So, I didn't say much on Wednesday. I took the map and led the way.

Xia Jue followed him, and soon he saw the big monster.

But now Xiajue and Wednesday's strength have increased a lot, so we are not afraid to see them. If we can avoid them directly, we can solve the problems quickly.

After all, these monsters don't have to be wiped out. The inner elixir of these common monsters is there, but it doesn't work for them any more.

So Xia Jue and Wednesday did not think that they stopped their pace.

Besides, it won't take long for two people to get to the cave.

The mountain spirit beast felt the evil spirit of the two people, and naturally did not dare to get close to them, so Xia Jue and Wednesday only need to solve the creatures in the cave, and then they can stay here quietly.

After he had disposed of the cave, Xia looked at the sleeping little ball carefully.

Although the contract connects the two, Xia Jue's understanding of the contract is not enough, so he does not know how to find out the situation of xiaotuanzi.

Xiaotuanzi didn't turn into a human, so he couldn't measure each other's state by human standards, so Xia Jue and Wednesday were at a loss for a moment.

In this way, they had to put aside the small ball.

Xia Jue wakes up only to find that his strength has increased on Wednesday, but he doesn't know how much has changed.

Now he stopped for a rest, so Xia Jue felt the pulse of Wednesday and carefully detected the ability of the other side.

On Wednesday, I trusted Xia Jue very much, so I didn't feel any abnormality or refuse. On the contrary, I cooperated with Xia Jue naturally.

After all, in the heart of Wednesday, Xia Jue must be good to himself.

Can Xia Jue's collection of pills and other things have been unconditionally given to him? Just looking at it, it is enough to prove that the other party will not deal with him.

If you really want to do something to him, why give such a precious pill?

After carefully exploring the vitality of next Wednesday, Xia Jue had a look of surprise.

"You, I think it's a blessing in disguise when you die."

"The original impure vitality is completely used by you. There is no interference in the border. With the accumulation of precious pills, the vitality in your body is pure now, and the power will be greatly increased."

"The main reason is that your body can store more energy than before, which means that your ascension is not just an ordinary ascension, but also a washing of your body."

"You've been through this, too. You've changed!"

Speaking of this, Xia Jue is very happy.

Because after seeing his brother become very excellent, Xia Jue is also full of joy.

Then he ordered the next Wednesday how to continue to maintain his pure spiritual cultivation method, and then he peeped into the changes of his coma.

After waking up from a coma, he felt pain all over his body, but after he eased down on the road, he didn't find that he had any problems.

At this moment, he stopped and repeatedly explored his body. He didn't find any abnormality. He didn't know where the problem was. He had some doubts.

After giving an account next Wednesday, Xia Jue went into the settle and explored the situation of knowing the sea.

That dream still haunts him.

There was no reason for everything. After he couldn't understand it, he didn't want to be like this.

He has to figure out why.

So Xia Jue settled down and came to his own sea of knowledge.

Shihai seems to be a bit ambitious, but in fact it can't see far away. All it can see is a cloud of dust, and Xia Jue doesn't find anything unusual. After all, the fog is due to the self-protection of Shihai and won't let others destroy it.

The body can regenerate and the yuan force can recover, but if there is a problem with Shihai, he will no longer exist

Xia Jue didn't dare to make mistakes easily. He only dared to use a wisp of spirit to see what happened.

So this process took a lot of time. Slowly, Xia Jue suddenly found that his knowledge of the sea was not damaged, but expanded.

There is no way to explore the original area, now also can use the spirit to explore out!

Seeing this, Xia Jue was filled with joy.

Then he slowly put away his spiritual consciousness and went back to the world. When he woke up from meditation, he saw the leisurely practice on Wednesday.

Because there is no way for two people to settle in at the same time, although the position here is secret, it does not mean that no one will come at all, so I dare not relax on Wednesday, so I just keep myself here.

At the moment, seeing Xia Jue wake up, he immediately came to Xia Jue and said, "brother Xia Jue, in the process of entering the settlement, I see that this little group has changed!"I heard that it was about xiaotuanzi. Xia Jue was very concerned about it, so he immediately came back and looked at the text waiting for him on Wednesday.


"You are settled. I feel a little bored, so I take out a herb from the border to see how to use it. By the way, the flower is still in bloom, and it doesn't seem to change. Maybe the bracelet needs spiritual power to recover itself, so they don't have extra spiritual power to absorb and maintain its original appearance."

"But now I can't see the crack in the bracelet, so I think the flowering herbs will change."

Xia Jue nodded, looked at the crooked Wednesday, and said helplessly: "the bracelet is OK. What about the one you just said? Do you have anything to do with my little dumpling when you bring out herbs? "

I can't blame Xia Jue for interrupting his words on Wednesday. The main reason is that his thinking on Wednesday is too jumping. If he continues to nag like this, I'm afraid he can't get to the point for a long time. What's more, Xia Jue is very concerned about xiaotuanzi. It's been a long time, but xiaotuanzi hasn't got any response. Even if he sends a message to xiaotuanzi in the contract, he hasn't got any response.

So Xiajue was very worried about xiaotuanzi.

At the moment, I heard that there was a little Tuanzi's information. How could I not care?

So it's necessary to interrupt Wednesday.

On Wednesday, I didn't care if my words were interrupted. I soon began to say, "Oh, what am I going to say. I don't know how to extract the herb after I take it out. I'm afraid that I will destroy a herb. I can't make up my mind, but I can't plant it again after I take it down, can I? "

"I thought that xiaotuanzi had taken one of my herbs at that time? So I want to come and have a look at xiaotuanzi... "

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