After thinking for a while, Chang Yue nodded and said, "pay attention to the propriety, don't cause too much scandal. It's very bad for Chang Yue town to invite the Du family elders and righteous people."

"Mom, the baby knows.

If we get that Yibao, are you afraid of the Du family or the so-called bigwigs? "

After Mo Xiaoze got his mother's neck, he left with a strange smile.

However, after the time of burning incense, Mo Xiaoze took four ganlingjing masters back to Xiajue's hidden mountain forest.

At that time, Mo Xiaoze held a beautiful girl in his hand. When he looked at it carefully, it was a little like Du Yue.

"The daughter of the Du family, and the unknown mischievous, listen to me, you two, limit your time to burn incense and get out of the mountain forest.

Otherwise, I'll rape and kill the Du girl in my hand first, and blow up the ashes with broken bones! "

Ozawa's voice rang through the mountain forest, and the birds flew away in the rest forest.

Xia Jue and Du Yuehan also heard about it.

In their hidden practice, Mo's voice can't help opening his eyes.

The two of them saw Ozawa floating in the air, vaguely saw a daughter in front of Ozawa.

"It's my sister! Mr Ozawa, you are a thief.

I'll work with you.

”Du Yuehan's eyes were red and he jumped out as soon as he jumped up.

Xia Jue suddenly asked Du Yuehan to stay and said, "are you sure it's your sister?"


I know that dress very well.

It's far away, but the outline is my sister.


"yes, don't worry.

Since they want me out, can we go out? Do they think I'm afraid of them? Good prisoner, he should use such a mean way to kill people! "

I don't know why Xia Jue's body exudes a strong murderous atmosphere.

"Yes, brother Xiajue, we'll kill them together."

Xia Jue shook his head and said, "just go by yourself.

You used to be my stumbling block. "

Du Yuehan wants to claim that he is not luggage, which is helpful. But Xia Jue doesn't give her an opportunity to reply. He points out that Du Yuehan faints a little and lets Du Yuehan sleep in their hidden place.

Xia Jue strode out, and without flying, he went to Ozawa's direction.

As soon as Xia Jue's feeling appeared, Chang Yue, who was sitting on the mountain with her eyes closed, soon opened her eyes. She felt Xia Jue's appearance.

Son, it's a bit tricky, but I really think it works.

Ozawa hasn't seen Xia Jue appear yet. She grabs the sleeve of the woman in front of her and says, "now start to pick the clothes of the Du girls.

Ha ha "so, Ozawa's hand a little bit harder, the left sleeve of the female is all pulled out, there is a white arm like lotus root, the skin beat the snow, very attractive.

Xia Jue looked at the sky with a twinkle in his eyes.

Ozawa looked down without any movement, but the other hand had already grasped the other sleeve of the woman and said, "tear it again!"

"I want to die! Suddenly Xia Jue's angry voice came from the ground, and something like a gray stick flew out of the ground.

Before he knew what it was, Ozawa felt that the plane under his feet had lost its ability to hang in the air and began to descend rapidly.

"Damn, that's another move! Let's go Ozawa roared and waved. He took four people from ganlingjie to settle down in the air.

In such Ozawa's chaos, the hands of women can't help falling down.

The other sleeve was torn, so it was all torn.

The woman screamed and fell straight from the sky. She was about to fall to the ground and turned into mashed meat.

At this time, the ground was suddenly whirlwind, stabilized the woman's body, slowly fell to the ground.

Xia Jue came to the woman from the woods and looked down at her.

The woman was startled, her mind was still calm, and she gazed at Xia Jue with her big bright eyes.

Xia Jue just arched his hand and said to the woman.

"Is the daughter Du? However, my sister Du Yuehan and I have some knowledge.

Today, I heard the prisoner threaten you as a hostage. I want to save my daughter in the same way.

Was my daughter surprised? "

The woman quickly stood up from the ground to return the gift. She thought that her sleeve had been torn by Mo Xiaoze's villain, and now her two beautiful arms were exposed, which made her embarrassed, but she still expressed her gratitude.

"Thank you son for your help.

It's just that Mo Ozawa has his mother in a dilemma behind him.

The son had better run away at once. "

The woman in front of her is several years older than Du Yuehan, but she is already down and generous, and she has a very mild temper. In such an environment, she worries about Xia Jue's safety.

"They want me out. I want you out to see what they can do. Let me out."

Xia Jue said that, looking up at the sky, there is a sky ruler floating in the sky. Around it, there are five floating magic weapons around it, just like the arch moon of stars."It's a wonderful treasure! This is mine! A sharp roar came from the distance, and the shadow of the black fog came in an instant.

Chang Yue has seen the powerful power of measuring Tianchi, but the sacrifice has accepted the magic weapon of flying. What kind of magic weapon is this?

When he arrived, the man also came. Chang Yue grasped it with her hand and went directly to the Tianchi.

However, when she was caught, she used Xia juezheng's two palms to recite the spell quickly, and did not notice the strange change formed around his palms.

This variation is consistent with the frequency of variation around the measuring scale.

When Chang yueshou was still on the road, the measuring scale suddenly changed.

Originally, it was just like a ruler, but suddenly the edge became thicker and flags were added.

The gloomy breath erupted from inside, and dozens of skeletons rushed out of the flag and surrounded Changyue.

"Younger generation, use the thousand soul flag to deal with me? I don't know how high and how thick the sky is. "Chang Yue smiles when she sees dozens of skeletons crying around her.

In front of me, this measuring ruler is still very powerful.

How I accept the thousand spirit flag. Look at the younger generation. As long as I control the sky ruler, I can simply control the thousand spirit flag.

It can save the complicated process of the festival and many accidents in the process of the festival.

"Wind, get up! Fire, burn

But Chang Yue is wrong. What she sees is not Xia Jue's suppression tactics, but the wind and fire derived from her own colorful wisdom.

There was a sudden wind on the flat ground, a wind, and soon it turned into a tornado, shaking all the time.

Suddenly, a little Mars appeared in the sky. Mars split. In a flash, hundreds of Mars were generated in the air and involved in the tornado.

The wind blew, and the fire snake circled in the tornado, extending from the ground to the sky.

It's just where the moon is floating in the sky.

Chang Yue was surprised. She did not expect that Xia Jue, who could not be seen, had such a fierce face.

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