
The golden lion roared and spewed a golden light out of his mouth. He galloped towards the tiger.


However, the magic tiger is well prepared, and a black light comes out of his mouth, directly offsetting the golden light.

Then, the tiger jumped up from the ground and pounced on the golden lion.


Blood basin like mouth, directly toward the Golden Lion bite down, suddenly, the golden blood outflow.

The Golden Lion howled and struggled to resist. Then he was bitten off a piece of meat by the magic tiger!

Although the golden lion was injured, it was still strong. After breaking free, it still rushed to the enchanted tiger.

It's a rhythm that never dies!

Xia Jue looked awe inspiring and said, "it seems that the magic tiger still needs to be more skillful."

On Wednesday, he was already in a cold sweat and said, "brother Xia, do you mean the magic tiger is going to win?"

Xia Jue nodded and replied: "yes, you see the magic tiger is still in high spirits, and the golden lion is not only injured, but also affected. If there is no accident, it will be the winner soon."

On Wednesday, he nodded awe inspiring, but he didn't see it. However, the golden lion was injured, and the magic tiger didn't have any other major injuries except for some minor injuries. From this point of view, the winning rate of the magic tiger was higher.

Sure enough, two people's voice just fell soon, the field has been divided.

With a roar, the tiger's thick forepaw smashed the head of the golden lion while it was unstable.


The Golden Lion howled, the orifices bleeding, and then his eyes were not willing to fade in the past, and fell to the ground with a roar.

Magic tiger directly rushed up, still did not intend to let go of the golden lion, a bite of its neck, immediately full of gold blood.

After confirming that the golden lion was dead, there was a low roar.

Then, the huge head looked at Xia Jue and Wednesday.

Don't look at them as a threat!

On Wednesday, he cried bitterly and felt cold in his body. Facing the king of beasts, who was still a little successful, he showed a look of fear and did not dare to fight.

Xia Jue also looks serious. The magic tiger is not simple. Even in the monster, it is a king. This kind of blood is extraordinary. If there is no accident, it will grow into a great power in the monster!

Now the magic tiger has been staring at them. If there is no accident, it will not be good.

In fact, it's true. With a roar, the magic tiger pounced directly on Xia Jue and here on Wednesday.

Xia Jue doesn't dare to neglect. Although the monster has some intelligence, its nature is still killing. It's quite different from those demons who have become demons.

At least in terms of mind and nature, it is like this. After cultivating into a demon, it can be transformed into a human form, and the mind and nature are similar to human beings.

Although this demon tiger is the king of demons and beasts, and has opened the wisdom, know some of the cultivation techniques, but it is far from the realm of becoming a demon family.

Xia Jue directly took out the Tai Long Sword, and then roared to Wednesday: "you hide away, don't come out, I'll deal with him!"

Said, Xia Jue already took too long sword, toward the evil grain tiger quickly rushed past.

And Wednesday also listened to Xia Jue's words, hiding behind a towering giant tree, watching the fight between Xia Jue and magic tiger from a distance.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"

Xia Jue a big drink, the palm congeals Yuan Li, a palm to the demon grain tiger patted out.


A huge palm suddenly appeared in the void and pressed down on the magic tiger.

This scene made the magic tiger startled. He had never seen such moves before. Although he had the strength to build a successful foundation, he knew nothing about martial arts.

Now Xia Jue showed it, and the tiger instinctively felt a threat, and a look of fear appeared in his eyes.


The tiger growled low, and its mouth opened to gather the force in his body. The black light gathered in his mouth.

Immediately, the magic tiger suddenly vomited out the black light in his mouth towards the palm of his head.


Two forces collided in a dead, suddenly burst out a roaring sound, energy here everywhere!

Xia Jue was in front of the tiger, holding the dragon sword, and then he chopped the tiger's head.


The tiger roared, and its huge body retreated quickly.

"Bang!"Tai Long Sword directly split on the ground, immediately left a big pit in place!

Seeing this, the magic tiger didn't hesitate and turned to run. Xia Jue's deterrence was too strong.

In addition, when the magic tiger and the Golden Lion Fight, they have consumed more than half of their strength, and they also have some injuries.

Although there is no big problem, but the devil tiger felt that his current state, can not compete with the heyday of Xia Jue, therefore, this did not hesitate to escape!

How can Xia Jue miss this opportunity? Looking back to Wednesday, he said, "you wait for me here. Don't walk around. I'll come back after I kill this magic tiger!"

On Wednesday, he nodded and said, "brother Xia, don't worry about it."

Xia Jue picked to pick eyebrow, this words, how more listen to more not good ah?

Then he shook his head and ran in the direction of the tiger.

The speed of magic tiger is very fast, worthy of being the king of monsters. Even Xia Jue's Yufeng Jue has improved the speed to the extreme, but he didn't catch up.

This makes Xia Jue can't help but be a little surprised. Magic tiger looks back and sees Xia Jue coming, and is desperate to run.

Hit here into a mess, many trees are directly broken!

Xia Jue frowned. It's not the way to go on like this. If he can't kill the magic Tiger now, if he recovers or finds a companion, he will be more difficult to deal with.

Xia Jue took out a magic talisman from the storage bag, which was called "shrink the ground into inch talisman". It was the spoils of the previous war. He collected all the things that were not damaged.

Without saying a word, Xia Jue directly urged him to shrink into an inch, which sent out a ray of light. Xia Jue immediately felt that his speed was getting faster.

As the name suggests, shrinking the ground into inches can reduce the distance between the two. It was originally a long gathering. With the use of Dharma symbols, it can be reduced exponentially, depending on the cultivation of the motivator himself.

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