We have to investigate before we can get Tianchi.

”Said the old man in the official hat.

"Lord, a few days ago, Yun Haolei was summoned by the world. It seems that he has something to do with the youth.

You're not a teenager, are you? " The tall and handsome young man said to the top old man.

Compared with others, he sits in the top chair on the left, but he looks the youngest.

"Yes, I think it's him that Mr. Yun Haolei wants us to take care of.

Hehe, does his cloud Haolei really think he can block the sky with his hands? Well, if we open Qingxia fairy market, Yun Haolei will be in great pain.

”The old man disappeared in the black fog, and his voice suddenly became heavy or light.

It's said that Yun Haolei is also on the faces of the two people. The gorgeous beauty sitting opposite the pretty youth with the faces of the victims of the disaster stricken countries has no expression. The other four people have an unnatural look up to the sky.

Now Yun Haolei is the first person to stabilize the four sides. It is said that Yun Haolei has reached the realm of life, which is a decision that the four sides can work together to deal with but can't win.

"Herald, plan as usual, in addition to that young man, Yufeng is responsible for the search, Lingxiao, you work hard, please get the measuring ruler in the young man's hand."

The beautiful woman sitting on the right side of the old man is smiling faintly, just like the flowers here, the beauty is infinite in a moment.

When the shenzongmen high-level discussion, Xia Jue and Du sisters have come to a small town, looking at the city from a distance, smaller than the Changyue town they went to before.

Compared with Changyue Town, the city is relatively single in function and has no ordinary people.

Only those who cultivate immortals are in the spiritual realm.

Xia Jue and Du's sisters came here by mistake. After they came out of the mountain, they found that there were a lot of buildings here, so they came in this direction. Only when they came here, there were a lot of people who could sell goods on both sides of the street.

Magic weapon, weapon, armor, elixir, secret script and so on are arranged in the only street in the town. There are many kinds of things on both sides, which are dazzling.

After Xiajue and Du's sisters enter the city, they look at each other curiously, and Du Yueyan suddenly says, "this place is like the ruins in the legend"

Han yubai says modestly: "what are you after Xu?"

"Xu is a place where we immortals exchange things in order to take out treasures that we don't own. This Xu usually has a fixed time, but not all the time. If someone comes here to trade, maybe we can take out a lot of good things here."

At the thought of getting good things here, the eyes of Du Yuehan and Du Yueyan shine.

Xia Jue didn't know why the two sisters were suddenly so interested.

In fact, both of them are women. Women's instinct is to shop and consume. They look at the city and walk in the deserted mountains for a long time.

Seeing so many Xiuxian selling their goods, the two sisters in AI street were already upset.

Xia Jue Xin just said that we should also look for a complete map of the mainland, so he began to follow the Du sisters.

Did not see a few stalls, suddenly in front of a thin man, blocking their way.

"What are you doing? A good dog doesn't know what that is? " Du Yuehan almost bumped into the man's body just now. She shyly asked the man who was in the way.

The man standing in the way looks like he is in his 30s, wearing ordinary clothes, like the clothes of ordinary people. Xia Jue knows at a glance that this man has at least the practice of Ganling world. Xia Jue pulls Du Yuehan forward.

In order to make Du Yuehan shy just now, the man in the middle of the way held his fist to Xia Jue and other three people for the mainland etiquette.

"How many friends are here for Xu for the first time?"

"Yes? Are you a tour guide here? " Du Yuehan said unhappily.

"Almost not a tour guide. I bought it here.

If you want something here, you will know where it is, "the thin man said to them.

The Du sisters may know more about the stories of the world's immortals than Xia Jue, but Xia Jue is much better than the two sisters in terms of worldly wisdom.

As a result, when he was away from Xiuxian, he spent several years among the ordinary people, and everyone knew that among the ordinary people, he had a career and was a teaser of shopping.

In front of him, the thin man was just like that man, but because of his dry environment, Xia Jue was surprised to come to this profession.

"What's the brother's name? Xia Jue also held his fist and said hello to the thin man opposite.

"Dare to, you really killed me.

I'm just a nobody.

The energetic man's eyes look really good, but you will find that Xia Jue's practice is higher than him.

Let's say that if the eyes are not unique, they have the ability to know people, and they can't engage in the business of teasing customers and guiding the purchase in such a place.Xia Jue looked at Xiao Qi with deep meaning and noticed him in his heart.

"Because you are the tour guide here, can you take me to the place where I can buy a complete map of the whole continent?" Du Yuhan asked quickly.

"Of course, that's no problem.

You're looking for the right person.

I don't know what's on sale here.

Three, please follow me

Du Yueyan doesn't speak all the time. She looks at Xia Jue. Xia Jue nods and asks ah Qi to lead the way.

Du Yueyan behind, gently pulling Xia Jue's sleeve, quietly said: "when chasing Xu, someone deliberately killed the guests, took the strangers to remote places, and then robbed them, plundered them. Xia Jue's son had better be careful.

Xia Jue nodded on the white point and patted Du Yueyan's palm twice, indicating that she should not worry.

Du Yueyan was a little embarrassed, but she soon returned to normal.

Xiaoqi leads the front and takes Xiajue and Du's sisters to the shop.

The plaque of the shop says Tianguang Pavilion.

"Master, if you want a map, the map here is the best."

See small seven with people came to the shop, there is a dressed up as a kid in the shop, politely to Xiajue to the three people bow.

Xiao Qi went to the front and explained to the boy what Xia Jue needed.

The boy said politely.

"Don't worry, there's everything here.

We just acquired the latest exploration map of Tiannan Miaolin yesterday.

I guarantee that the map of our home in this city is up-to-date. "

"We don't need a map of Tiannan miasma forest.

We only need the map nearby. "On the way, Xia Jue and Du Yueyan once discussed.

The old man in black robes went to the front station with his disciples.

I don't think the ruins are too far away from the place where the disciples of the demon sect killed innocent people at that time.

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