"Drawing blood to refine pills, pills contain talent skills..." Another disciple murmured to himself.

Gradually, someone was ready to step in.

However, the first outside disciple came forward to support Xia Jue and said with a smile. "The teacher's brother has committed many crimes. Then you can go down the mountain. So he took out a bottle of pills and handed it to him. This is because if Xia Jue died in the area of Shengtian mountain, Longling pavilion would like to understand that it can't explain the whole practice world, but as long as he leaves, everyone will step in secretly.

Xia Jue stood up and watched with people's angry eyes. When he fought again, two harsh voices came from the sky. Then, two black and white figures appeared in the sky.

The disciples of Longling Pavilion bowed at the same time.

Elder Wu and elder Bai slowly fell in front of us. The wings of elder Bai's nose moved, and then he stood straight with two eyes. He was greedy in his eyes to the unassuming Xia Jue's body.

In the same way, elder Wu looked up and down at Xia Jue, and finally looked at his face tightly, showing an incredible face and a smile.

Especially seeing the sky ruler behind Xia Jue, he nodded.

"What's the matter? Why are you so noisy? " Bai Changlao severely drank the first election of outside disciples asked.

The outside disciple said, "this man is Xia Jue. He didn't pass the first election, but he had to climb the mountain. The disciples couldn't stop him."

After hearing this, elder Bai slapped the disciple and said, "the player of Longling Pavilion is the first one to focus on nature and fate. Although the boy didn't pass the first election, he still climbed the mountain, which shows his nature. How dare you step in and stop it? What's the crime.

The disciple outside immediately knelt down and bowed his head to admit his mistake.

Bai Changlao put out his voice coldly and said with a smile to Xia Jue. "Is your name Xiajue?".

Xia Jue nodded and looked at Bai Changlao calmly. He saw that the white elder was scolding his disciples on the surface, but he was actually acting for him.

Elder Bai said his true thoughts were waiting for him.

Elder Bai said, "old lady Bai Shuichang, elder of longlingge law enforcement hall.".

"I've seen the white elder." Xia Jue bows a little. He doesn't say what the other party's real intention is, just the identity of the other party. As a descendant, he bows.

Baishui said: "the students of longlingge, the initial focus and fate, for you, I see old knowledge, Xia Jue, do you want to be an old lady's disciple?".

Hearing this, not only Xia Jue, but also the disciples of Longling Pavilion were surprised.

The elders of law enforcement agencies accept apprentices in person, which has never happened in the nine sons' meeting for many years. Moreover, the cultivation of these elders is also in the Lord of the cabinet. If the elders can guide them in person, it is really the blessing of the past life.

In this way, the disciples outside the gate gritted their teeth even more to Xia Jue.

Then Xia Jue's white heart was shaken. As a result, I thought all of this had come suddenly. He didn't know the rules of longlingge, but his status as an elder was still very clear.

Let alone the Longling Pavilion, even the elders of poor families seldom become the children of the * * people.

Moreover, the elders of Tangtang longlingge law enforcement hall must make themselves apostles from the first meeting. The real intention here must be more vigilant against Xia Jue. Because in his view, the so-called "heart" and "fate" are too vague.

When mu chuchen was about to speak, the old black horse next to him put out his hand and stopped. He looked at Xia Jue and said with a smile. "Old lady Wu Xian, elder of longlingge longhundian, you'd better take me as your teacher.".

As soon as you say this, the white water chief next to you will quit. Wu laoguai, you are going to rob me. I know Xia Jue first. Why do you want to stick in.

Wu Xian said. "I want to add sticks. Today, the apprentice said it was my decision. ".

"I also received this apprentice. "Baishui's beard was in a mess, and he jumped and cried.

There are more and more people around below. As soon as they know what happened, everyone opens their eyes in surprise, and many people can't help shouting.

This is a very good thing.

Two elders are fighting for an apprentice at the same time. What's the reason for this child?

Compared with Baishui, Wu Xian looks calm, but his tone is very firm. "Everyone knows that in Longling Pavilion, my status is higher than you, and my accomplishments are also higher than you. This apprentice, you'd better not fight.

"Hum, how about cultivating high? Can cultivating high cultivate good apprentices?" White water said.

Wu Xian said with a smile, "haven't you ever heard of a famous man becoming a master?".

"You -"

"what's the matter? Don't you agree? If you don't like it, do it once, and win the apprentice. ". Wu said with a smile.

Black and white elder is famous for the power of Longling Pavilion. They entered Longling Pavilion one after another, except that the pavilion owner was repaired the best. Moreover, the two elders did not agree with each other and always broke up with each other. Instead, they were a pair of living treasures.

However, every fight, Wu Xian always won a lot of time, so Bai Changshui has not been satisfied, always want to find a chance to save face.Seeing Xia Jue this time, he smelled the fragrance of Xia Jue's blood for the first time. As a monk who has been immersed in the practice world for hundreds of years, he certainly knew the spiritual power contained in Xia Jue's blood.

So he's just a fake, trying to monopolize Xia Jue's blood is true.

But Wu Xian intervened because of another reason, he and Xia Jue's father, Han Haoyun.

It was more than 100 years ago. Wu Xian had not yet entered the Longling Pavilion. He was just a casual monk roaming the mainland.

But he is very honest and seeks justice everywhere, which makes a lot of people angry. Finally, in the town not far from Shengtian mountain, he was surrounded by more than 20 people's advanced spiritual cultivation, and was temporarily in trouble.

As a result, Han Haoyun suddenly appeared, and Tianchi escaped the death of the high-level spiritual cultivation who killed more than 20 people, thus saving Wu Xian.

But at that time, Wu Xian was also seriously injured. Han Haoyun took Wu Xian back to the hotel and hurt him. A month later, Wu Xian's injury healed, and the two became friends.

After knowing Wu Xian's past, Han Haoyun wrote a letter of recommendation for Wu Xian and asked him to go to Shengtian mountain Longling Pavilion.

This can not only protect the safety of leisure, but also his contribution to old friends.

So when Wu Xian saw Xia Jue, he immediately saw the shadow of Han Haoyun from him. Xia Jue and Han Haoyun are too similar, and the ruler behind him makes him confirm that the child in front of him is the descendant of his life benefactor.

When I heard his name, I had no doubt.

However, he absolutely did not allow the white water to accept Xia Jue.

As for repair, if Wu Xian is still on Baishui, he certainly knows the uniqueness of Xia Jue's blood disease, and according to his understanding of Baishui length, Baishui length can never make him a disciple so cordially.

Then the only explanation is that he monopolizes Xia Jue's blood.

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