Xia Jue, who had already killed his red eyes, now his eyes are more red, and his spiritual power has obviously consumed a lot, but now his opponent's number of people is also very fast. It can be said that victory is in sight!

Xia Jue slightly adjusted his breathing and slowly began to use the remaining energy.

There is no time to slow down in this war, so even if there is cactus juice, a tool that can recover quickly, there is no way to use it.

If his own strength is exhausted before the other party's number is completely annihilated, this is the burial place of Xia Jue.

But there is no way, he can't watch Wednesday, because he doesn't go all out and run to death?

Therefore, Xia Jue had no way to think too much. It seemed that he had no way to retreat, and he had to fight all the way forward.

I didn't leave any life for myself.

Just because, Xia Jue is not willing to care about these, and sacrificed Wednesday.

The pressure of Tai Long Sword came down from the sky, but it was resisted by the other side. The vacuum big hand seal released one move after another, but it was dissolved by the other side one after another.

I have to admit that Xia Jue is worried now.

Saw on Wednesday again suffered the sword injury, on the shoulder already entered the meat three points, almost could see the bone!

Xia Jue clenched his teeth and killed three people at the same time.

There's no way to continue to consume it. If it goes on like this, he won't be able to save his life on Wednesday!

In this way of thinking, Xia Jue wanted to bear the damage of the other side, and met the enemy by killing one thousand and losing eight hundred.

He thought that he had a good foundation, a good foundation and a strong body.

He can carry it down in this way.

So, it's worth it to exchange his injury for a healthy life on Wednesday.

Just as he was about to take action to make it come true, little Tuan Zi seemed to recover a little, and then he stroked Xia Jue's fingers with a trace of spiritual power.

Then, through the way of contract, he introduced his pure spiritual power into Xiajue's body.

It seems to comfort Xia Jue, let him not be so impatient.

Also seems to be worried about Xia Jue

When the spirit power entered the body, it was a little cold, which made Xia Jue's reason come back in the state of killing red eyes and bewitching.

Xia Jue raised his sword, but he had to admit that xiaotuanzi was worried.

Indeed, if you deal with the enemy in this way, it means that you have to fight against the enemy.

When other people show up again, they will be consumed by him.

After a look at the situation on Wednesday, Xia Jue quickly turned the Tai Long Sword and the vacuum fingerprints to fight against the enemy at a faster speed.

Converged a point spirit consciousness, so at the moment Xia Jue can't know the situation of Wednesday in time.

But he can deal with the people in front of him wholeheartedly.

When Xia Jue does this, he has already made other people on the field panic.


They have no way to break this situation.

At the moment, Xia Jue's prestige enveloped the whole audience, making people almost unable to breathe.

So the action was a bit slow, and on Wednesday we had a chance to slow down.

Just now, when xiaotuanzi's spiritual power came down, although he didn't need to be too nervous, in fact, his body didn't slow down.

He has to take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of his opponents first.

But at the moment is not the same, the other hand's speed slowed down, let him have a way to deal with it.

At this time, the duel of tens of thousands of moves has passed.

On Wednesday, I felt that my arms were not my own.

I'm too tired to lift.

The sword in his hand seemed to be weak, as if he would break away from the control of his palm in the next second and fall directly to the ground.

On Wednesday, I even thought that I could not stick to it.

However, Xia Jue is still working hard for him, so he doesn't want to give up.

Take a deep breath and extract the remaining part of the spirit power.

Compared with Xia Jue Na's elixir, who has just become a golden elixir, he realized that he was surrounded by the border and waiting for you to leave the mobile phone meeting at any time.

This is a big fight.

Xiaotuanzi's spiritual power can be stored infinitely, so xiaotuanzi is constantly absorbing spiritual power.

What he can do on Wednesday is to put himself in the best condition.

However, he is only on Wednesday. How can he compare with xiaotuanzi and even Xia Jue?

Although he had drunk cactus juice to recover his vitality to the peak before the fight, what can he do?

Faced with so many people in front of him, he felt almost desperate on Wednesday.But Xiajue hopes to get his salvation.

The other party is trying to get him out of the present situation, how can he support until the other party can deal with this matter for him?

His hands softened and he had no strength. It seemed that his sword weighed ten thousand jin.

Ears also have tinnitus, dry lips, a time has forgotten where they are.

Numb sword, numb resistance by each sword and the opponent's moves after the impact of the residual force.

He can only bear, the heart of the mind to make him unable to fall.

And the instinct of the body makes him less hurt.

But after all, some can't be defeated

When preparing to fall, he seems to see Xia Jue come out of the blood, covered with blood, but the pace is calm, fast to his side.

Seeing this scene on Wednesday, I couldn't help thinking that if I was lazy, why not?

Hesitated in the heart for a while, now oneself can open the bound of bracelet, so come, oneself can live.

But then he thought that he had nothing to do with this treasure. If he died like this, Xia Jue also understood the lives of those people and inherited his bracelet, which was a good choice.

So hesitated, the corner of the mouth on Wednesday showed a smile, and finally did not open the border.

The sword is out of my hand, and I don't know where

The body also can't stand, sword wind so head-on of come over, as if, have no place to escape.

Are you going to die?

Ask yourself on Wednesday.

I'm going to die.

Answer yourself on Wednesday.

At the last glance, he saw the figure of Xia Jue.

In the heart can't help but rise an idea, don't be so anxious come over, slow down, also nothing.

He doesn't blame him.

Then he closed his eyes on Wednesday. He was so tired that he just wanted to forget the situation and have a good rest.

This is the result of overuse of vitality

The smile on Wednesday is even stronger.

Xia Jue was a little more flustered.

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