Hearing that Yun Haolei said that his father's enemy was the legendary superstar of the two gods, Xia Jue could not help sighing.

It's something you can't see when you look up.

However, the more so, Xia Jue inherited from his ancestors more and more tenacious, his heart filled with pride.

Seeing that Xia Jue's eyes became very deep and his face became very stubborn, Yun Haolei nodded.

"Now you have successfully entered the realm of fitness, but your cultivation time is too short, so you grow up so fast that your foundation is unstable. Let your uncle help you eliminate all the dangers of your body."

Xia Jue said to Yun Haolei: "thank you for your help! Thank you very much.

Yun Haolei put Xia Jue on Bai's knee and put his hands on Baihui acupoint on Xia Jue's head.

The cyclone separator is divided into seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan and purple. As the condensing cyclone becomes larger, the rotation speed becomes faster.

The whirlwind takes the palm of cloud Haolei as the center and covers the whole Xia Jue.

Xia Jue's body trembles a little. As the whirlwind speeds up, the shaking power of Xia Jue's body increases.

Xia Jue's body, slowly gathered under a black viscous liquid.

These are the impurities extruded from Xia Jue's body. Xia Jue who has removed the impurities may really have a good cultivation constitution.

For a long time, Yun Haolei finally succeeded and slowly recovered.

At this time, Xia Jue's whole body was stained with thick black liquid, just like a blackened statue.

In this way, Xia Jue sat for three days and three nights, and Yun Haolei had been guarding nearby. He even sent the elders to do some important things.

Finally, Xia Jue's body is cracked by the size of the black stone object transformed by the black viscous liquid. Xia Jue comes out from inside, his whole body is red, as white as a newborn baby, and there is no impurity at all.

"Nephew, now you can finally break through the world and complete the most spiritual realm of the ten small realms as soon as possible.

Now you are not unable to improve in my Longling Pavilion, but the improvement speed here is too slow, much faster than you walk in the world.

Nephew, are you ready to go to the world? "

"Thank you, master, for my rebirth.

Nephew wants to travel all over the world.

”Xia Jue fell to the ground and kowtowed to Yun Haolei three times in a row.

Yun Haolei said, "great.

I have a good storage here, Hanyu ring.

The necessary things are ready for you.

And the cultivation method you need now.

You can travel all over the world and practice at the same time.

As for the magic weapon, I just prepared a simple vulgar flying sword and a vulgar robe for you. You need to fight for the rest. "

Xia Jue came out from the back mountain of Longling Pavilion. When he left, he was quiet, and the elder Wu Xian who intended to protect Xia Jue didn't get any news.

When Xia Jue arrived at the foot of the main peak of Longling Pavilion, he looked back at Longling Pavilion.

The whole Longling Pavilion is protected by the mountain protection array. It's like being in the air. Occasionally, the deafening sound of the dragon can be heard.

He doesn't know why Yun Haolei doesn't tell himself that he advocates letting himself go out first.

Through this day's communication, Xia Jue knows that the decision made by Yun Haolei, the leader of Longling Pavilion, cannot be changed.

Since he doesn't want to tell himself, he may have his own difficulties.

Or there may be other reasons.

I really don't understand.

I don't want to think about Xiajue any more.

Long Lingge to the direction of the main peak of worship, along the mountain path to the distance.

Yun Haolei opens his eyes on the throne and looks at all the actions of Xia Jue. He sighs secretly.

"Nephew, not uncle, I don't want to tell you.

Because my uncle's physical condition is really not suitable to teach you.

Fortunately, you have the measuring ruler and the shadow ring I gave you.

Your life will be fine unless you meet the experts in the cave world.

Well, if they'll never die, they'll kill you Well

When Yun Haolei cools down, the heart of the people above the spirit level of the whole Huafeng mainland suddenly becomes nervous, and they feel unspeakable pain.

In the southernmost part of Fenghua mainland, Zhangzi Jianzong is an invisible small grass shed. The old man with white hair slowly opens his eyes, and his eyes emit the same cold light as two swords. In the blink of an eye, the old man can't see the cold light.

"Who's so obsessed with old friends?" he said? It should be to let the disciples pay attention to "

there is no sunshine in the lightless cliff on the westernmost side of Fenghua continent all the year round.

Inside, there is a fierce Golden Hall. In the hall, the tall black bearded man with a crown, enjoying the beautiful massage, moans coldly, as if disdaining the palpitations he just felt.

"Blow the air, one day will return to the upper level, want to restrain us? Well, it's hard to die.”The northernmost part of Fenghua is the endless grassland, and the deepest part of the grassland is the city of black pressure. In the highest tower of the castle, the withered old man also opens his eyes, looks south, and then closes his eyes.

In the easternmost part of the mainland, surrounded by the sea, there is an island shrouded in mist. In the tallest building on the island, the most beautiful woman lying on the Phoenix bed gently waves her fan in her hand, "things without conscience are going up to the sky.

You don't come to see me.

Please be careful.

Who makes you think so much of it? "

Of course, Xia Jue doesn't know that the monarch of the lower world has been summoned by Yun Haolei, the leader of Longling Pavilion. Is he worrying about which direction to go? Yun Haolei simply told him to hang out, but he didn't say anything in either direction.

Xia Jue ran away from home for the first time. He was fit, but he was only 16 years old. His understanding of the outside world was almost confined to the idle books he had read and the gossip of the guests who came and went to Xiajue town.

"It's said that the north is vast and many city states are allied with each other. The people there are relatively simple and hospitable. They'd rather go north." Xia Jue thought that he had heard about the geographical introduction of Fenghua mainland before, so he chose the direction and went north.

After all, Xia Jue is a young man. He plays while walking. In the evening, he finds a quiet place to take out the cultivation books from the ring in the warehouse and practice constantly.

He also knew that the blood of his body was special. From elder Bai Changshui's greed, he knew that he could not reveal his property, so the first mental method he chose was "hidden form formula", which was a tactic that could be practiced when he reached the dry spirit state.

Xia Jue, who has never been in touch with the cultivation of martial arts, has almost reached the state of fitness through the magic effect of measuring the heavenly ruler. Although it was a little late to practice the hidden formula, he soon became familiar with the method of running the true Qi in his body. His heart is omnipresent, and the true Qi naturally spreads all over his body

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