Without him, just because Xia Jue still didn't know why he suddenly felt very tired and fell asleep.

But at the moment, Xia Jue suddenly understood what it was because of after he didn't lose his mind about it

It seems that because he

Xia Jue frowned slightly and didn't seem to accept such an explanation.

Maybe it's because I just got through the robbery and then started to kill. My strength is not enough for Jindan.

So I feel that there is Yuanli, but actually there is no

My own reserves, not so much, just think

So he insisted on the lack of yuan to the last moment?

It's no wonder Xia Jue didn't want to admit it. After all, at that time, he didn't think he should.

Even if you squander Yuan Li, you don't have any abnormal feeling.

So, I am in the state of death and posterity?

Or, Xia Jue laughed at himself.

It's close to Wednesday, and it's a bit lucky.

After all, he has just been working on Yuanli for several weeks, and has long found that the amount of Yuanli he can reserve is more than his cognition of falling down.

This explanation is not incomprehensible, but Xia Jue still cares about it.

How did Wednesday survive without realizing it.

The other side is obviously dead.

These people would rather lose their lives to stay in a confrontation with Wednesday, certainly without any mercy.

So, how can we survive on Wednesday when we have not arrived yet and fall unconscious?

Is it because of the bracelet?

But the bracelet doesn't have its own spiritual consciousness. It has fallen unconscious on Wednesday. How can it open the boundary of the bracelet? Moreover, in this instant process, the boundary of the bracelet has to bear the fatal blow of several people. Where can the bracelet still support a good boundary?

Besides, I thought I saved him on Wednesday

"On Wednesday, excuse me for asking you one more question. Did you really not open the border before you fell down?"

On Wednesday, he touched his nose awkwardly and said, "in fact, I didn't want to open the border, but I think the border can't support the attack of so many people. If it can be opened, it's OK to say that it can save my life, but I don't think it can be saved."

"So in this case, I gave up. Thinking, it's better to wait for me to die and you can inherit my bracelet. I believe you will treat my herbs well, but I didn't expect that I could survive. "

"By the way, you just said you didn't save me?"

Seems to be aware of something, Wednesday quickly asked.

"You don't doubt that I can survive by opening a border, do you? That's not to blame, but I really didn't open the border. I know the situation of the border. If I open the border, this bracelet will be unbearable. "

"Brother Xia, I'll tell you the truth. I'm not very worried after you get through the robbery? In fact, because of the thunder robbery, my bracelet has a crack. If I bear the attack again, it will break directly. I care about this treasure, so I'm very stingy and dare not use it. "

"Since there's no way to survive, I gave up using jiejie. I think you'd better save me, brother Xia. But at that time you were so confused, I'm afraid you misunderstood... "

With that, he took off the bracelet on Wednesday and showed Xia Jue the crack. Then he persuaded Xia Jue with a smile.

He also seems to understand Xia Jue because of this matter, said to say very calm.

I don't care about it at all.

Xia Jue looked at the bracelet along with the words on Wednesday. There was indeed a crack, but it didn't look like it could be easily destroyed. He looked at the bracelet suspiciously.

This statement seems to help us resist a fatal blow on Wednesday before cracking

Realizing that Xia Jue was doubting the truth of what he said, he felt a bit embarrassed on Wednesday and quickly said, "cough, it's really not that I lied to you. It seems that this bracelet can automatically reply, but it depends on his spiritual power..."

"Jiejie seems to be born of spiritual power, and this bracelet had this crack because of the destruction of jiejie at that time. It recovered itself during this period, so it became like this. If you can't believe it, you can have a look at this bracelet every other time... "

Seeing that he was so sure of his statement on Wednesday, Xia Jue inevitably had a smile and said, "I don't believe you. I just wonder how you avoided their moves at that time."

"But now, that's all right. It's no use worrying about it. You're still alive. Everything's OK"Brother Xia, you really scared me."

"What are you nervous about? I'm just afraid that you will die. There may be many treasures in the world, but you are the only one. I don't want you to die. If it turns out to be your life... "

Silent for a while, Xia Jue obviously took a little sadness.

Wednesday also knew that Xia Jue was now imagining the consequences he did not dare to imagine.

So, on Wednesday, he said, "it's OK. I'm fine now. Mind it, this matter is over."

After nodding, Xia Jue said, "I'd rather have the bracelet broken, and you'd better be well. So no matter what you encounter next time, you should remember to protect yourself and protect yourself at all costs. If the bracelet can protect you, you should not give up your life for the sake of the bracelet as you did at that time. "

Xia Jue's advice was so serious that people couldn't refuse it for a while, so he agreed to it on Wednesday.

Only after experiencing a life and death, can you understand how precious your life is, so this time on Wednesday, you will not easily give up the chance to live.

As for the bracelet, since it's all right now, we have to rely on such a treasure to protect ourselves.

Seeing that he put his words in his heart on Wednesday, Xia Jue was slightly relieved.

Then he used the contract to summon xiaotuanzi out.

At this time, xiaotuanzi was still sleeping, which seemed more serious than before.

Xia Jue couldn't help wondering about this. After exchanging his sight with Wednesday, he looked for a better place to stay according to the map on Wednesday to deal with the affairs of xiaotuanzi.

"Is xiaotuanzi OK?"

"It should feel OK."

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