The rest of the people were shocked. They didn't expect that the lake would send out such abnormal signals.

The rest of the people, quickly pale to avoid going out, for fear that the next death, is their own.


A huge light curtain suddenly appeared in the lake, and then spread rapidly, covering the whole lake.

The light curtain even grew larger and larger, and continued to spread towards the oasis. Some monks who were swept by the light curtain suddenly turned into a blood fog.

"Run! It seems that this place is psychic. If you get some strange treasures, you should be self styled. You can't get close to it, or you will die! "

"It seems that we can't be greedy. Xiaohu has already released so many exotic treasures. We can't think any more. Run quickly!"

Everyone was drinking and quickly retreated. Suddenly, hundreds of monks here were in chaos.

Chutian and Leng Wuhen, with a bad face, fly away quickly. Xiaohu wants to drive them out of this oasis.


Xia Jue also drinks towards Wednesday and quickly retreats. Wednesday has already been scared. At this moment, he wakes up and runs with Xia Jue without saying a word.

However, even so, some of the monks who were weak in cultivation slowed down and died miserably here. They turned into a blood fog and didn't even make a cry.

It can be seen how amazing and rapid the light curtain from Xiaohu is.

Seeing that he couldn't keep up with his speed on Wednesday, Xia Jue held out his hand, grasped his wrist, and then used the Yu Feng Jue to fly out quickly.

I don't know how long later, Xia Jue was relieved. After confirming that no one was coming, he stopped and put down Wednesday on a sand dune.

"Open your map and see where we are. Is there any place near here that your ancestors have marked as a secret treasure?"

Xia Jue took a breath, and then said.

Then, he took a sip of the juice from the cactus he had picked up before, and suddenly recovered a lot.

Even Xia Jue had to praise this cactus. It's incredible that it has such a wonderful effect!

On Wednesday, all the way was pulled by Xia Jue, so it didn't consume much Yuan Li and physical strength. It seemed that it was quite relaxed.

On Wednesday, after hearing Xia Jue's words, he nodded, took out the map in the storage bag, spread it out, and carefully analyzed where they were at present according to the lines above and the nearby scenes.

Just now, because the situation was urgent, Xia Jue didn't want to have any friction with Chu Tian and Leng Wuhen. He had nothing to do with himself. He was mainly afraid that he would not be an opponent on Wednesday and would be coerced and targeted by Chu Tian and Leng Wuhen.

Both of them are strong enemies. It's hard to deal with one person. Xia Jue doesn't want to be joined up by two people, and then something happens.

Anyway, judging from the current situation of entering the virtual heaven, there are many people who want to fight him, so Xia Jue doesn't want to have any friction and delay his time.

After all, the secret place of the empty sky is only opened for one month. After one month, no matter what the situation is, you have to go out. Otherwise, no one knows what dangerous situation will happen.

Therefore, Xia Jue and Wednesday did not deliberately choose the direction when they were walking just now, and then they chose a position where there was no one and ran without looking back.

So they don't know where they are now.

After comparison for half a day, on Wednesday, pointing to a line on the map, he said: "we are in this position at present, but there is no place marked by our ancestors nearby. The nearest one is thousands of miles away. If it was in the past, I'm afraid it would take a lot of time."

Xia Xia looked at the map, and couldn't help but a black line. The map was rough, and there was nothing to make complaints about it. He could not help but Tucao in his heart. Are you sure this is not your random fingers?

This map, it is estimated that only Wednesday can understand it, it is really difficult for him!

After all, his ancestors have been dead for hundreds of years, and he can still see it. It's really not easy!

Then Xia Jue estimated how much time it would take to use Yufeng Jue.

In the end, it will take about a day or two, which is the limit.

After having the result, Xia Jue said: "anyway, they have already come here. If you want to go out, it will take about the same time. Then go and have a look!"

On Wednesday, he also held this idea. For him, it's hard for him to find opportunities outside, and he can't compete with others. It's better to find some opportunities in the desert.

Two people have a conclusion, then toward the direction of the map, ready to start.

Wednesday put away the map, and then took out the cactus juice to drink, at this time, Wednesday suddenly dumbfounded, because in front of his eyes, suddenly appeared a scene of panic.

There are four or five large scorpions, toward them here, quickly climbed over.On Wednesday, I couldn't help shaking and patting Xia Jue, then shaking: "Xia, brother Xia, look over there!"

"Well?" Xia Jue had some doubts. He followed the direction he pointed out on Wednesday and looked at it quickly. He was stunned.

The scorpion is ten feet tall, and its whole body is yellow. Its huge pair of pliers are like two giant scissors.

In particular, the tail, every section, is very thick. The sharp thorn on the tail is as thick as the arm. If it is stabbed, let alone the scorpion itself is highly toxic, it can kill people.

Xia Jue didn't dare to neglect. He took out the dragon sword and magic mirror from the storage bag. He didn't use the dagger to deal with this kind of scorpion. It's only suitable for close combat and sneak attack. As for the seal, although he can urge it at present, Xia Jue faintly thinks that it's not something he can master. If it's not used properly, it might hurt him.

On Wednesday, he took out the bracelet. Although it seemed useless, it was better than a weapon without self-defense.

This made Xia Jue speechless. He was the poorest monk he had ever seen. He didn't even have an ordinary sword. He didn't know how he survived.

Seeing Xia Jue's look, he couldn't help laughing on Wednesday and said: "originally I had weapons, which my parents left me, but in a mission, I was destroyed by a monster."

Xia Jue stroked his forehead with his hand. Then he took out a good iron sword from his storage bag and threw it to Wednesday. He said, "take this iron sword. Although it can't match the secret treasure, it's also very good for self-defense during the foundation period."

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