After all, the great enemy of his family is a great master.

"Are you refining treasure? Is there a way to solve the array in front of you? I think it's locking us up. "

"It's no good. Unless you are a master level treasure refiner, you can't break the array by destroying the array flag. It's impossible for us to do small things."

"Let's wait here for a while.

We're not in a hurry anyway.

Look at the posture of Chang Yue. It seems that he must catch us.

You look like a big shot.

Are you just a girl of Du family? Isn't it the illegitimate daughter of some high-ranking official? "

Can Xia Jue see all kinds of storybooks in the brothel? Among them, it is rare to see the dog blood bridge between the illegitimate children of former generations.

Asked suddenly and inexplicably.

"Brother Xia Jue, what are you talking about? Look, they want your exotic treasure.

”Du Yuehan said with red feet.

"Yibao? Are you the weight in my hand? " Xia Jue asked Du Yuehan when he came out of the ruler.

Du Yuehan nodded and said, "I can't feel any mental changes in this ruler. It looks normal.

However, there is a saying in our Du family's treasure assessment tactics that great wisdom is like stupidity, great skill is like clumsiness, stubborn stone, return to real measurement.

It's a rare magic weapon that can't see the real figure.

It's not that you can't see it from the outside, but that it's a very low-level magic weapon. On the contrary, it may be a very high-level magic weapon "

Xia Jue knows that the sky measuring ruler in his hand is a great magic weapon and may be an artifact, but now he's promoted to the fitness environment, but he still can't feel the power of the sky measuring ruler, and can only be used as a weapon in peacetime.

However, judging from the attitude of his father and Yun Haolei towards this ruler, this ruler is really of extraordinary origin. It is a magic weapon brought from the upper level. Of course, it is more powerful than this level of magic weapon.

Xia Jue carefully looked at the ruler in his hand, calmed down all the flying magic weapons of the cultivator who surrounded him with great power, and then returned to the gray and hazy posture in front of him.

Du Yuehan, who is nearby, is also very optimistic about the measuring ruler. She only learned a little about the treasure identification tactics with her family, but her eyes for identifying magic weapons are much better than those of ordinary immortals. In her eyes, the measuring ruler is really no different from ordinary people.

Xia Jue took back the empty ruler. It was not the time to study the empty ruler. They had a strong enemy on their head.

After the preparation of the four gate eight chain array, Chang Yue came to the sky above the mountain forest, sat on the rock with the highest knee, overlooking the mountain forest, and got feedback from the four gate eight chain array.

Xia Jue carefully looked around, waiting.

It's getting dark. There's a lot of noise outside the mountain forest. Many fires are approaching the mountain forest. People's voices and dogs' barking are gradually heard.

The girl instinctively afraid of the night, night slowly, Du Yuehan as afraid as close to Xiajue side, Xiajue does not object.

"Mr. Xia Jue, it seems that a lot of people have come."

"Well, Changyue couldn't find us, so he called a lot of mortals to look for the carpet.

I hope you can find us "

" so, brother Xia Jue, can they know us? "

"No, what I just left us is that all the marks are clean.

The advanced reviser searched us all the time and couldn't find us. "

The cultivation method and tactics given by Yun Haolei are not the same.

At least the cultivation methods and tactics above Zhonghuo should have the eye of Yun Haolei.

Therefore, Xia Jue also had confidence in his hidden appearance.

When it was dark, a group of searchers came in from the outside of the mountain forest, and several other teams passed by Xiajue from a distance. They didn't find Xiajue or Xiajue vaguely.

A hound had already smelled the tiny distance in front of Xia Jue. Suddenly, his nose was strongly stimulated, and he seemed to scream and turn around and run away.

Seeing no surprise and danger, Du Yuehan finally put his heart into his stomach.

Maybe he finally let go of his heart and didn't sleep for several days. Du Yuehan unconsciously leaned on Xia Jue's shoulder and fell asleep.

Seeing Du Yuehan sleeping sweetly, Xia Jue can't bear to push away the girl. He is also sitting under a big tree. He has his own hidden tactics around him. Unless he has a master in the same building, he can find his own existence from the clues.

Otherwise, mortal carpet search is just a joke.

Xia Jue hasn't joined hands with Chang Yue yet, but because he feels the pressure on him, he strongly hopes to become stronger.

He didn't want to waste any time. He sat down and began to breathe in the middle of the night.

Here between heaven and earth, the vitality of heaven and earth is blocked, but it can't get in. In the middle of the night, the vitality of heaven and earth seems to be a little stronger.

Xia Jue has been very sensitive to the vitality of heaven and earth since he succeeded in the combination.

Is this opportunity not happy? Anyway, you don't have to go out for the time being. It's OK to practice here.

Fortunately, the cultivator has got rid of the low-level state of energy intake by human grain excreta. Even if he sits here for a year, Xia Jue will not move.Before long, the sun and the moon were running. For three days and three nights in a row, Xia Jue sat in his hiding place for three days and three nights. The search team outside didn't know that they had passed through the hiding place several times.

At first, Du Yuehan thought that the search teams were very interesting, but he was soon infected by Xia Jue and sat next to him.

Xia Jue is suffering from loneliness. Relying on the special effects of blocking vitality brought by the chain formation in all directions, he tries to improve his cultivation level in a short time, but Chang Yue can't waste it here.

Her face was getting dark day by day. After three days, Xia Jue could not be found. She might be a treasure above the level of immortal.

That man's already escaped from here? You say that man manipulates Yibao?

All kinds of speculation came from the heart of Chang Yue, and she began to waver.

Ozawa is also very anxious, want to catch Xiajue is also for the exotic treasure.

But Xia Jue seems to have really disappeared and rarely appears.

Anxiously, he suddenly remembered that Xia Jue and the Du family's daughter ran together, and the poison plot formed in his mind.

Ozawa flew to Chang Yue and said in a low voice, "Mom and Baobao have a good way to force those two people to despair."

Chang Yue, who is a little more irritable, looks at her son in front of her and says, "is there any good way for the baby?"

"How many nuns do we have? The man beside Du Bao was helped by two of his sisters.

I think if they haven't left the mountain forest, we can use the nuns of the Du family to drive them out

Changyue is also a hundred years of cultivation. I've seen all kinds of human tricks.

According to Ozawa, she already knows what her son is going to do.

It seems disgraceful to do that, but at present, it is the most appropriate and effective way.

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