Wednesday's death seems to be a foregone conclusion. How can you make him change and accept this reality?

Xia Jue felt that he was really incompetent. He looked at the people he knew and fell in front of him.

In the last second, he was still crying to himself that he had robbed his border

This man.

Xia Jue felt that he felt the smell of blood in his mouth. It's not OK to go on like this

He has to confirm the state of next Wednesday, otherwise repeated such consideration will hurt his own fundamental.

So, in the quicksand, Xia Jue found his body.

It's cold to start with. I don't know it's because this hand is connected with little Tuanzi's weak spiritual power.

For a moment, Xia Jue didn't know whether his hand was cold or the other's body was cold.

After all, his hands are shaking, shaking uncontrollably, nothing can be done well.

The other person's pulse is right in front of his eyes, but his fingers can't touch steadily

Xiao Tuan Zi's spiritual power is as if it is not there. Xia Jue knows that Xiao Tuan Zi is tired, and his spiritual power is almost consumed. He can't let Xiao Tuan Zi worry about himself any more!

After making up his mind, Xia Jue's fingers finally hit the pulse of Wednesday.

It's a surprise!

The pulse is still beating on Wednesday!

That means Wednesday is still alive!

What a surprise

Even though xiaotuanzi had just told him about it, it was far less surprising than it is now. In an instant, Xia Jue picked up the precious pill in the storage bag and gave it to Wednesday.

As long as people are alive!

Xia Jue only had this idea.

Maybe there is no best one in his storage bag. Xia Jue quickly collected the storage bags of all the corpses on the scene, found out all the life-saving pills in their storage bags, found several kinds of pills with the best effect and no conflict, and did not hesitate to feed them directly.

My eyelashes trembled slightly on Wednesday, as if my consciousness had come back

The finger that just put on his pulse felt that the other person's life was not in danger, so he was relieved and had a careful insight into the situation of the other person.

Fortunately, I only suffered some skin injuries, and internal injuries did not affect the root, so the situation is still good.

The only thing is the lack of vitality. Today's body is not as good as that of an ordinary person, so it is difficult to support him to maintain consciousness and activities.

After finding the elixir to hang Wednesday's life, Xia Jue slowly fed the cactus juice to Wednesday.

Cactus juice is the fastest way to recover, and it doesn't even seem to have any side effects, so Xia Jue didn't hesitate to feed him cactus juice in the storage bag on Wednesday.

After two bags, Xia Jue slowly stopped.

He was also very tired, and he also relied on a little faith to support himself. Now that he saw the worry about his life, he began to be unable to support himself

Before he almost fell into a coma, Xia Jue didn't know why he could survive on Wednesday.

But he didn't have time to think about it. He quickly used a small magic weapon that had been scraped off these people and opened a small border. He also used the magic to hide the border.

If it is not destroyed by external forces and interferes with the things around the border, the border will not be exposed.

Compared with the border on Wednesday, this border is too weak, so we can only hide our own advantages, which may play a role in the yellow sand all over the sky.

However, there is no spiritual power here, which is not suitable for xiaotuanzi's recovery.

So at the end of Xia Jue, he used the ability of contract to send xiaotuanzi to his own space.

He vaguely remembers that xiaotuanzi said that there was spiritual power in its space, which could support the survival of its herbs, so now xiaotuanzi returned to the space, it must be able to recover

It's just that there's no little ball around, it feels like there's something missing

Without waiting for Xia Jue to think more, he fell asleep.

For a long time, Xia Jue seemed to feel that he was in a dream. He had been trapped in this dream for a long time.

But he couldn't feel what kind of dream it was. It was so ethereal that he couldn't live in anything.

It's also very hard to figure out, no matter how it is here, there is no way to leave the dream.

It's like hitting cotton with a strong swing. It can even be said that without touching, his power has been completely eliminated.

Try to escape, but the endless road, no matter where you go, is a piece of white, is nothing.

It's different from the dreamland where he met himself that day. Here, he can know that all this is nothingness

And there, he can feel the real things, but here

It's all nothingness, even his own existence is nothingnessI don't know how long he has been sleepy in this place. He can't even use his vitality in this place. He can only sleep tired and continue to ponder over this place when he wakes up.

In the end, when Xia jueyou woke up, he couldn't understand how he got rid of that dream.

Xia Jue did wake up, but his limbs and even his whole body did not belong to him.

Every nerve is tired, every nerve is tired

The feeling that has nothing to do with pain seems to be all pain.

He could not even move his fingers or open his eyes.

I don't know how long it took for him to be more conscious.

At this time, he could hear some sounds, as if someone was acting

Xia Jue's heart moved. Did he wake up on Wednesday?

In order to explore this matter, Xia Jue forced to endure the pain and powerlessness, slightly opened his eyes.

What's striking is the sky

After watching it for a long time, he remembered that he finally fell down and lay on the ground.

But is it lying on one side or lying on the other?

Xia Jue thought that he could not remember.

Indeed, as long as a little recall of these contents, his head is very painful.

White cloud seems to feel free when he looks at the blue sky. He can't help but think freely

But how can Xia Jue be willing to empty himself?

Despite the pain, Xia Jue still used his mental strength and began to think

Xu is here Xia Jue opened his eyes for a long time without any action, so the people who are moving there did not find Xia Jue's abnormality.

Xia Jue gave a wry smile in his heart. It seems that he has to rely on himself.

Slowly, he used the vitality of Dantian to impact every part of his body. Now it seems that the situation is not dangerous, so Xia Jue is not in a hurry

Then Xia Jue closed his eyes again and felt what he felt after a week.

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