At this time, Yun Haolei, sitting on a knee jerk in the main hall of Longling Pavilion, suddenly opened his eyes. As soon as he shook his body, he disappeared. When he appeared again, he had come to the stone gate of the forbidden area. He stares into the stone gate. If it's someone else, you can't see the scene in the stone gate. Yun Haolei is the owner of Longling Pavilion, and his forbidden area is the secret place of Longling Pavilion. Naturally, he knows how to see the things inside.

Yun Haolei found that in such a short period of time, Xia Jue unexpectedly broke through the state of fitness. He could not help but show a surprised expression on his face. Then he twisted his beard and nodded. "That's great. It's worthy of the Han family. The speed of practice is also abnormal. I'm afraid it's also the key to seal Xia Jue's lifeblood cultivation. The longer the oppression, the stronger the rebound. Is that the truth? "

It seems that Yun Haolei understands Xia Jue who practices martial arts in the forbidden area. Yun Haolei is a genius who came here from the upper level. He doesn't fall in love with the martial arts handed down from the lower level. But what he saw today was Xia Jue's powerful martial arts. He was shocked to think that it was the martial arts of the poor family's independent practitioners.

Yun Haolei does not disturb Xia Jue, but cultivates Xia Jue by himself, precipitating the mysterious feeling of spiritual communication with the heaven and earth that has just broken through the realm of fit.

Xia Jue doesn't know that Yun Haolei is staring at him outside the stone gate of the forbidden area. He is immersed in the strange feeling that his whole body and mind are indistinctly integrated with his own world. It's no wonder that in the state of combination, practitioners have vaguely agreed with the rules between heaven and earth. Therefore, generally speaking, practitioners can choose a rule between heaven and earth to be consistent with it at this stage, so as to maximize the ability of ontology. But Xia Jue didn't choose the direction of cultivation. Instead, he sank down and meditated. He refined the heaven and earth energy he had just got, compressed it and turned it into his own real balloon, condensed in his own elixir field. At first, real balloons were very small, but as they piled up little by little, real balloons grew bigger and seemed to bulge.

Of course, the true Qi in Dantian didn't really break through the body. It was incredible. It is said that the true Qi cultivated in ganlingjing before accumulated like lake water to the sea. Now the sea water is condensed, and all the true Qi is not exposed. From the appearance, Xia Jue, like ordinary people, is the first step for practitioners to return to the real world.

See Xia Jue didn't rush in, outside see Xia Jue's cloud Haolei old bosom comfort, long sleeve a jilt, the person disappeared again, returned to his main hall of the throne.

Three days later, Yun Haolei comes to the stone gate of the forbidden area again. Xia Jue sits on his knees as he did three days ago, and finds that the illusions of his whole body are hidden, sometimes the flame that will never disappear, sometimes the dark viscous liquid, and sometimes the blue storm. Xia Jue

about the wild ghosts of lonely souls accumulated in the forbidden area for thousands of years, he finds that they do no harm to Xia Jue After that, the wild ghost of lonely soul, just like Xia Jue does not exist, coexists with him peacefully.

Yun Haolei quietly left again. It was a month later when he came back. Xia Jue was still practicing. At this time, Xia Jue's body was obviously stronger than before. His thinner body turned into a muscular body. Every time he breathed, Xia Jue seemed to keep pace with the breathing of heaven, earth, sun and moon.

Yun Haolei can't help but look up to the sky. He knew about Xia Jue. I know the blood of demons in Xiajue's body. It is said that the blood of the demon clan is the blood of the ancient demon dragon. Blood is very thin, but the upper demon clan is born with immeasurable power. It's not the demon clan's slow cultivation, it's not their low reproductive ability, how can they dominate the world?

Three months later, Xia Jue finished his cultivation. When he opened his eyes, he soon caught hold of it. Five colors of light, the same thing in his hand. The five color light mass disappeared in an instant, and I didn't know where it was hidden.

Xia Jue nodded with satisfaction. Just now, he finally chose his own cultivation direction. The five color light group is not an ordinary cultivation direction. It's the five color wisdom root. The colors are divided into gold, cyan, black, red and yellow, which respectively indicate the cultivation direction of Jinling, Muling, Shuiling, Huoling and Tuling. The cultivation of any spiritual system is ultimately a person of the overlord level. Generally, it is practiced in order to guide the vitality of heaven and earth. But Xia Jue didn't know that. He knew that he would become stronger. The extremely powerful power of rules in wucaihuilinggen made him yearn for it. He naturally chose wucaihuilinggen as his training direction.

Feeling that Xiajue's cultivation has finally finished, yunhaolei appears beside Xiajue.

Feel a burst of Thunder Dragon gas, Xia Jue bending white bow waiting. From nihility to reality, the true face of Yun Haolei appeared in front of Xia Jue. Seeing Xia Jue, he could not help nodding. "Children can be taught. You are your father's pride. What a short time to cultivate and refine into a state of integration. It's a genius for cultivation. "

"Thank you, uncle. If my uncle didn't put me into the forbidden area for trial, I might not break through the fitness realm so soon. It's up to my uncle. "

"Great. The mouth is sweet. Now you are the arrogance of the younger generation. Even if you are in the upper position, you may be a rare talent for cultivation. "

"Uncle, my nephew is a genius of cultivation in my uncle's mouth. Am I qualified to learn the book of heaven?"

"Chi, why are you so persistent? As I have said, the book of heaven is not for you. There are many secret books of practice in my Longling Pavilion. I also have a strong discipline of fear. You'd better choose another way of practice. "However, Yun Haolei's stop did not dispel Xia Jue's heart. He bowed respectfully to Yun Haolei again. "Uncle, this is my father's last life. Nephew can't disobey it. After my nephew broke through the realm of fit, I seem to have something to do with the book of heaven, so I can let my uncle finish my nephew. "

Yun Haolei is determined to look at Xia Jue, but he does not waver at all. After a while I sighed. "You can't study the book of heaven. However, it is harmful and unhelpful to apply your present study to the book of heaven. I can guarantee that if you reach the ten levels, I will force you to practice even if you don't want to practice "ask the heavenly scriptures."

"Really? My uncle is the leader of Longling Pavilion. He is the overlord of one side. He promised to speak out and don't be disgusted."

"Hahaha, what do you think of your uncle? In a word, a gentleman is not necessarily able to practice in your ten small situations. How many people are trapped on a border and can't live for a hundred years, and finally die unhappily? "

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