"Just now Ozawa said that he was the son of the mayor. How could he be the surname of the mayor?"

"The town owner is a woman, Mo Ozawa's mother."

"Mo Xiaoze's father has a translator, it seems that he is also the commander-in-chief"

Xia Jue frowns. He originally intended to save people, but it is said that the town leader here is a good communicator, and he doesn't know whether he is the other party or not.

After all, Xia Jue hasn't clapped hands with the real cultivation master.

Xia Jue looked down at the breakfast and asked, "what's the relationship between you and the mayor, as well as Mo Ozawa?"

Huzi said: "this changyuege is the main house industry in the town. I just manage these daughters for them."

"Did you just say Xianxiao was in this building, or in Mo Xiaoze's hands?"

"There's only one in our building.

I'm going to invite passers-by repairers. "

Xia Jue read without moving and said, "take me"

"yes!" Nogan's children show respect, promise to stand up, don't butt face Xiajue, lie forward to lead the way.

What nogan took Xia Jue to is not the upper floor of Changyue Pavilion. After moving to the building, there is an elegant courtyard behind the building, and there is a small pond with debris, lotus and swimming fish in it.

Along the corridor of the pond, into the opposite room.

There are two big men sitting in the room. When you look at the muscle, you can see that it's strength type.

Seeing nogan's children come in, the two men stand up and smile at nogan's children.

"Sister Jin, why are you here? Who's in the back? "

Xia Jue snorted coldly. He saw that these two great men were just ordinary martial artists. Their martial arts might be good, but they really couldn't be put down in the eyes of practitioners.

In the voice of Xia Jue, the two men's cold eardrums are buzzing. They know that they are not ordinary people. They also follow Ozawa's applause for many years. They know that some spiritual practitioners are moody and moody. In front of them, this is just a 16-year-old boy. Which old monster? The two men fell to the ground with a plop, and the oppressors of Xia Jue could not stand up at all.

Nuoganzi next to him was lucky to see two big men and said to Xia Jue with a frown.

"My Lord, these two men are the hands that take care of the fairy. They are Ozawa's men.

The young field is in it. According to the age of ordinary people, it seems that they are not old yet. "

"Everybody out! You can't come in without my orders, you know? "

Xia Jue gave a big drink. Suddenly, two big men and their heads before breakfast nodded like chickens pecking rice, and went out.

Shaq stepped into the inner room.

Inside, on the bed of the room sat a girl in a light green dress.

Absolutely under the age of 15, looks small and cute.

It's beautiful, but it's not mature. It looks young.

The girl heard the movement outside and saw Xia Jue come in.

This man is very handsome and doesn't think he is a bad man.

But dad said bad guys don't have to be handsome.

A lot of bad guys have high looks.

It's like Mr. Ozawa who killed a thousand knives.

The girl clenched her teeth and said nothing, staring at Xia Jue with her cold eyes.

As soon as Xia Jue came in, he felt the strong hostility of the girl. He didn't mind sitting on the bench beside the table in the room. God let go and felt the movement outside the room.

The bustard and the two men were very clever. They didn't eavesdrop outside the room. They retreated far out of the yard.

"Sister, are you an immortal?"

"Yes! I'm standing in the spirit world. Don't try to do anything to me. I can stab you to death with one finger. " Said the girl viciously.

In order to express the point of her tone, she also used her small fist to swing very hard in the air.

Xia Jue smiles, and the lady of the girl becomes soft. Even if he just breaks through the world, he can't tell strangers his own details.

Besides, do you want to hit people with that soft and weak fist or something? Isn't this telling someone that her studies are completely closed?

"Don't worry, I'll tell you how to come here.

’Xia Jue reaches out his hand from the teapot on the table and pours a cup of good tea, which is full of the fragrance of tea. The tea looks very good.

Xia Jueye was born as a master and had some research on tea drinking.

He was drinking tea and looking at the girl.

Confused, Xia Jue didn't do anything but sit there drinking tea. She said, "I was kidnapped by bad people.

Can you help me? I'm only 13 years old and I don't want to be a woman. "

"They threatened me to sleep with men or kill my sister."

She said that her daughter was about to cry. Xia Jue looked at her and thought, "you are a spiritual cultivator. Why are you so kidnapped by mortals?"

"It's not that there are big bad guys, who have high practice, who work in the spiritual realm, and there are several helpers, one of whom is in the fitness realm. I'm not my sister and the other, but I'm caught by them.""They said they wanted to capture me and give it to the devil cult."

"I don't want to be taken to witchcraft."

The people of the demon sect are cruel and easy to kill.

Xia Jue carefully considered the little girl's words and tested her with divine sense. It's true that the true Qi of the little girl's Dantian is completely sealed, and she can't walk to all parts. Therefore, the little girl now is no different from ordinary people.

Xia Jue thought and turned his hand. A Book suddenly appeared in his hand. He began to turn the book.

The girl is strange, beyond the sense of crisis in the situation she may be facing.

Why is this beautiful man reading at this time? I really learned too much.

Well, it looks like a make-up student.

It is said that ordinary people value fame and fortune.

Xia Jue, as the girl thought, is looking for a way to lift the girl's current blockade of Qi.

Fortunately, Yun Haolei put a lot of books in the ring of the locker, which really has a way to remove the real air lock.

Xia Jue stood up and looked at the girl.

The girl is very nervous. She used to be an immortal and a genius in her family. But have you ever experienced the situation before? Is this man going to sleep with her? Girls don't know what it means to sleep between men and women, but I just know that if this man really wants to sleep with her, he should tell his parents first.

"Sit down, and now I'll release the real airlock for you.

Xia Jue said softly, the red color on the palm of his right hand was really shining.

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