On Wednesday, he took it and said, "thank you, brother Xia."

Xia Jue waved his hand and didn't respond, because at this time, the four or five scorpions had rushed over and were about to get close to their bodies.

Huge scorpion, spit out a hissing voice, a bit like a snake spitting message, but if you look carefully, there are still some differences.


As soon as the yellow sand scorpion approached, he attacked them.

Five huge scorpion tails stabbed Xia Jue and Wednesday respectively.


Two people heart a Lin, at the same time jump out, let scorpion tail flutter an empty, scorpion tail rushed to puff underground, issued a bang.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"

Immediately, Xia Jue jumps out at the same time, toward among them some scorpions clapped to go out, fierce Yuan Li, suddenly send out.


Yuan Li hit the scorpion directly. Suddenly, the scorpion came to the end. On his head, a big bloody hole appeared.

Obviously, this scorpion was killed by Xia Jue.

The other four scorpions, suddenly facing the enemy, stare at Xia Jue with a bad look. They also see that Xia Jue is their threat. As for Wednesday, they just ignore it.

On one side of Wednesday, I don't know what to say. Should I be happy or not?


At this time, the scorpions attacked again. Three of them rushed towards Xia Jue, while the other one rushed towards Wednesday.

Xia Jue, one against three, put away the magic mirror and attacked it with the dragon sword. This scorpion is not as strong as he thought, and does not need the terror power of the magic mirror.


The Dragon Sword cuts on the giant pincers of a scorpion, and suddenly makes a sound of metal collision and sparks.

Even if he was scared, he could not help but be surprised. The monster in the secret place of the empty sky was really extraordinary. It could resist the attack of the dragon sword!

On the other hand, his face turned pale on Wednesday. Facing the endless attacks of scorpion, he could not bear any more. However, relying on the strength of the foundation period, he managed to survive without a direct defeat.

"Bang bang!"

The scorpion throws out his tail one after another, wants to stab to death on Wednesday with the poisonous sting on the tail!

I didn't dare to be hard on Wednesday, so I had to dodge again and again, and quickly stepped back.

This scorpion is one of the five poisons. It's extremely poisonous, not to mention that this scorpion has opened up its intelligence and become a monster.

The poison on the body must be more intense. I don't dare to be careless on Wednesday. Even if I was stabbed and rubbed, I'm afraid I'll be poisoned.

"Green light sword technique!"

On Wednesday, when he suddenly drank, the sword suddenly burst out a weak blue light, resisting the scorpion's tail and the aggressive forceps.


Wednesday's strength is just equal to this scorpion, so it's hard to deal with it.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"

On the other side, Xia Jue found the right chance to fight again. He killed a scorpion on the spot. With a cry, his huge body fell down and raised dust all over the sky.


The remaining two scorpions immediately gave out a roar of anger. Seeing that their companions were killed, they rushed to Xiajue regardless.


Two tails toward Xia Jue's body, left and right start, stab out one after another!

Xia Jue's toes a little bit, and suddenly jumped up. At this time, the Tai Long Sword in his hand had gathered Yuan Li.


Xia Jue in mid air, waving the dragon sword, toward one of the scorpions, cut down.

All of a sudden a sword Qi, urge to send out suddenly. In the blink of an eye, the speed of the golden sword was as fast as that of the scorpion.

The scorpion noticed the danger and wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.


The sword Qi directly penetrated into the scorpion's huge head, and the scorpion's big eyes, which were like copper bells, suddenly dimmed, and then quickly lost their vitality.


Another scorpion, with red eyes and fierce light, rushed towards Xia Jue.

"Well, it's just a stupid monster after all?"

Xia Jue snorted coldly, a sword spirit flew out, and the scorpion died immediately.


Deal with the scorpion on Wednesday to see, also issued an angry roar, issued a rapid attack on Wednesday.

It wants to put Wednesday to death. Knowing Xia Jue's power, it can't escape at all. Why don't it fight to death and pull him into the water?

On Wednesday, he was sweating all over and his face was a little pale. He had spent a lot of Yuan Li to deal with this scorpion, and there was almost no Yuan Li left in his body.Now the scorpion is furious again, and he doesn't feel like an opponent any more.

Fortunately, he was not killed by the scorpion, otherwise the poison would be hard to remove!


Xia Jue saw this, without saying a word, directly a move vacuum big fingerprints shot out.

A big hand appeared and came in an instant, directly smashing the scorpion's head.

At this time on Wednesday, he was relieved and finally exhausted and collapsed on the ground.

When he looked at Xia Jue, he looked grateful.

Scorpion headless body plummeted down, hard hit on the ground.


On Wednesday, I couldn't help but feel speechless. This guy didn't forget to toss himself when he died, and he didn't know how much sand he ate.

After panting for a while, I took out a bottle of cactus juice in the storage bag on Wednesday and drank it. After a long time, I recovered a lot on Wednesday.

Xia Jue looked at Wednesday and said, "can we go now? I'm afraid there will be a lot of danger if I stay here. I'd better leave here as soon as possible! "

On Wednesday, he nodded and agreed: "brother Xia is right, but there is no record of danger on the map. We can only take chances."

Xia Jue nodded, but he didn't care about it. He said: "it's impossible to get the treasure without any danger. Instead of thinking about it so much, we'd better move forward with peace of mind."

on Wednesday, he couldn't help but be stunned. After thinking about it, it was really the truth, so he didn't talk about it any more. He took out the map, chose a direction, and walked down quickly 。

After a little while, they finally got close to a place full of ancient trees and flowers.

On Wednesday, he was stunned and said, "no! Isn't this a desert? When did so many plants grow? No way

Xia Jue is also a little surprised, Zheng Zheng of looking at here.

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