I really can't find it without a map.

So he nodded and said, "let's go and buy a map."

The Du sisters have no objection and follow Xia Jue to find the direction.

Xia Jue chooses casually. The Du sisters have no sense of direction. They don't know where they are going. In fact, they are farther and farther away from Qingxia Xianxu.

Xia Jue did not know the place names of mountains and rivers recorded on the animal skin map they just got, and the records of qingxiaxian Xu were real. Other records were false, and they were the tricks of the dead old man in black robe. He was afraid that the relic map in his hand would be taken away, so he gave a fake place name to the real mountains and lakes on the map.

of course, Xia Jue and other three people did not know the animal skin map they got It's true, but the place names on the map are fake. They reversed the way to the East.

On the day when Xia Jue got the map of the ruins, he entered the yuqizong with a flash of lightning outside the mountain gate.

The mountain array didn't start, and the imperial weapon clan people near the mountain gate looked at the blue streamer and said, "Uncle sun's soul has come back separately."

The person who comes back is the double of sun Xuying, the master of Qi sect. When the double falls to the ground, he appears as he is. Suddenly, Xia Jue catches him and is asked about the rough man before and after.

The stout man was well versed in the geographical environment of the mountain gate. After three rounds, he came to the Golden Hall in the back mountain and politely saluted inside, saying, "I visited my grandmaster."

Although it's very light inside, you can hear the voices of children and teenagers very well.

"Chen Ying, you are a very good soul."

There was a "thank you" in it.

"Come in!"

Outside the main hall, he entered the main hall without raising his head and bowed to the old man in black who was sitting at the top of the main hall.

"Well, what happened?"

He told Xia Jue and Du's sisters from beginning to end.

The whole body of the old man in black is either hiding in the dark, or he has the attribute of darkness, he said with a frown.

"Do you mean the teenager's appearance was an accident?"

Sun Tingying's forehead was in a cold sweat.

Because I know who the old man at the top is.

He nodded and said, "yes, grandmaster"

"did he take that map?"

"Yes, yes."

"Yes, you can get off."

He retreated politely.

The old man in the dark said in a tired voice.

"Aachen Ying, your stand in has already been received."

"Yes, grandmaster, I know.

”Out of the crowd on both sides came a man who looked a little like the rude man, but with the growth of age, he was further away from the middle of his life.

After saluting the old man at the top, he rushed out of the hall. From the outside, there was a cry of regret. After several breathing rooms, sun Tingying returned to the hall, and her breath became stronger.

"Grandmaster, my double is telling the truth.

I searched his soul just now.

I think that boy is really just passing by. "

"Draw a picture of the boy."

Sun Xiaoying agreed to take out a pen and paper from her luggage bracelet and brush images on white paper.

His painting work is very good.

After a while, I drew the image of Xia Jue.

I can't see how the old man sitting on the high seat moves. Xia Jue's portrait floats in front of the old man and appears in front of him.

The old man took a look, waved and said, "look, does anyone know this young man? Which family are you from? It's not a simple identity for such a young person. "

The images were circulated.

There is a spacious platform under the old man's high platform, on which 20 men and women stand.

Among them stood a strong man.

"Master, this boy killed Chang Yue and my son in Chang Yue town.

Master asked me to catch him. "

"I said, master and apprentice 16, your mistress and illegitimate son should die.

Don't get the master's plan wrong.

”Opposite the strong man, the short man whispered.

"Seven elder martial brother, why die? Do you think the younger generation of xiaoxijing dare to kill my woman and son? Can you bear such humiliation? "

"Besides, he robbed the map of our ruins, but do you want to leave them in the hands of others? It's not that you don't know how powerful the treasure Chang Zhiyun, the fifth disciple of the second elder martial brother, got. It's just a treasure around Qingxia Xianxu.

”The strong man replied angrily.

"You two had a fight.

What are you doing in front of master? " On the outside of the platform, the strong man was drinking cold.

The strong man and the thin man bowed to the strong man at the same time and said, "yes, elder disciple, we know."

"Yufeng, what do you think?" The old man's voice was flying.At this time, only the high-level and low-level disciples can hear his voice.

Under that, the retransmission disciples who were waiting on the platform were only in the black fog, and no one could hear anything.

Yu Feng is a thin man. At first glance, he looks a little like Chang Zhiyun, who was killed by Xia Jue. He describes withering. But compared with Chang Zhiyun, his withering is withering of immortal bones.

He stood on the outside of the platform with the brave man.

There are seven seats on both of them.

Next to the teacher, there are three seats on each side.

Sitting represents four different men and two different women.

At this time, they close their eyes to nourish themselves, swim in the sky, and look at their rich bodies.

Yufeng saluted the old man at the top of the platform politely.

"Sir, of course, we need to check the identity and background of this young man. The young man just mentioned by his apprentice and apprentice can clean up Chang Laowu himself with an invisible ruler.

That's the key. "" great.

You're the quickest.

The old man supported the voice of the boy and the child.

Yufeng's face brightened, and the man next to him looked at his classmates angrily.

"Herald, distribute the portraits, let the disciples and believers of Shenzong look for the traces of this young man," the old man said faintly.

Yes, sir.

Brave men and Yufeng accept life by themselves at the same time.

In the deep main hall, the mysterious old man covered with black fog waved his hand, and his two disciples came down from the high platform. There were only seven people left on the high platform.

The old man looked around and said faintly.

"What do you think?"

"The ruler of heaven? Hey, hey, this is a good thing.

Although I don't know the specific power, I can only absorb the strange treasure of Chang Laowu. It has been proved to be a great immortal treasure.

Lord, this must not fall into the hands of others, "said one of the six people under the old man's seat, who was not tall and vulgar.

"Well, you can't get good things.

Only the grand master can enjoy it.

I mean, we have to follow the teenager naturally.

He has a strange treasure. He even believes that he is a gifted apprentice of a certain school or the nephew of a great man.

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