Seeing the figure falling down on Wednesday, Xia Jue's vitality was in a bit of confusion, because he was anxious and almost possessed.

Fortunately, xiaotuanzi's spiritual power has been maintaining his reason, and now, it also suppresses his inner impulse.

But he was hurt by his vitality and vomited a mouthful of blood.

The other side obviously didn't want Xia Jue to annihilate them so smoothly without any cost, so he used all his tricks and had to die with him on Wednesday.

At this time, Xia Jue had finished cleaning up the enemies in front of him.

So they're still alive, but they're running away.

It's also a good revenge to be able to kill the current Wednesday.

These people have been squatting in Xiajue for such a long time. For the reward of the major sects and the magic weapons on Xiajue, they have their own plans.

At the moment, I'm not willing to lose my life even if I get nothing.

Now death will drag Wednesdays to hell!

Facing such a crazy attack, it's natural that we can't cope with it on Wednesday.


See the figure on Wednesday can not stand when the crowd suddenly broke out this voice.

That's what everyone's thinking right now.

In general with Xia Jue, they are also red eyed because of their "long-term" fighting. Their strength is a little weaker than those against Xia Jue, so they can barely make a "draw" with Wednesday.

This is the moment to seize the opportunity.

Their fate has long been doomed, in that moment was fixed, but this does not affect their ability to kill!

In this way, we went all out.

After Xia Jue vomited a mouthful of blood, his figure slowed down for a few moments. For a moment, there was no way to save him from these people.

Even if he didn't hurt his mind because of his impatience, his tired body was not as vigorous as it was in the morning.

But even so, Xia Jue regretted that because of himself, his life on Wednesday was destroyed!

Xia Jue's remorse and anger made him forget where he was. The collapse in a moment made his blood red eyes sink down, as if there was no bottom.

It makes people feel a little chilly, plus endless fear.

Wednesday's body fell down, Xia Jue didn't notice Wednesday's breathing, to see if he could save it. At the moment, he has forgotten everything, just remember to wipe out these people in front of him.

Knowing that the Tai long sword was stained with the last person's blood, the yellow sand in the sky could not cover the strong smell of blood.

Between heaven and earth, as if only Xia Jue was standing here.

Boundless loneliness

Endless pain

One after another, Xia Jue's body was very tired, and finally he could not stand still and sat on the ground.

Compared to the body a little tired, but also no more pain.

He still doesn't have the ability to protect people close to him

For a time, Xia Jue doubted himself.

The dragon sword fell into the yellow sand, and the sand began to bury the body.

Xia Jue didn't take out cactus juice from the storage bag to make his body recover. Instead, he sat there and didn't empty his mind

At the moment of killing, he seemed to have made a deal with the devil.

Now the red eyes are still so deep.

After the end of the last person's life, Xia Jue didn't know where to go.

After a long time, the blood color in Xia Jue's eyes slowly retreated.

Then he felt the little Tuanzi's spirit power in his arms, which gradually transferred to him along with the contract. It was a little more cold, which made him better find his reason.

Xia Jue smiles, which means bitter and astringent.

He took xiaotuanzi out of his arms and said, "you don't have to work so hard. Your spiritual power is consumed so much. You'd better keep it for yourself. I'll be fine."


Xiaotuanzi's voice was a bit hoarse, and Xiajue's heart was even more painful

His mind is also a little unstable, but a consciousness that can't let xiaotuanzi waste his time has strengthened his heart, and made his reason not to be possessed.

Just now, he has been possessed several times

Sighed for a while, Xia Jue threw the red vision in front of him, and wanted to see the things into the target more thoroughly.

However, I don't know whether my eyes are stained with my own blood, or the yellow sand in the sky is dyed red.

Xia Jue couldn't tell


Xiaotuanzi saw that the consciousness of next decision seemed to break up in an instant, and he quickly opened his mouth to attract Xia Jue's consciousness.

Fortunately, it did work.

Only Xia Jue's mouth left a touch of blood, it seemed that he had just been eaten by the devil."It's ok..."

Xia Jue rubbed xiaotuanzi's head and said with a bitter smile.

Let a person see also have a bit distressed.

It's ok

Xia Jue repeated these words in his heart.

If he is now controlled by the devil, then what he has been doing is not in vain?

Isn't Wednesday's sacrifice more

Thinking of Wednesday, Xia Jue coughed up another mouthful of blood.

This time, Xia Jue couldn't even bear the blood, so he sprayed it out directly

Xiaotuanzi quickly put a few wisps of spiritual power on Xia Jue's fingers, as if to comfort each other.

Fortunately, Xia Jue put down his blood.

"Master, it's fine on Wednesday!"

Looking at Xia Jue's consciousness has come back, the reason is also in, the small regiment son says in a hurry.

When hearing the name of Wednesday, Xia Jue's blood surged up again. But this time, Xia Jue was shocked to hear the words of xiaotuanzi. He looked at xiaotuanzi uncertainly and was surprised.

Clearly, it was just Wednesday that he fell in front of his eyes.

That figure, like a kite without string, was helpless. In that moment, he fell straight down

So many tricks, how can we resolve them? How can we survive this Wednesday?

Tired body, bitter mood, Xia Jue only as a small group, these words are to comfort him.

But now that reason is back, I don't have the feeling of Qi and blood surging up. I close my eyes and let my body recover.

But I don't know why.

Xia Jue is always very curious about xiaotuanzi's words. He wants to see if there is still life left on Wednesday


Still alive this Wednesday?

But Xia Jue didn't think he could bear the fact that his life had disappeared on Wednesday

So much so that he doesn't dare to confirm the current situation on Wednesday

He was afraid, he was flustered, he couldn't control everything and had nothing to do.

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