"I will certainly practice to ten small areas, and I will go further."

Xia Jue's attitude is very firm, and he seems to have confidence in himself.

Yun Haolei is also very happy.

He wants to see Xia Jue in this state.

What is the risk of cultivation? Do you need to pay attention? Yun Haolei said that they are a group of cowards who defend themselves when they encounter difficulties and dangers on the way of practice. Practice is the real message of practitioners.

"But uncle, but don't you know what ten small states are? Xia Jue suddenly heard this sentence, and Yun Haolei was startled.

"I don't even know about ten small scenes?"

"My uncle and nephew knew that they couldn't practice since childhood, so they didn't have a way to practice and didn't care about it. My nephew could recite the business of Shijing street sales, but the foundation of this practice was really weak." Xia Jue's face was embarrassed and answered unnaturally.

Yun Haolei exclaimed: "on the basis of your shallow cultivation, it's really lucky that you can cultivate like this."

Cultivation is divided into ten small realms, five middle realms, two gods realms, and legend realms, which are divided into 18 realms.

The ten small realms are broken body, Li Ling, Kun Ling, Gan Ling, fit, pass virtual, out of body, break hole, refine virtual, essence and soul.

The five realms are blood, life soul, Earth Spirit, heaven spirit and life.

When it comes to the two divine realms, they are already the supreme realms, the two divine realms of spiritual emptiness and body oriented.

It's said that no one can be as successful as uncle.

Just like your uncle and your dead father, we are the lowest and bloody boundary in the five middle schools, which is the peak in your world now.

If we further improve, we will not be subject to the status of this space, but will rise to a higher status. "

"So, can I practice the book of asking heaven only when I reach the realm of soul?"

"There is no doubt that the book of asking heaven does not come from the upper plane, so it is not a secret book for the cultivation of this plane. The cultivation of the lower plane will naturally become 100 times more difficult.

Only by cultivating the spirit and soul of the top of the mountain up to the ten small realms and making the soul equal to those of life on the upper plane, can we cultivate the book of asking heaven. "

Xia Jue pondered for a while and asked Yun Haolei.

"But I don't know to what extent my uncle practiced the book of heaven."

"Ha ha, boy, I told you.

Uncle's cultivation method is not consistent with the book of heaven.

There will be conflicts in some places.

I didn't fully practice the book of asking heaven, which has some powerful combat skills.

When it comes to you, I don't know if you can cultivate to the spiritual realm, but it's better to promote to the next realm for the time being.

Don't practice too fast, step by step.

Come on, let me see your fitness direction.

"Uncle, what is the direction of fitness?"

Yun Haolei thought of Xia Jue's systematic study of cultivation knowledge and explained patiently.

"The direction of fitness cultivation refers to the direction of cultivation chosen by practitioners when they reach the realm of fitness."

Xia Jue can only be called a true cultivator after he has reached the state of fitness "

Xia Jue relaxed his heart, remained motionless, and flew out of his body five colored roots.

Originally, the five color light group came to him now, and it should have changed from Chen to five color root.

Seeing the five colored roots in front of him, Yun Haolei suddenly shook his body. His eyes were all wide open under the leisurely eye state. He pointed to the roots revolving around Xia Jue's body. "Is this the five colored Huiling root? How to attract colorful Huigen? Yes, it's a monster. "

"Wucaihuilinggen? Uncle, are these five things called wucaihuilinggen? "

"What is it? Why is this something? No, this is the highest spiritual root of the practitioner's dream.

The practitioners who can obtain the wisdom root in the state of combination will be the overlord of the hegemonist unless they fall unexpectedly.

As far as I know, there are absolutely no more than 10 children who can get the colorful wisdom root at the same time. Every surprise is the existence of a place in the cultivation of history.

I don't know. Are you lucky? Or misfortune? Yun Haolei's face also showed an envious expression when he talked about wucaihuilinggen.

"Lucky? Unfortunately? As you said, uncle, the people who can get the colorful wisdom root will be very powerful, right? Why is it so unfortunate? "


In this human world, no matter in the lower level or the upper level, people's bad roots are greedy.

Before you grow up to the level of not angry, if someone knows that your body has colorful spiritual roots, it will be speculated that you will take the cool method of spiritual roots.

What's more, you have the blood of the ancient demon clan. You are guilty. What people like most is the blood refining magic weapon of the upper demon clan. The more pure the blood is, the more powerful the refining magic weapon is.So, my dear nephew, don't let others know these two secrets about you easily.

Otherwise, there will be death at any time. "

Xia Jue bowed his head and nodded.

"Thank you, uncle.

In the future, I will hide these two secrets of my body. "

Yun Haolei is very satisfied with Xia Jue. It seems that he has seen the figure of Han Haoyun, the father of Xia Jue. The father and son are really similar.

At the thought of Han Haoyun, Yun Haolei can't help but think of Han Haoyun and his youth. At that time, he was in his prime and full of spirit. It was a happy time.

Oh, the years are so unforgettable.

"Son, you are just entering the threshold of study.

I want to know that there is still a world in this world.

Your father and I are from the top. When we were young, we came to the world to practice with your father, but in fact we were forced to the top.

”At this point, a snapshot flashed in Yun Haolei's eyes, the dragon spirit flew out of his whole body, the photographer's dragon power expanded instantly, and the Golden Dragon made an unwilling sound.

Yun Haolei's dragon is undulating violently, and his whole body is frowning and standing calmly.

Although he felt his skin pricking like a knife when the wind came, he didn't step back.

"Uncle, did my father and you come from the top?"

Yun Haolei now found that he was just excited and almost hurt Xia Jue. He received his own dragon Qi and said: "when there is something I haven't told you, when you can practice the book of heaven, I will naturally tell you what happened at that time.

Now your goal is to be a master of the two divine realms. For your father and me, it may be that you can't cope with the invincible existence of poverty all your life. But I think you may be able to achieve our long cherished wish. Only your body blood and the colorful wisdom you just obtained, starting from me and ah, I hope to see you become the invincible existence of the two divine realms in your lifetime. "

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