Xia Jue looked at the flame in his hand and fell into meditation.

Since the fire comes out of the vitality of heaven and earth, isn't it possible to condense stronger attack spells? When he thought this way, he began to mobilize the fire system of his own colorful Huiling roots, and began to exchange the vitality of heaven and earth.

The flame in his hand changed, from a big ruby like flame to three small flame blocks, smaller and smaller, like three small balls, each of which is the size of pigeon eggs, and the color is very red.

"Fire pill technique!" Du's sisters screamed at the same time.

The Du family is an instrument refining family. They know all kinds of fire magic best, but there are more than 30 kinds of magic that can condense fire. Among them, the most commonly used one is fire pill, but it is at least a magic that can only be played with the repair of the virtual world.

Xia Jue didn't expect how great the three pigeon egg sized fireballs were.

In the eyes of the Du sisters, Xia Jue's five fingers clenched in his right hand, and the three fireballs in his palm combined into a fireball as big as a quail egg. When his fingers moved again, the fireball was also divided into five, and the five fireballs floated on one fingertip and rotated.

"Brother Xia Jue is a genius!"

"Young master Xia Jue is talented in heaven!"

In the eyes of the two girls, the adoring eyes are the young girl's year of spring. Xia Jue's appearance and character are already the first choice. With that kind of genius, which girl doesn't move her chest?

"Young master Xia Jue thought that our father had mastered the fire pill technique after he entered the realm of Zhuanxu, but he became proficient in one day.

I didn't expect that young master Xia Jue had mastered so many things in a very short time.

What a terrible thing? There are few masters in the world who can control the fire pellet. "

Xia Jue's white face was startled and looked at Du Yueyan in disbelief.

"The little woman didn't lie!" Du Yueyan shook her head with a bitter smile, and suddenly her expression changed.

"In the past, in the war with Chang Yue, her son was born trapped on a pillar of wind and fire. This is the first time that women have heard of Chang Yue as a means of conveying the virtual world.

On the boundary of your son, it can only be said that your son's ability to control the fire so well is amazing.

”Du Yueyan wants to know whether her inference is correct. Now she is interested in explaining some basic spells to Xia Jue one after another.

Ice needle, flying stone and golden arrow are small magic arts that use the three basic elements of heaven, earth and five elements to carry out simple attacks. They are very simple, but they have very high requirements for the integration and management of heaven, earth and true Qi in the body.

However, in Xiajue's self-made, almost a school, the more amazing the faster.

Xia Jue paid little attention to the amazing appearance of the two sisters of the Du family. Now he was immersed in the domination of some small magic.

It's easy to learn these small spells, and it's not a day's work to master them. Unfortunately, when Xia Jue ascended into the fitness realm, he formed a colorful wisdom root in his body. He was sensitive to the water vitality of ice needle, the earth vitality of flying stone, and the gold vitality of golden arrow, and full of confidence.

As a young man, he was so engrossed in a study that he forgot to sleep.

The Du sisters, five feet away from him, looked at Xia Jue's face. They immediately flew the needle, called stone rain, and even the empty flying sword. They looked at each other and were startled by each other's eyes.

Two women are also nearby to protect the Dharma for him, and don't disturb Xia Jue's cultivation.

It's dark and bright. I don't know how much Xia Jue has learned from his cultivation. At the beginning, Xia Jue was still playing with some ice needles and flying stones. Later, he just sat still and pondered.

"Ah ~"

"sister, do you hear anything?"

"Well, it's like someone screamed before he died!"

Du Yuehan and Du Yueyan's faces change at the same time. Of course, they think of being kidnapped by Chang yuezi, Mo Xiaoze. At that time, the guards around them were all slaughtered. The wailing is very similar to what they heard just now.

"Yuehan, you protect Xiajue's son. I'll see it."

Du Yuehan also knows that his practice is low, and his sister Du Yueyan is in trouble. She nods and agrees.

Du Yueyan got up and flew without a royal weapon. She climbed up the branches and leaped forward among the crowns. She soon disappeared into the mist in the early morning.

"Ah ~" this time the lament is even greater.

And it's not just one person screaming, it's like two people's screams are intertwined, and the distance is getting closer.

Du Yuehan nervously holds the sword in his hand and nervously looks at the direction of the wailing.

"Yuehan, bloody! Hide behind me

Before he knew it, Xia Jue opened his eyes, which were shining like stars.

It's obvious that his studies are improving again.

"Ah, Xia Jue, my sister has gone to see the situation."

"No, there may be danger ahead. Come here, hold my hand, let's walk over!"

With that said, Xia Jue held a memorial ceremony for the flying sword, took Du Yuehan to step on the flying sword, and streamed away in the direction of mourning.

Xia Jue ran his sword in the direction of mourning, and the time of burning incense came to the sky above the scene of the incident.Looking down from the air, I found that Du Yueyan was surrounded by more than ten men in black on the ground.

Like the old man in the same black dress, he commands the man in black among four guards in the same black dress.

Fit environment? Xia Jue saw the practice of the old man in black robe. He was filled with black fog, which made him look gloomy.

"Little people, be careful not to hurt this little woman.

I'm still alive.

Please don't die.

Strange is, this little woman is still a ganlingjie, ha ha, I haven't played such a soft woman for a long time.

”The voice of that old man in black robe is as ugly as a broken Zheng.

At the same time, Xia Jue saw that there were more than ten corpses lying on the ground, all of them were blood, and several female corpses were dead. The state of death was extremely tragic, and it was obvious that he was brutally humiliated.

Behind the besieged Du Yueyan, a 3-year-old girl was protected.

The girl's arm was gone, and there was only breath left.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Xia Jue doesn't know what happened. It's obvious that these people in black slaughtered the mortal dead.

Killing mortals with immortals, mortals have little resistance.

If Du Yueyan didn't show up immediately, the girl might have died long ago.

Beast! Children are not spared! Xia Jue's heart surged with anger, and he cried out, "Yueyan's sister, don't be afraid, the moon is white"

the skeleton old man has found Xia Jue, but he doesn't care.

Xia Jue is so young that he doesn't care more when he calls her sister Du Yueyan.

In front of Du Yueyan's eyes, she is practicing kunlingjing, so what is Xia Jue's deep way? His eyes fell on Xia Jue and Du Yuehan, who was riding a flying sword.

Although Du Yuehan is still young, he has become like a flower and a substitute for a beauty like jade.

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