This year, the reason that you can't go without money is deeply felt in Xiajue's road, so it's the young man who immediately frowns and smiles when he pays in time.

"Longling Pavilion is the most powerful spiritual sect in hundreds of miles. It holds a student union every three years, that is, the Dragon Society. The people you see are attending the dragon club.

Xia Jue understood, nodded to thank the young humanity, and then said: "to so many people, does Longling Pavilion accept many apprentices every time?".

"Ha ha ha 354" the young man looked at Xiajue and said with a smile, "on the contrary, longlingge does not care about quantity, only about potential."

"Ah, how do I get there?".

Said the young man. "That is to say, as soon as the elders of Longling Pavilion see you, they become very good. If you can't see it, even if you have the power to lift the sky, it's useless.

"That's not fair," said Xia Jue.

"Ha ha, is it fair? There is nothing really fair in this world. At the last dragon meeting, the Longling pavilion was confiscated by one of the disciples. ". Said the young man.

After getting the necessary information, Xia Jue stopped talking nonsense and flew to Shengtian mountain on horseback.

Tianshan Mountain is endless, towering into the clouds, and the jungle is spreading.

Niufeng, Jaing environmental peak, Mockingbird peak and Pulao peak are the four peaks of Shengtian mountain, while zhangmeng Valley, Eryu Valley, Eryu Valley, hungry Valley and Jiaotu valley are the five peaks of Shengtian mountain.

The four peaks and five grains are the sites of Longling Pavilion. The main hall of Longling Pavilion is located on the highest peak of niufeng.

At the foot of the northern foot of Shengtian mountain is Longling villa. This is the place where Longling Pavilion receives visitors. Besides Longling villa, you can get to the main entrance of Shengtian mountain. Then, the annual Jiuzi meeting is the first election held in Longling villa.

There are too many spiritual practices in the Ninth National Assembly. The primary election is also very strict. Every year, only the primary election can eliminate nearly two-thirds of the spiritual practices.

The deacon of longlingge, who is in charge of reception, arranges the residence for Xiajue, sends out the waist tag and tells him when he enters the primary election with the waist tag.

Xia Jue went to the mausoleum to meditate. He didn't walk around like other people.

His study is not low, but his foundation is not solid, which is not good for his future study.

In the morning of the first nine days, a group of Xia Jue and young monks, led by the deacon of Longling Pavilion, left Longling villa and went to the north gate of Shengtian mountain. It's the first election hall.

There are hundreds of people in this line, and they may all walk in order on purpose. This satisfied the deacon in front of the team and soon came to the square in front of the mountain gate.

The outside disciples in charge of the primary in longlingge took a look at the people in the square. Many of them showed satisfied smiles on their faces. Some of them listened to each other and talked about something.

There are no more projects. The first election started directly.

The first election is not special either. Test strength, speed, cultivation and sensory ability.

They were divided into 10 teams to participate in the first election. After passing the first election, they went directly to the mountain gate. The deacon of longlingge took him to the mountain to attend the next day's Jiuzi meeting.

These projects may have been insurmountable obstacles for Xia Jue three months ago, but today he finished the primary with the fastest speed and went to the Mountain Gate under the guidance of the disciples from the outside of Longling Pavilion who were in charge of the primary.

"Xia Jue, you are so happy to repair the door," he said.

Xia Jue politely thanks the apprentice: "this is the care of my brother. My brother is very grateful."

After hearing this, the apprentice stopped and said with a smile, "younger martial brother is a smart man. If you don't say anything, just bring it." He held out his hand and said.

This Xia Jue is white. Looking at the apprentice, he said, "what? I don't know. ".

Hearing that, the disciple's face suddenly turned cold and said with a sneer. "So, did your child fool me just now? I told you, this mountain gate is not so easy to get in. There is no rule of example, you don't want to enter shengtianmen. ".

Convention? Xia Jue's face turned white.

But he's not going to.

One is that there are not many xuanjing in him, and there is no rare treasure of genius. The only artifact of the body, the sky ruler, he will never send.

What's more, when he thinks it's time to send it, he will give it voluntarily, but when others ask for it, he will refuse it as he does now.

"Come back, then. I didn't pass the first election. The disciple of the outer door said coldly and made a gesture of request to Xia Jue. Xia Jue said with a sneer, "are you not afraid of the punishment of the elders of Longling pavilion?"

"Ah, I didn't expect your children to know a lot, so what? There is no routine today, you can't get through this door. The outer disciple was obviously impatient and went to the front to push Xiajue.

Xia Jue and others are waiting for this opportunity. As soon as he did, Xia Jue couldn't hide any more. Raise the right arm, follow the apprentice's gesture to go outside, the index finger points to his right arm meridian.

The disciple felt that his meridians were blocked, his aura was flowing back, and his chest was depressed for a moment.But Xia Jue didn't give him a chance to breathe. He went to the front step, grabbed the hands of the outer disciple, twisted, raised the body of the outer disciple, and threw it ten meters away.

The refined disciple of the outer door lay on the ground and cried Fast man, someone is going up the mountain, fast man is coming. "

just this voice, suddenly seven or eight disciples of Longling Pavilion came from a distance, surrounded Xia Jue.

Xia Jue didn't explain much, but the other side obviously didn't want to give him an opportunity to explain. They just looked at each other. The seven or eight disciples of Longling Pavilion started at the same time and left around Xia Jue.

Xia Jue was already practising in the dry spirit state. After all, his fists were hard to beat his four hands. At the beginning, he was inferior. The behavior of the other party's seven or eight people is lower than their own, but they have a hurricane like momentum together.

Xia lingjue thinks this kind of array is very good.

In that case, Xia Jue made up his mind to enter Longling Pavilion.

After only three or five rounds, Xia Jue was knocked down on the ground. The disciples of Longling Pavilion obviously didn't want to be merciful. Xia Jue, who fell on the ground, was covered with blood.

The outer disciple who brought Xia Jue limped over, looked at Xia Jue lying on the ground with cold eyes, and said with a sneer: "boy, hit me when you get up...".

Before he finished speaking, the expression on the disciple's face suddenly solidified.

Because in this kind of air, he smelled a fragrance, a fresh fragrance.

Then, as Xia Jue's blood became more and more, his fragrance became heavier.

It was not only him, but also the disciples of Longling Pavilion around him. They came around their heads, looked at Xiajue, who was lying on the ground like a hungry wolf, and swallowed his saliva.

"Brother, is that true?" The short disciple asked the man next to him.

The disciple who came in with Xia Jue pursed his mouth and said, "absolutely right. The blood of the demon clan contains the highest spiritual power."

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