than water.

Now it turns out that they have no support and come to beg for their mercy.

Thinking of this, Su Changming suddenly feels that he has been cheated and is very angry.

"Hum, Su Jianwei is still putting on such a big airs at this time. Dad, let's ignore him and let them come to the door if we want to ask for peace." Xia Jue said to Su Changming.

"Well." Su Changming nodded.


after Xia Jue and others came to the company, they suddenly saw a group of people making incessant noises at the door.

"Let's go in and meet Mr. Su and Mr. Su."

"Yes, I sincerely want to cooperate with Su's group. Please let's go up and have a talk with Mr. Su."

"Hum, you grass on the wall really meet with the wind. Stay here now. Let them decide whether to see you or not when President Su Dong comes." Standing at the door blocking the crowd, the dog said disdainfully.

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