"We are not kilns here."

"My daughter here is more afraid than the daughter of Ping cave in the northern capital, but among the thousands of miles around, we are the only one who has the most romantic style."

"I wonder if you're the only one who can't afford it."

"Ha ha ha, if there is a good girl, there will be a lot of money."

"Do you need money? I have

Xia Jue is barehanded, and he already has a piece of silver in his hand, which is better than more than ten Liang.

Nogan was stunned for a moment, and immediately said with his mouth askew: "ten Liang silver, go to the kiln."

Xia Jue was also used to his grandfather in the brothel. When he was despised by breakfast, he was angry and shook his hand again. He had three pieces of silver in his hand, the biggest of which was fifty Liang.

Nogan's eyes straightened and looked at Xiajue carefully, but she didn't see any luggage on Xiajue.

Do you think the declining son has a god bag worn by the legendary leader of the God sect? However, I think that is impossible. When the chief patrolling envoys appear, which one is not wearing gold and silver after the front call? In addition, the treasure like Gan Kun bag is given by the God God God. How can such a declining son have such a magic treasure?

Xia Jue didn't know the bustard's psychological activities. Seeing that her eyes became straight, he thought that his wealth had blinded her eyes and threw the silver ingot in his hand, "is that enough?"

"Enough, enough," she exclaimed upstairs, after the children of nogan, who had lost their God, said several times.

"Girls, the guests are coming. I'm here to pick them up."

She screamed. There were a lot of footfalls in the building. There was a graceful girl in colorful light lines upstairs. Everyone collected all kinds of customs.

The girls came down the stairs with a smile and a wink and stood behind nogan.

What kind of person is Xia Jue? From the age of 12, he began to live in the brothel. His aesthetic view of beauty was Lao Gao. When he saw these vulgar powder, he couldn't help frowning.

Seeing Xia Jue's face, the child before breakfast kept on smiling and said, "didn't my son see these daughters?" These are the most common ones in our building, and they look better.

Don't your son appreciate it? '"

"Just go straight.

Xia Jue is a group of rich and upstarts. He sits on the back beside him with a plop.

"Good girl, the price is..."

"Isn't it money? Is that enough? Xia Jue's long sleeves were pressed on the table. As soon as he let go, many gold bars appeared on the table.

Nogan's happy voice almost fainted.

She said, "enough, enough!" continue saying.

She quickly ran to get the gold bar. Xia Jue's white sleeve waved again. The gold bar on the table disappeared and he put it in the shadow ring.

Nogan's children were stunned when they saw that the gold bar was gone.

Xia Jue said coldly, "if you have gold and silver, don't you know if you have?"

Nogan is a person. Why don't you know what Xia Jue means? Seeing so much money, she just got excited. The gold owner must not let him run away.

Obviously, this poor young man has high taste.

Besides, it's like there's a god bag.

To be honest, such a grandfather must not slow down.

When Huzi thought about it, sweat began to seep out of her temples. She said quickly, "girls, what are you still doing? Haven't you called this grandfather yet? Come on, pour the wine for grandpa and sing

Chang Yuege girls, who had just been blinded by the money on the table, woke up and gathered one by one to take care of Xia Jue.

"Grandfather, how many pretty good chicks do I have here? Don't you know if you like grandpa? "

I know the meaning of chicken in brothel is Xia Jue. He doesn't come here to enjoy himself, but to have a comfortable bath here.

Hear the young field in, frown, in the brothel tragedy innocent daughter more, Xia Jue see, resolutely intervene.

"Ah? Do you have any chickens? How old are you? "

"Grandfather, I misunderstood."

"It's the chick of the goblin."

He whispered mysteriously before breakfast.

"Xianxiao? What's that? "

See Xia Jue also don't know the meaning of god horse, breakfast son also scared a jump, think oneself judge wrong.

However, as long as there is gold and silver, is the son's grandfather cultivating God? When she thought of it, the smile on her face rose even higher.

"Grandfather, there are many different people in this world."

"They decide people's life and death between the fingers of the flying fish."

"Here they are called Xiushen."

"Xianxiao is a girl who cultivates immortals. She doesn't have Yuanyin. She says that immortals are good at beauty. Some fairy chicks may be older than me, but they still look like eighteen or nine girls. Don't you want to try? "

Xia Jue didn't care much about the hint of frowning before breakfast, but he heard that there was a fairy here. His eyes were shining. He looked at it before breakfast and said, "such a good thing is still hidden, damn it."Xia Jue's eyes had already indicated her practice. Before breakfast, the child was just an ordinary person. How could she accept this? She was about to die on the spot. Hearing Xia Jue's faint voice, she knelt down on the ground in fright: "the governor's ambassador is on it, I know.

Inspector general? What's that? Xia Jue went all over the world for the first time. He didn't know much about it. He had never heard of Zhang Xun Shi. But when he saw what he looked like before breakfast, his fear of Zhang Xun Shi seemed to be deep into the bone marrow. He just looked at breakfast coldly.

Nogan's children knelt down, and the women in the blue building were also startled. Some of them had fallen to the ground and couldn't stand it.

Nogan is just an ordinary person. She has met practitioners, but practitioners look at the people they want to kill with one eye. As far as she knows, it seems that only celebrities like Zhang Xun Shi can do it, so she let Xia Jue be Zhang Xun Shi for the first time.

Nogan was very regretful. He had seen that the son had a talent bag in his hand, and he dared to negotiate with his son. Damn it.

Fortunately, the chief inspector seems to be interested in xianxiaozi, but it's also natural that Xiushen is interested in the girl of Xiushen.

Xia Jue didn't know what he thought before breakfast. He asked coldly, "where are the fairy chicks you mentioned? How many are there

"Mr. Hui Zhangxun, Mo Xiaoze, the son of the town leader, came back from the south a few days ago. In addition to bringing a lot of good goods, he accidentally caught a few fairy babies and is now being held in the town leader's house."



My Lord, Mo Ozawa is also a practitioner. According to the field of cultivation, he is an expert in spiritual realm.

Of course, it's not as good as adults "

it's said that Mo Xiaoze is also a cultivator, and he is in a dry spirit state. Xia Jue knows very well that only cultivators can catch women who are also cultivators.

Xia Jue said excitedly, "what's the name of the speaker here? For what? "

"Our name here is Changyue Town, and the name of the town leader is Changyue. He is a master of spiritual cultivation who conveys the emptiness."

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