"Sister, who are you, sister? Why do I feel like you're on the side of brother Xia Jue? "

"Nonsense! Gentlemen love to make money. We can't ask for other people's things.

”Du Yueyan's face suddenly turned a little red and answered her sister with a shaking voice.

"Ah, this, I want sister Yuehan, here you are." Xia Jue casually took the bronze bracelet and gave it to Du Yuehan.

Du Yuehan looked at Xia Jue casually gave himself the bracelet of the store. Instead, he was vague and hesitant to accept it. He believed it was true.

"Young master Xia Jue, do you know it's a magic weapon? It could be a magic weapon for storage. "

"I know.

But it's broken. It's useless.

Even if it's all right, I don't need it. "

Du Yueyan looks at Xia Jue, and suddenly feels that Xia Jue has disgraced his men's robe. Now Xia Jue's body is still wearing. Besides, he doesn't have one. Where does the man's robe come from? Her eyes congealed on Xia Jue's fingers and saw the shadow ring.

In fact, the shadow ring is not obvious, but men almost don't wear rings and rings. If they wear it, it may be a magic weapon or even a magic weapon.

"Thank you, brother.

See what's good in there.

”Du Yuehan said he was reading in the mouth of the half bronze bracelet.

Xia Jue looked at Du Yuehan and said curiously, "what is she doing?"

"She was just about to open the bracelet of the store," said Du.

We du family live in a refinery.

I have research on all kinds of legal instruments.

There are also special unlocking tactics for the legal tools of stored goods.

Now the moon is gone.

This thing is ownerless.

With the passage of time, the hidden lock, open lock, real gas lock and other protection laws filled in by the owner disappeared, and the things in the object space were taken away by others.

”Xia Jue nodded. He didn't know the knowledge.

He looked down at the shadow ring on his finger, which was much smaller than that bracelet.

I got the storage space in this storage magic weapon from Yun Haolei, which is as big as a palace and small in shape.

Chang Yue's luggage bracelet is quite large. I'm afraid it has more space, too?

Here, Xia Jue is a little embarrassed. He admits his whiteness in front of women and asks Du Yueyan with his hard scalp.

"Sister Yueyan, I also have magic tools for storing things.

This is it.

There's a lot of space inside. Does that bracelet look bigger than mine? "

Du Yueyan knew at this time that Xia Jue was not really a senior.

Otherwise, don't ask such stupid questions.

On the contrary, the smaller the moon is, the larger the space for storing things is, and the stronger the ability of storing things that are easy to carry is.

The larger the shape, the smaller the space.

Generally, there are storage bags, storage bracelets, storage rings, storage rings and so on.

The way to make a pocket is the simplest. Just like a shrunken backpack, it can be understood that after performing the simplest space magic on a specially made leather bag, you can make a pocket as big as the palm of your hand with the same space size as a backpack. "

Du Yueyan's answer can be said to be very detailed, in order to popularize his knowledge among Xia Jue.

Xia Jue couldn't help nodding, but he couldn't see the warehouse from the outside, almost timid.

"Untied, sister!" Du Yuehan suddenly gave out an excited cry.

Du Yuehan read the mantra silently and escaped a lot from the damaged storage bracelet.

There are pills on the magic weapon.

And the secret book.

And daily water, food, clothes, etc.

Among them, all kinds of clothes account for about half.

I don't know why Changyue uses such valuable space.

At last, Du Yuehan's hand moved almost half of his house.

"Yuehan, why did you take it all out?"

"You have to take it out. Now the space magic of this storage magic weapon disappears more slowly and has been seriously damaged. After a while, the space of this magic weapon will disappear and become the dust in the emptiness"

Du Yuehan chooses the pink gauze skirt and gives it to Du Yueyan. "Sister, this gauze dress is really beautiful.

Please try it on.

Don't always wear brother Xiajue's robe. "

Du Yueyan's face flushed, took the pink gauze skirt and said quietly.

"It's too fancy. It's plain.

”When the two girls choose different kinds of gauze, Xia Jue stares at the magic weapons and pills.

He is not very clear about these. I believe that what Chang Yue likes is at least useful for those who cultivate immortals above the fitness level.These things are really enviable.

It's no wonder that killing people over objects is the best way to get rich.

How many good things are there in the higher human storage magic weapon, such as the higher blood realm, when you leave the body realm and soul realm?

Xia Jue calms down when he finds that he has suddenly become greedy. He finds that greed itself is a big taboo of the immortal cultivators. In Yun Haolei's criticism, Xia Jue says.

Don't let greed blind you.

Don't let lust control your body and mind.

Don't let anger destroy the state of mind.

Don't be jealous and distort life.

Don't lose to laziness.

Xia Jue inhaled, divided the magic weapon, elixir and scroll into three equal parts, waved his long sleeve and said, "this is the three of us. Let's each take it."

Du Yueyan is just about to resign, and Du Yuehan, who is next to her, has gladly snatched a share and said to her sister.

"It turns out that this storage bracelet was given to me by brother Xia Jue. I took one third of it and have grown up."

Du Yueyan is still a bit coquettish and willful. She really has no choice but to smile and apologize to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue was not a problem at all. He said, "you must ask your sister more questions.

I thought it was a farewell fee, sister, don't be too hot "

Du Yueyan thought about it, no longer gave in and took her share.

But then something went wrong.

There are too many things in front of us. The two women in the Du family have no storage tools.

How can I take these things? Xia Jue in a roll of shadow ring received his sleeve, two women with blank eyes looking at themselves, don't know what happened, see two women holding those things, said: "if my sister and sister believe me, these things temporarily deposited in me.".

I laughed.

"That's good.

Don't lose it. "Du Yuehan happily imposed his part on Xia Jue.

Xia Jue brushed the white sleeves, and the two women's share was also put in their own rings. The divine sense looked at the space, and there was still room for several families.

Changyue explodes, and her son's men become dust. When Xia Jue and Du Yuehan and Du Yueyan enter Changyue town again, no one stops them.

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