Whether the middle-aged man is in a mess or not, the Feijian just now doesn't know what magic weapon can continuously break through 8 of the 10 defensive array tactics of his walking stick. For the experts in the same realm, he also wants to know that the 10 array tactics have not been sacrificed at the same time.

Just in time, the flying sword he took out felt like a powerful spell from a master.

If the ten tactics are not complete, there is a risk of being stabbed by the flying sword.

"You are a mean boy, dare to attack my old house.

How to clean up? " The middle-aged man lost face and waved his life stick in shame.

Holding a crutch is not only defensive, but also aggressive. It is a magic weapon for middle-aged people to become famous. Over the years, he has remembered 18 offensive array tactics, 10 defensive array tactics and eight auxiliary array tactics on this crutch, which has promoted the life stick from a middle-class to an elegant magic weapon ladder.

Now the middle-aged people try their best to launch the staff of life in their hands. Suddenly, they shoot all over the crutches. The lightning like blue arc forms on the crutches. The next moment, they shoot from mid air and go straight to the boy in coarse linen.

The young man's face is very calm. Seeing the blue arc falling from the sky, he rebukes silently, and the sword flies again. Under the remote control of his finger sword, the sword accurately and quickly stops the blue arc falling from the sky, and then charges the middle-aged man with eloquence.

"Does the light of the rice also shine?" The middle-aged people have been waving their crutches all the time. This time, it's not a blue arc that turns into lightning. It's a fog filled with the sound of ghosts crying in the fog. It's a tactics of the evil magic array.

Ghost spells can summon ghosts. Ghosts are famous for not afraid of physical attacks. Although they are a little weak, they are numerous.

Under the command of the staff of life, the dark wind came down from the sky to the youth.

The young man suddenly bit the tip of his tongue. When he drank it, he had a lingering sound. A man made the sound of an army assault.

After the sound wave was sent out, the ghost of crying wolf broke and dissipated one after another unexpectedly. In a flash, the powerful gray fog disappeared on the boy's head.

Xia Jue's bystanders were very clear. Looking at him, the teenager said that he broke up the two attacks of the middle-aged man, but his body swayed slightly. He didn't look as angry as the other side.

Xia Jue saw that the body of the rough young man in hemp clothes was in a state, and the middle-aged man who fought against the young man also found the problem.

He showed a rough look, and said to the two assistants who came from behind, "that child has been beaten so hard by me that he can't fight back. Did your brother go to bed and deal with him?"

Just two or three times ago, Liuguang arrived, and the other two Liuguang practitioners were in a fit environment, holding a sword in one hand and a spear in the other.

Hearing the middle-aged man with a beard say so, they looked at each other without moving.

There is no fool who can practice to this degree.

I know the middle-aged people want to use their hands to find out the details of the boy.

The two masters of fitness think that teenagers should have little influence on them, but the youth who can support them under the master of passing virtual environment has absolute strength, which will cause certain damage, even fatal damage to the two masters of fitness.

When the middle-aged man saw that no one was looking for the boy in coarse linen, he turned his eyes and saw Xia Jue's name.

At this time, Xia Jue used the skill of stealth form to make himself look like the boundary of Kunling realm.

So in the eyes of middle-aged people, Xia Jue is just an ordinary onlooker.

What Xia Jue doesn't know is that the skill he uses now is not only strange, but also strange. The shadow ring on his finger has the function of hiding the master's air leakage.

The middle-aged man saw Xia Jue's voice and said, "the boy dressed by his brother over there caught the young man in hemp who was rude and killed people. I got the reward."

For a moment, Xia Jue understood that the middle-aged man was talking to him. He pointed to his nose and looked at the middle-aged man's clumsy eyes, with a faint smile.

"Master, I'm just an audience and I don't want to participate." "Hey, are young people so crazy now? Yes, I've cleaned you up together.

Are you two standing around watching? We are all elder Keqing of Tianguang Pavilion. If Tianguang Pavilion is selected as the next few babies, do you think our old faces are bright? "

The two masters of the combination realm behind do the same. They look at each other and urge their magic weapon to attack Xia Jue, the youth and the sisters of Du family.

"Hide behind me! Xia Jue orders to Du's sisters.

Du's sisters were very obedient and hid behind Xia Jue.

They know that, too.

The battlefield in front of them is not for them.

Xia Jue's white face was a little nervous. Seeing the halo of all kinds of real Qi flying in front of him, he said in his heart, "old man, don't you come out? Now we have a strong enemy. "

However, there was no response to the old voice hidden in the measuring ruler, and it seemed that it was really dormant.

There is no way, Xia Jue must force Tianchi himself, hoping Tianchi's crushing power to magic weapon can quickly reverse the unfavorable situation.But the reality is cruel. No matter how Xia Jue forces Zhenqi, Tianchi floats quietly in the air like an ordinary weapon. It doesn't mean to attack the enemy's magic weapon.

"Wind, fire, dragon, roll! Xia Jue saw the attack coming to his head, and immediately used his skillful wind fire tornado technique.

Tornadoes appear out of thin air. There is fire in the wind. Fire burns in the wind. Tornadoes begin to extend from the ground to the air, with amazing power.

In addition to the tornado, Xia Jue also sacrificed 28 flags of "four directions and eight chains", which disappeared in the blink of an eye and disappeared in all directions in the blink of an eye.

Soon, people in the whole city felt that the vitality of heaven and earth was dignified and thick, and a strange sense of oppression rose in everyone's heart.

The middle-aged man in the air was surprised. He didn't expect that Xia Jue, who was a little weak, was an expert in the realm of fitness.

He doesn't care about the boundary of the combination. Xia Jue's random configuration is like a flag. I don't know how many times it is better than the lineup.

Every flag is at least the best magic weapon.

After the flag was set up, the middle-aged man also felt inexplicable pressure. He had to resist the pressure and float himself in the air.

Compared with him, two of Xia Jue's best men couldn't bear it. They were pushed by chains in all directions. They got their magic weapons and jumped down from the sky.

"Boy, what a good thing you are.

You seem to want to be cheaper today, my old man.

Ha ha ~ "the middle-aged man laughed hard. It seemed that the flag with eight chains on all sides was already in his bag.

Compared with the square eight chain array, Xia Juefa's wind fire tornado is not powerful enough, but it is not enough in front of the two talents in the fitness world. He was soon damaged by the long gun in the hands of the talents in the fitness world who used the long gun.

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