"Boy, you..."

As soon as a batter roared, a red dot suddenly appeared on his neck. The red dot expanded quickly, and then exploded. The whole neck exploded with a juvenile sword.

"Good idea, magic weapon!" Many bodyguards have paid homage to their magic weapons.

In Xia Jue's eyes, these handmade magic weapons are exactly like fire sticks, and the dazzling light from them only deceives stupid mortals.

The boy didn't take out any magic weapon and magic weapon, still holding a sword in his hand, turned around and jumped into the crowd.

All of a sudden, there was a constant cry of sadness. As long as the youth intervened, there must be one death, and no enemy under his command.

Xia Jue watched, his eyes tightening.

He watched, the boy didn't do his best.

It's like being in a garden, getting rid of the people around you.

What's more surprising is that we didn't see the practice of the boy in coarse linen.

If the youth's cultivation is higher than his own, he can't see the feeling, but he can't see the trace of arousing the vitality of the world.

Knowing that a person who cultivates immortals can call for the vitality of heaven and earth.

The communication of virtual state can coordinate with the vitality of heaven and earth.

There is no spirit of heaven and earth in the youth's body, and there is no real Qi flow.

The youth seems to be fighting with his body with excellent swordsmanship.

In the blink of an eye, the ground is covered with corpses, and everyone's death is extremely tragic, the body is broken, and the blood is all over the ground.

The boy's fingers flicked gently on the sword. After a few drops of blood cells floated, they were no longer stained by other blood.

The boy walked slowly to Xiajue, his eyes were still as sharp as a sword.

Xia Jue is not afraid at all, and smiles at him, "why does this shop make you angry? Are you going to kill me? '" "Black shop"

"I didn't expect that you would be reluctant to give up the words like gold.

I see that as well.

It's really a black shop.

Xia Jue sees the dead man on the ground and can't die any more. He sells it to Longling Pavilion. It's not a black shop. What kind of shop is it?

"Are you the boss?" The young man's hand is holding the hilt of the sword. It seems that he will attack again at any time. At this time, the attack target should be Xia Jue.

No, I'm a customer, too.

Xia Jue waved his hand and said that he didn't know who would win with the young man. The young man's strange swordsmanship really gave him a headache.

"Then I'll sit down and look for the boss.

’So the boy went straight back.

Xia Jue thinks that the Du sisters are also in the backyard. The boy is red eyed and afraid that the two sisters will affect the fish in the pond. He follows behind.

There is a big yard in the back. In the main room and the rooms on both sides of the yard, there are also lockers selling various magic utensils. As the salesgirl in front said, there are a lot of special things for women to repair.

Du's sisters choose what they like in the main room. It's a bit boring to see Xia Jue and the boy go further.

Du Yuehan rushed out and showed Xia Jue her shopping booty today.

Xia Jue doesn't want to see what Du Yuehan has bought. His eyes are fixed on the boy in coarse linen.

"Boss, come out!"

However, maybe it's because I know that the young people are killing people like crazy, or the real boss is not here. No one answers for a long time. It seems that the shop assistants also got some news and left in an instant. Only Xia Jue, Du's sisters and the young people are left here.

Xia Jue could not restrain his curiosity at last.

"Well, what does this black shop sell? Let them settle the accounts.


hearing Xia Jue's cry, the young man slowly turned around, took out the book from his arms and threw it at Xia Jue's place.

As soon as Xia Jue received it, he opened it to see that it turned out to be "a sword to the sky".

Xia Jue has seen this secret script in the sales box just now. I know it's fake. No wonder this teenager will find it back.

However, even if it was the bully in the shop, the young man killed cruelly. Once he made a sword, someone would die.

From just now to the tail, Xia Jue didn't see the young man's defense. He just attacked. His sword was too fast. The opponent had just released his weapon and was stabbed by the young man's sword.

Du's sisters stand next to Xia Jue and look at the young man curiously. Du Yuehan turns her eyes more darkly and turns around the young man curiously. "Is your family very poor? Why did you come out in a sack? "

Xia Jue was startled and thought of his aunt.

The boy in front of you is a killer.

Just now, more than ten people's lives fell into his hands.

But it's incredible that when the boy saw Du Yuehan coming, he stepped back.

Du Yuehan went a step further. He retreated and held it on the hilt, but he untied it again. His face turned red and his fingers straightened, but there was no sign of starting.

Xia Jue warned secretly and called: "Yuehan, don't be kidding, come back."

If Xia Jue is right, Du Yuehan has to listen and goes back to Xia Jue's white body.Xia Jue said with a smile: "you look as old as me, but I don't know how old you are today? What's your name? "

"How many? I don't know. I'm an orphan.

No name "

a strange person, a cold teenager.

Xia Jue plans to continue to talk with the young man. He suddenly frowns and looks at the northwest sky.

Almost at the same time, the young man's eyes turned to the northwest.

Soon there were three streamers in the northwest sky. The first two streamers were the tail light produced by the immortal controller when flying at high speed in the air.

"Where did the younger generation come from and put them in our Tianguang pavilion? Take your life! When the streamer arrived first stopped in the air, the streamer dispersed and the middle-aged man with a beard appeared.

He stepped on a magic weapon like a big gourd, holding a crutch. There are many inscriptions on the crutch, which is also like a good magic weapon.

"At least, it's the virtual state.

Xia Jue frowned.

Because of the difference on the boundary, Xia Jue could not see the real boundary of the other side clearly, but he had better be higher than himself.

When the young man in coarse linen saw the middle-aged man appear, his face didn't change at all.

Look up and ask, "are you the boss?"

"Ha ha ha, did you interfere in the killing? Yes, I'll let you cook well and let you know how hard you were born. "

"Aren't you the boss? Don't mind your own business. "Teenagers obviously don't like to talk, they are not people who like to express their feelings with practical actions.

After the boy said eight characters, the sword in his hand flew over and stabbed the middle-aged man with brilliant light.

The speed of the flying sword was unexpectedly fast. When it was about to hit the middle-aged man's body, the sad sound of the sword reverberated in everyone's ears.

The middle-aged people didn't expect that the teenagers would do it so quickly.

It started without saying anything.

He drank angrily, the cane lay down, the halo of the cane incantation flickered one by one, the tactics of the defense camp engraved on the cane were stimulated one by one, and the halo guard was formed in front of the middle-aged man's body.

Xia Jue saw that the inconspicuous momentum of the flying sword broke the halo of the middle-aged man's 8-layer continuous defense formation tactics like a broken bamboo, and became weak in front of the middle-aged man's 9-layer defense formation tactics.

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