There is no problem in the movement of vitality around the body, but the brain is blank. I don't know how I am now.

It seems that my thinking is broken, I can't realize my action, and I can't understand my situation.

When he was sleepy, Xia Jue fell asleep again.

What the brain conveys is fatigue. Although there is no drowsiness, the whole person is lazy and loose, and the thinking is even more general. Half of the feeling of being able to think no longer exists.

When the consciousness comes back and wakes up from the lethargy, Xia Jue can move slowly.

He manipulated his limbs as if his soul had just returned to him, with a strong sense of discomfort.

Looking at the lips in front of me, it took me half a day to understand what they were saying.

I had to shake my head slightly.

However, this small action also made his body resist. Fortunately, the pain swept in again.

Xia Jue is puzzled. He clearly remembers that he didn't hurt himself seriously before he fell down. Why

On Wednesday, when he realized that his words had not been heard by Xia Jue, he came up and helped Xia Jue to sit down.

"Xia Jue, what's the matter with you?"

After sitting up, Xia Jue regained his spirits and heard the words of worry on Wednesday.

Can't help shaking his head, said: "I have nothing..."

As soon as the words were spoken, Xia Jue was startled by his words. His voice was very hoarse. He didn't know that voice!

Seeing that Xia Jue was so flustered on Wednesday, he immediately took out cactus juice and sent it to Xia Jue. There was yellow sand all over the place, and there was no water source for a long time. On Wednesday, he did not dare to leave alone when Xia Jue was in a coma.

So at this time, I only thought of sending cactus juice to Xia Jue to moisten my throat.

Xia Jue waved his hand and refused: "no need."

At the moment, Xia Jue seemed to understand his physical condition, and felt that he was not thirsty, but overworked, so that was all.

Just as after a few days of overnight mental exhaustion, so the body will become so state.

Seeing Xia Jue sitting up, he relaxed and didn't seem to have a big problem. On Wednesday, he said anxiously, "brother Xia, I've passed out, too. I'm ashamed to say that I thought I would die. I don't know how I survived. Maybe you saved me

"But I also passed out. I don't know how long I woke up. It was like my body was hollowed out. I couldn't feel my own strength when I woke up. But fortunately, I see that brother Xia, you left me a lot of pills. With cactus juice, my strength has increased a lot... "

"It's a blessing in disguise."

"Ah, I'm not talking about this, I..."

"Sorry, brother Xia, when I woke up, I found that xiaotuanzi was not there. I didn't dare to go far. I looked around for a circle, but I didn't find it. I wondered if it would enter the bracelet, but I didn't see xiaotuanzi when I looked at the border of the bracelet. "

"I'm not really I didn't see xiaotuanzi as soon as I woke up... "

With that, I got worried on Wednesday.

It seems that he lost something very important to Xia Jue, just like he lost something very precious to himself.

The face of the helpless and anxious, guilt feelings are also written clearly on the face.


Xia Jue listened. Now his physical condition doesn't allow him to think too much, so he just listened.

But seeing that he was so worried on Wednesday, he said, "it's OK. I took it back before I fainted. Now the contract tells me it's OK. But it should still be resting. You don't have to worry. It's OK. "

"If it's OK, if it's ok..."

"By the way, thank you for saving me."

On Wednesday, knowing that xiaotuanzi was not in danger, he felt relieved, sat down on the ground and gave thanks to Xiajue.

Seeing such a happy Wednesday, Xia Jue was silent for a moment, and then said, "in fact, I didn't save you."

"At that time, I was too late, and I seemed to have reached the limit, so I was not very sensitive to everything around me..."

"You can think that I was red eyed at that time, so I didn't realize it..."

"When I come back, I will see you fall down, and then I will kill all the others..."

"If xiaotuanzi hadn't reminded me that you were still alive, I thought you would have been killed..."

With these words, Xia Jue could not help recalling his feelings at that time. His extreme emotion came up, which was both sad and murderous.

For a time, I felt the emotion expressed by Xia Jue on Wednesday, and I was also moved.

"It's all right, I'm still alive. If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead. "

Xia Jue doesn't know that this is the words to comfort him on Wednesday. He can only smile bitterly. It's true that he is too weak. If not, how can he fall under his eyes on WednesdayIf not, how could Wednesday face such a dilemma.

It's all because of him.

Because of his incompetence

Xia Jue felt that his efforts were surging up again. I'm afraid he was stunned by this.

For a moment, he felt that he had no way to control his vitality. At this time, xiaotuanzi's spiritual power was not there, and there was no cool spiritual power to help him keep his mind

He has to overcome it on his own!

If you don't recall it, it means that you are escaping.

But if you want to recall this, how can you suppress the emotion in your heart now?

Slowly run the Yuan Li, and then looking at the front of the Wednesday, slowly enlighten themselves.

People are still alive, so I don't blame myself for this

Just work harder at the moment

After a long time, Xia Jue slowly walked out of his mood.

After realizing Xia Jue's abnormality, he didn't dare to say anything on Wednesday. He just adapted to his current strength.

He didn't slack off his practice at ordinary times, but he didn't have enough opportunities and had few resources. Now Xia Jue gave him so many pills, so he used them immediately.

So in Xia Jue coma of this period of time, Wednesday's strength is step by step up.

But he didn't work very hard, and his practice also depended on luck, so he was only a little successful, which was far worse than Xia Jue.

When he recovered from his emotional stability, Xia Jue opened his eyes and looked to Wednesday.

At this time, it's just a thing of the past for Xia Jue to mention the sword light and sword shadow at that time. He doesn't have much feeling - at least, he won't fall into the devil because of this.

Xia Jue didn't dare to breathe a sigh of relief when he came back from the edge of the evil Zheng.

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