Xia Jue can't help sighing that it's still so cool. He took away some of the natural resources and land treasures, some of which are even the savings of his life, which others had to work hard to collect. I'm happy to think about it.

This can save him a lot of time. Although there is no precious treasure in these people, it is absolutely not so bad.

It's much better than those small sects in Nanling.

Xia Jue didn't choose anything, so he took everything away.

At this time, the fog around, began to gradually dissipate, Xia Jue has been able to see the scene ten feet away, can not help but feel happy.

Just now, the dense fog made people feel suffocated. Now that it was loose, Xia Jue suddenly felt that he was fresh and fresh.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

At this time, a clapping voice sounded, dozens of figures came out slowly from the distance.

The person who applauded was a young man at the head. He had a smile on his face and a handsome face. However, there was a shadow on his face.

Xia Jue looked at them, and suddenly he was on guard. This guy, I think, was the one in the dark. He thought he would not appear, but he did.

Is there any guard of honor on him? Otherwise, after knowing Xia Jue's performance, how dare you show up?

In any case, Xia Jue would not despise it. This young man's strength is not weak, and he should also be an expert in building a successful foundation.

And the group of people behind him, even if their personal strength is not strong, is similar to the dozen people just now, but they can't be ignored.

After all, if so many people attack at the same time, Xia Jue is still a little hard to deal with.

The holy land of yin and Yang is not as good as the one of Chu's before the cold weather.

The young man came to Xia Jue and stopped. Then he said jokingly, "you are the Xia Jue. You are really powerful. I arranged the sneak attack carefully, but you didn't even show any injuries. It's really impressive!"

Xia Jue sneered and said with disdain, "is that it? What about elaborate arrangements? I'm afraid it's not your IQ, is it

As soon as the young man's face changed, without waiting for him to speak, his men began to scold one after another.

"Well, boy, what are you? How dare you be disrespectful to the young master? "

"That is, those who dare to talk to the young master like this are already three feet tall!"

"Boy, I think you are itchy!"

"Little Lord, let me teach him a lesson. I don't pay attention to you so much!"

With that, the man was about to rush towards Xia Jue. His momentum suddenly broke out. He was also a successful master in the construction period!

Xia Jue's face was frozen. These people were not to be underestimated. They must have come from a big force. Otherwise, he killed so many of them, and the young man didn't show any anger.

This is enough to prove that those people just now are really just cannon fodder. Among their forces, they are just humble mole ants, and no one will pay attention to them.

Which young man directly stopped the man who wanted to fight and said, "step down, what's the matter with you here? I haven't spoken yet. What do you want to do? "

Hearing the young man's scolding, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed on the man's face. However, he retreated respectfully. He just stared at Xia Jue with a bad look, and his eyes seemed to be bursting with fire.

Don't turn your head, don't see it. It makes anyone more angry.

"Ha ha, who am I? It turns out that I am Shaozhu li of chongtian Pavilion."

"Mr. Li is so powerful. After so many people come in, are you not afraid to die here?"

"With so many people and one person, Li Shaozhu's style has not changed."

At this time, the forest suddenly appeared again a few figures, toward them here, quickly rushed over, words full of irony.

The young man, who was called Li Shaozhu, couldn't help changing his face, but he didn't have the slightest fear. The shadow between his eyes became more intense.

"Well, why are you here?"

"What? Will you come and not let us? "

"* *, you are really overbearing, but you are so overbearing, aren't you afraid that we will work together to deal with you?"

Hearing what they said, * *'s face flashed a fierce color, but he soon put up with it and said nothing more.

"You old disciple, isn't he? Are you here? "

At this time, some of the later people recognized Xia Jue's identity, with some surprise in his tone.


All of a sudden, all the people looked at Xiajue, which made Xiajue have goose bumps!All of these people are the best in the foundation period. They are all real masters.

From their conversation with * * just now, Xia Jue had already realized that if ordinary people did not dare so much.

And * * was afraid that he would be furious for a long time, but he forbeared, which showed that he was extremely afraid of these people, and he did not dare to act rashly to offend so many people.

Now that he is being watched by them, Xia Jue can already imagine that there are enemies of his school among these people.

Damn cheap master! How many sects have you offended? How to meet opponents everywhere? Let people live or not?

Isn't this really the rhythm of all enemies? It's too bad.

Xia Jue could not help but make complaints about him, but he even took more seriously on the surface. He wanted to see that there were several antagonists in these people.

Someone looked at Xia Jue and * * again, and couldn't help saying with great interest: "* *, are you with Xia Jue? If I remember correctly, which old bastard did you suffer from in chongtian pavilion? Why do you want to join hands with this little bastard now? "

**Coldly said: "we chongtian Pavilion, will join hands with him? Who do you look down on? But if you think he's easy to deal with, you'll have a try. "

Hearing * *'s words, the visitors frowned and saw the dozens of corpses behind Xia Jue. They were surprised.

Xia Jue had no idea that * * was actually a disciple of the chongtian Pavilion, and he was called Shao Zhu by his subordinates. He must have a high status in the chongtian Pavilion, and he might be a descendant of the current chongtian Pavilion leader.

The chongtian Pavilion is located in the eastern region, but no one knows it.

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