The three easily sneaked into the garrison, found the kidnapped women, solved the problems of the guards, and released all the young women.

The women shed tears of thanks. Xia Jue and the other three comforted each other. They opened the treasure house of the garrison house and distributed the money to the lonely young women to let them go home.

In addition to the two sisters of the Du family, the three nuns were also exiled at the same time.

The three nuns were different from the two sisters. They had no family and no school. They were also sent to Xiajue.

Du Yuehan is very happy, with her hands to save 20 beautiful young girls, so when she was young, she liked to read chivalrous novels. Her dream of becoming a knight was liberated, and the whole process was in a very excited state.

Compared with her younger sister, Du Yueyan seems too quiet. She calmly comforts those sisters who are suffering together and gives them a large sum of money. Anyway, the money is Changyue's unjust property.

After being busy, not only the girls, but also most residents of Changyue town quietly rolled up their quilts.

They can all rely on Changyue to live in this city. Now that Changyue is gone, they will naturally escape from Changyue town with their families.

All of a sudden, the town becomes very lonely. You can't see people walking in the street. This always likes to be a female knight errant. Little Du Yuehan, who can be applauded by people, is very uncomfortable.

"Young master Xia Jue, where are you going next?" Du Yueyan asked Xia Jue quietly.

Xia Jue wanted to shake his head, but he didn't know where he was going.

"Can you follow us back to our Du's house? With the arm of elder Duqing, we have more than enough to be our son

"Yes, yes! My sister is right.

Xia Jue, who is handsome and capable, should come to our Du family "

it's interesting for him to see Du Yuehan in high spirits. Is there any direct connection between Xia Jue and their Du family?

"Not yet.

I need to practice.

I have to get to the tenth realm in the shortest time. I'm really not interested in what I'm talking about. "

"Hee hee, brother Xia Jue, I'm not talking about you. You can't even fly a royal weapon? Why are you so confident and spiritual? There is an immortal who can't see the spiritual realm all his life. "

Du Yuehan's words reddened Xia juejun's face, and his idiocy to Xiuxian is still his weakness.

Du Yueyan stopped her sister's children's words in a hurry beside her and thought, "then Xia Jue's son, how about our sister and son traveling together? We both have a very low level of cultivation. We still have some basic knowledge of cultivating immortals.

Maybe you can help your son

"Really? My sister is right.

We also want to hang out.

Xia Jue is very happy that we have a master.

Xia Jue was very happy.

He was worried about who he should learn from.

Yun Haolei may have been repaired by Gao Jue, but he really can't educate his apprentice, or he doesn't have time to educate his nephew.

Two girls, like flowers and jade, explained to themselves the knowledge of cultivating immortals in a clear voice like Huang Ruan.

"Thanks to the two daughters.

Xia Jue bowed politely to the Du sisters.

So Xia Jue left the Du sisters and Changyue town together and set foot on a new road of test.

Xia Jue and monopoly sisters don't think much about which direction to go.

After discussion, I decided to go to Tokyo.

The weather in the East is still warm, and the weather in the north and West has begun to enter the late autumn season.

When it comes to the south, it is the direction just before Xia Jue.

After deciding the direction, the three men and women began to travel.

It's really comfortable for Xia Jue to visit the mountains and learn from each other. For Xia Jue, it's a good opportunity for leisure and the most basic learning.

The Du sisters, especially their sister Du Yueyan, have a solid foundation in cultivating immortals. They teach Xia Jue a lot of common sense things. Xia Jue, who is naturally smart, also learns those basic common sense in a short time.

So far, under the guidance of Du Yueyan, he has spent a lot of time to get the gist of his controller flying, but he still wants to control his own sky ruler flying, but he fails every time. Finally, he has to choose the flying sword as the flying weapon from the spoils of Changyue to practice.

Xia Jue is also a teenager's mind. After flying to the sky for the first time, he tried to control the forward and backward of the flying sword slowly and seriously. He combined himself with the flying sword under his feet, and really made the flying sword a part of himself. Finally, he could fly forward and backward in the air

looking at Xia Jue flying in the sky, Du Yuehan held his face Looking forward to, now she is still repairing the imperial instrument like Xia Jue and can't fly away.

You can't fly by Royal weapon until you get to kunlingjing.

The flying of imperial weapons also consumes a lot of Qi, which becomes a heavy burden for the low-level practitioners in kunlingjing.In addition to flying with imperial instruments, Xia Jue also has the basic skills required by an immortal cultivator, which he learned from the Du sisters.

For example, in the fire.

Palm fire is a way to control the fire which can be mastered by the practitioners standing in the spiritual realm.

Through the control of magic tactics, we can extract the vitality of fire system from the vitality between heaven and earth to form a flame. The size of the flame depends on the caster's boundary and affinity for the vitality of fire system.

Du Yuehan's boundary can also barely form a finger thick small flame in the palm.

Don't underestimate such a small flame.

The primitive method of making a fire by using a pitchfork and a scythe in the wild will no longer exist.

Xia Jue listens to Du Yueyan's explanation and sees Du Yuehan's demonstration. He has tried it himself, but a strange flame suddenly appears in his palm. It's red on the outside and blue on the inside. If the flame is not swallowed, it feels like ruby.

Seeing the solidified flame in Xiajue's hands, Du Yuehan's eyes were bright and he murmured: "it's a pervert, so pure."

"How did the flame form in your hand, Xiajue?" I was surprised that Du Yueyan had to experience more than her sister.

"Well, I did it the way you taught me.

Just think about it, I can control the vitality of the fire system between heaven and earth.

”"Little woman's eyes are a little bad. It's a bit like samadhi, which is used by my Du family to exercise those magic weapons.

However, samadhi's real fire must be launched by using the Dharma array. Like a young master, she can form such a pure fire with the simple magic of fire in the palm. It's the first time Yueyan sees it. "

Xia Jue doesn't care about the quality of the fire in his hand. He is very happy that he can finally bake his prey without hard work.

Fire in the palm, a simple magic, consumes very little Qi. It is extracted from the vitality of heaven and earth. It's a necessary small magic for traveling at home.

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