"So, has Yibao gone up the mountain? OK, go back immediately, mobilize all the people who are operating in the town, and go up the mountain to search immediately. "

"Mom, what if that man escapes from the other side of the mountain?"

"Don't I have the best magic weapon of the square eight chain array in my hand? Once the net is cast, no one wants to escape from my eyelids "

so Chang Yue takes out a group of gems from her luggage bracelet, which are like small flags.

Seeing these little flags, Mo's breathing was obviously aggravated.

Chang Yue looked at her son and said, "you can't use this magic weapon.

I can only touch the top of the mountain for two times.

This is the best magic weapon she got when she explored the immortal relics at that time.

I can only use it three times in a few years.

Chang Yue used to use this magic weapon to escape from the powerful enemy many times. Now she uses it again to capture the magic weapon.

Considering that the strange treasure is an immortal weapon countless times stronger than the four sides eight chain array, Chang Yue has not hesitated to wave out the flag of the four sides eight chain array.

There are twenty-eight small array flags, each of which is the size of a pocket. But when they are empty, they fall in all directions. After falling in all directions, they disappear and hide in the rocky stream of trees in the mountains.

Chang Yue sits quietly at the foot of the formation, feeling the feedback from the chain in all directions.

She has studied the four sides eight chain array in detail for decades, and now she has come up with a set of using methods, among which there are very useful means.

It can detect the detailed situation near each array flag in the square eight chain array.

However, the information from the 28 array flags shows that the mountain forest is normal. Except for the birds and beasts, there are occasionally one or two demons and beasts of practice. There is no valuable information.

"Strange? Do you think Yibao has run away? Or does Yibao itself have a hidden effect? Unfortunately, I can only use it.

Can't drive.

If twenty-eight flags can make me move and narrow the range of the eight chains, then I will not be able to get them? "

In addition to Xia Jue, he found that Chang Yue flew out of Chang Yue town and suddenly ran into the dense forest with little girl Du Yuehan.

Entering the dense forest, Xia Jue used his familiar secret of hiding form. While moving quietly in the dense forest and grass, he used the secret method to restore the traces one by one.

It is impossible to find the mark of Xiajue in God unless it is trimmed on Xiajue.

After Xia Jue, Du Yuehan saw that Xia Jue's tactics were beaten one by one. Although he didn't know what it was, Du Yuehan was shocked by the real gas intensity in Xia Jue's body.

The little girl's eyes sometimes peep at Xia Jue who plays the secret.

It is said that serious men are very handsome. Now Du Yuehan really feels this moment.

It turns out that Xia Jue is a handsome man. His every move makes the little girl's heart beat.

Xia Jue's hand has been holding Du Yuehan, but did not notice the little girl's divine manner.

He felt the moon flying in the sky and was more careful.

When Chang Yue comes back, he holds the little girl's hand tightly and pulls her into his arms. At the same time, he expands the secret to the maximum extent, just like two people are in the invisibility mask.

As the moon passed, Xia Jue was relieved.

Du Yuehan broke away from Xia Jue's chest and blushed.

"Brother Xia Jue, come on."

What a moving voice Du feijue's face is, and she looks down at her.

Xia Jue is not the first brother, but a man with experience in women. He said that the little girl was not happy to see her cute.

Xia Jue said quickly, "Xiao Han, I hugged you suddenly just now. I really didn't mean anything else."

"I know brother Xia Jue is a gentleman.

”Du Yuehan lowered his head, so he was infinitely shy.

Du Yuehan is undoubtedly the beauty of the body, although not yet grown up, but some places have developed.

She is also an immortal. Her skin is as soft as protein, and her breath is much more refreshing than the red of ordinary women.

Xia Jue was moved and quickly tightened his heart. "Xiaohan, really, the woman who just flew in the air was too powerful.

I don't have to have hit her.

We avoided the front line. "

It's a bit awkward. Du Yuehan and Xia Jue are hiding in the grass under the lush tree. Looking out from under the tree, you can see the scene outside, but it's hard to find the two people under the tree.

Xia Jue knows that Du Yuehan is just a little mature girl. Maybe he just has a good feeling for himself for a while, and doesn't care much about Du Yuehan's mood.

His heart is now used to search to avoid the constant moon.

When he saw the moon flying in the sky, he raised his hand and the flag fell from the sky, as if it had fallen on all sides of the forest."What is the flag? Said Xia Jue to himself.

Du Yuehan looked up and said.

"That's the array flag. Each array flag is engraved with all kinds of Gongjue and stores the vitality of heaven and earth.

After a successful array deployment, the hidden method and vitality in the array flag will be activated, and mutual generation and mutual restraint will form a complete circulation chain. The exchange of heaven and earth will form an array of vitality and integration of heaven and earth, and give play to the prestige of heaven and earth.

Every array needs a set of array flags and formations.

Because of the material, tactics and refinement, it is very rare to carry an array with you. It is a very rare magic weapon.

I didn't expect that this vicious woman would have such treasures, at least they looked like elegant magic weapons "

" how do you know so much? Asked Xia Jue.

"Our family is famous for refining magic weapons. In the north, there are Du and Nanling roads. In the west, there are Huangfu and the old man at sea. In the north, the Du family's refining magic weapons are always first-class families.

But my sister and I, we're not family members, otherwise how can we be caught by that thief? " Du Yuehan straightens his chest and looks up like a cockerel.

Seeing Xia Jue staring at herself, her chest was higher.

"So it is? Is refining difficult? "

"Do you want to learn how to refine the treasure?" Du Yuehan asked in surprise.

Xia Jue said: "if I can, I want to learn. I used to think that Kung Fu is very important, but now it seems that it's really powerful.

After playing that array, I feel that the spirit between heaven and earth has disappeared, the air has become very heavy, and I feel that there is some power to suppress this space

"Where do you want to study? The three aristocratic families and one master of treasure refining mentioned just now are not so easy to enter and study.

Like the Du family, the real secret of Taobao is that only men don't tell women.

However, there is no way.

If you can enter the room, you can learn the real secret of refining treasure. "

The more you look at Du Yuehan, the more red his face is. Xia Jue turns white, a little surprised.

Can't you learn without getting started? He can't do such a thing.

According to his father's last words, he is going to find his fiancee and is likely to marry her in the future. Although he does not know what kind of person his fiancee is, he should at least consider his life after meeting with her.

And now the most important thing for Xia Jue is to improve his strength quickly and firmly.

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