Generally, the technique of moving mountains can be used to solve the tactics of Qianchong mountain array. But the pattern of this bracelet is very complicated. It's the inscription of array tactics, not the meaning of mountains. It needs a lot of combination of the meaning of mountains, and the interpretation is very troublesome.

"Shan Yi?"


One of the permutation tactics is to use the method of cultivating immortals to remove the moral of various biological scenes in nature. If we add moral to the guardian of permutation tactics through permutation tactics, description and inscriptions, the power of the guardian will be greatly improved, and the protected things will not be taken away by others. "

"I see, so what good method can sister Yueyan use to solve the mountain meaning of qianchongshan?"

"I only know a little about the tactics, but I can't really help," said Du Yueyan, apologizing slightly.

Xia Jue is not discouraged and says to Du Yueyan: "sister Yueyan, please explain in detail.

How to remove the bracelet in front of you? "

Du Yueyan nodded and said two common unlocking tactics.

Xia Jue has a strong memory. He can understand it as soon as he hears it.

This is a skillful application in all kinds of vacuum, the use of vacuum operation to break the secret lock of storage tools.

The higher the purity of the real gas is, the stronger the repair is. It's impossible to unlock all kinds of magic tools for cultivating immortals.

While listening to Du Yueyan, Xia Jue also holds the bracelet of the old man in black robe, trying to solve the formation tactics carved on the bracelet.

He may not know what tactics, but his accuracy may be much better than others.

At this time, the genuine Qi of the earth system and the vitality of the heaven and earth cooperate with each other, playing around in the storage space, and suddenly the sand flying up in front of the qianchongshan array tactics falls down.

Xia Jue is now the most confident in the control of the genuine Qi of the earth system, but he is close to violence, constantly inputting genuine Qi, which makes a mess of the array tactics of qianchongshan, and finally opens the hole sealed by dust.

The secret of the old man in black robes in the past 100 years suddenly appeared in front of Xia Jue.

Xia Jue opened his eyes and grasped the map from the storage Bracelet by grabbing the storage space.

This is a hand-painted map of animal skin. It has a picture of mountains and lakes, and records the name of mountains and lakes.

The word "Qingxia Xianxu" is clearly remembered in the middle.

Xia Jue looked at the captured man and said, "are you going to Qingxia fairyland?"

When the captured man nodded, he was extremely scared.

According to the practice of ordinary immortal practitioners, if they have obtained any treasure map, they will kill all the informed consent and clean it up. Now Xia Jue listens to him and his next action may destroy him.

The man closed his eyes in despair, waiting for the vernacular of Xia Jue.

"You can go."

The captured man opened his eyes, and his eyes appeared desperate. After hesitating for a while, he suddenly made a loud voice. He stood up, made a loud voice and ran away. He was afraid that Xia Jue would be disgusted again.

Du Yueyan wants to catch up, but she only takes two steps and stops.

They're not very good about cheating me.

I don't think it's good. Since Xia Jue has made a decision, she doesn't want to change his decision.

"Sister, come on, little girl, no way." At this time, Du Yuehan suddenly called Du Yueyan.

Du Yueyan hurried away and saw that the girl whose arm she had been protecting was dead. Her small body leaned against the soft Du Yuehan.

Xia Jue also came over with frost on his face.

"Hum, it seems that you shouldn't let that bastard go. These animals won't let such small children go."

Xia Jue said so. He took out his flying sword and chased the rough man in the direction of his escape. However, he chased for more than 100 kilometers and didn't see the rough man vaguely.

It's reasonable to say that with his current repair, he's just an immortal in kunlingjing. Why can't he find it? To know this road, he has been exploring with God's knowledge, and has no chance to escape his birthday.

Xia Jue thought that the rough man should choose another direction. He also chose a direction and flew away. Unfortunately, he didn't get anything.

Xia Jue knows that now he missed the best time to chase each other, but he can only return to the Du sisters in desperation.

Back to the Du sisters, the two sisters have dug a big hole in the ground and buried the innocent mortals in the big hole.

Because the cultivation of immortals is generally hard hearted and used to life and death, but for Xia Jue, it's a tragedy for human beings. They are still young and don't know much about the evil of the world.

"These disciples of the demon sect, next time I meet, I won't show mercy." Xia Jue's face is gloomy and terrible.

Du Yueyan sees that Xia Jue is in a bad mood and suddenly puts forward an idea.

"Son of Xia Jue, didn't we get the map of the ruins of the old man in black robes? We can dig the ruins.

Worst of all, the disciples of the demon sect can noisily sabotage the plan to dig the ruins. "Xia Jue blinked and took out the map of animal skin.

The sisters of the Du family also came to watch.

"Qingxia fairs? Where am I now? Why have we never heard of this relic? " Du Yuehan tilted his head and thought.

"How old are you? Do you know everything? Xia Jue looked at Du Yuehan and asked.

Du Yuehan answered with a small mouth.

"I don't know anything else. There are traces found somewhere.

I know that.

You don't listen to my sister. "

Xia Jue stares at Du Yueyan, who smiles quietly.

"Xiaohan really liked the relics from childhood. When he grew up, he said he would explore them.

However, she said that the relics were discovered by the immortal cultivators such as longlingge. At first, they were the tombs of the dragon people, and they were the most mysterious immortal relics in the mainland. Finally, they were occupied by Yun Haolei, and he became the strongest person in the whole mainland. "

Xia Jue heard for the first time that yunhaolei's Longling Pavilion used to be a relic. He was a little relieved to think about the five clawed Golden Dragon surrounded by yunhaolei.

Xia Jue nodded and asked, pointing to the animal skin map in his hand.

"Are you familiar with the scenery here? Where do you know where we are now? "

Du sisters look at each other, no answer, Du Yueyan's face a little red.

She has been Xia Jue's think tank since she went with Xia Jue. Now she is faced with this geographical problem, but it makes her very difficult.

Du Yuehan didn't know the place names of these mountains and rivers, but she didn't behave like her sister, but pointed to the map.

"We don't know. We can ask someone.

Or find a place to buy a detailed map of the whole continent. "

After hearing this, Xia Jue was moved. After he came from Longling Pavilion, he didn't even have a map on his body. He almost chose his way casually.

I didn't have any goals before, so now I'm looking for a place called Qingxia fairy market.

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