The remaining ten people have been shocked by Xia Jue's performance. How could there be such an expert here?

If they don't believe what they see, they don't believe it at all.

Isn't that exaggerating? Even the master behind them can only do this.

But in front of this guy, it's like a routine, so easy and natural.

If Xia Jue knew what they were thinking at the moment, he would only shrug his shoulders, and then said helplessly that there was no way. He was attacked more and more. That's it. It has become a habit.

Ten people looked at each other, and then they attacked Xia Jue. After all, their master was watched behind.

If you see that they don't work hard, I'm afraid they won't be able to make it right. Once there was a unfortunate guy who was scared silly by his opponent and didn't dare to do it. Although he survived, he was buried alive after being known by the master.

Think of here, ten people's hearts are a burst of fear! Decisive toward the summer Jue rushed in the past, and more hard.

Xia Jue sighed. Of course, he didn't know what they were thinking at the moment.

How stupid is it that you have to come up to die even if you can't make it? Don't you think it's good for him to retreat and look for a chance?

Although in the heart doubt, but Xia Jue can't manage so much, since the other side is bent on death, how can he not meet their requirements?


Xia Jue is waving the dragon sword. The sword body has gathered a lot of Yuan Li. He splits out with a sound.


The man wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't keep up with the rhythm and died in an instant.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"

Xia Jue kept on making a big vacuum hand print, and immediately killed him.

At this time, the other eight people have rushed up, Xia Jue quickly a move to change the tiger arm, will be a person hit upside down fly out, repeatedly vomit blood, but after all is the life back, did not die on the spot.


Xia Jue directly used luanshen stab, which made the rest of them suddenly stop in their heads, even their bodies could not help themselves.

Just afraid of a sword, suddenly a piece of blood spilled, two people fear of covering their necks, repeatedly back, in the hands of weapons, bang when a, fell to the ground.

Then the two men died.

"It's impossible!"

"It's a killer!"

The rest of them turned pale. They were terrified by Xia Jue's methods. Even the monks who had built the foundation could not cut melons and cut vegetables. Could they solve them so easily?

In the face of death, no one can calm down. They just feel a chill coming out of their bodies.

"Hum, when you appear, your fate has been doomed. People can kill people at the same time. People in the dark don't dare to fight and let you be cannon fodder. I really don't know what's worth your life?"

Xia Jue looks cold, not salty said.

"No way! The young master will not do such a thing

"Dare to insult young Lord, I will kill you!"

"Let's go together. I don't believe he can really kill us all!"

"Yes, or how could he have said so much? It must have dried up! "

The remaining five people can't help but get angry. Xia Jue said that about them. Isn't that to say that they are just running dogs? Although it is true, no one will put it on the surface.

After all, this is common in the cultivation world, and it is not enough for Tao.

But since Xia Jue has hit the pain in their heart, how can they not be angry?

However, although they said that, they all hesitated in their hearts and did not dare to go up directly,

because everyone knew that it was impossible. Judging from Xia Jue's momentum, he did not show any exhaustion. On the contrary, he was still in high spirits.

No one would believe it if he had exhausted his strength.

Seeing this scene, Xia Jue couldn't help but sneer and said, "it's just a group of rats. Do you want to attack me with such courage? I don't know who gave you courage? "

Although Xiajue had no intention to let go of the enemy, they had no one to do it.

In the cultivation world, it's so ruthless that no one dares to be careless if you die or I die.

I don't know which day I'll let go. I'll cut myself in the back bucket.

Of course, the probability is very small, but it is not without.

So Xia Jue didn't hesitate to move, Tai Long Sword issued the sound of dragon chant, toward those people quickly rushed past.

Several people's faces turned pale. They knew that there was no way to be good now, so they had to rush up to fight with Xia Jue."Ding Ding!"

Tailong sword is extremely sharp. After Xia Jue was promoted to the peak in the late foundation period, the Tailong sword also changed subtly, which doubled Xia Jue's power. It's very terrible!

Tailong sword directly broke the sword in the hands of those people, without a trace of suspense.

Just as they hesitated, the dragon sword in Xia Jue's hand made a stroke towards their necks. Suddenly, they covered their necks with a look of horror on their faces.

Xia Jue breathed a breath and said with a relaxed look: "cast a good baby in the next life. Don't continue to work hard."

With that, the five people all fell to the ground and were killed one after another. Their faces still looked unbelievable and scared.

"You, you, you don't come here!"

The rest of the injured people just now, repeatedly back, legs on the ground randomly kick.

Seeing the scene just now, this guy couldn't even speak quickly. His voice was trembling, and his body was even more trembling. At the moment, Xia Jue's heart was in his heart, just like a murderer, which made him unable to resist.

Xia Jue has put away the dragon sword and comes to the man with a playful face.

"Ah Don't come here

The man gave a scream. After roaring, his eyes turned black and he fainted.

"It's useless. What's the taste?"

Xia Jue could not help frowning and saw the lower part of the man I can't help but curl my mouth.

"The psychological endurance is not good. It's frightening."

Xia Jue was stunned, thinking that he was so terrible? Huh? Maybe. I'd better be a little bit more restrained later.

"Vacuum fingerprints!"

With this in mind, Xia Jue was not talking nonsense. He just made a move to kill the man.

Then Xia Jue put away all the people's storage bags, and he couldn't help laughing.

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