At this time, Xia Jue realized that his attack means were limited, and it seemed difficult to cause a huge threat to the other side.

"Fit, sword! All of a sudden, Qingyin was on the scene, and immediately saw a flash of light passing in front of us. The flash appeared behind the two masters of the combination realm was the boy in linen clothes.

The boy slowly picked up the sword, turned around and saw the master who used the long gun.

The master of fitness state slowly lowers his body, the whole upper body falls forward, and the lower body's feet are still kneeling on the ground.

At this time, the blood in the body of the sealed man spurted out.

Xia Jue looked up at the young man. His hand was really vicious. He killed the master with only one hand.

The muzzle of the master of the fitness realm left a gaping wound on the shoulder of the young man. The two fighting men, one died, the other was still alive.

In addition, the body of the master of fitness environment can't help retreating.

Just now, the boy's hand was too overbearing. He didn't seem to have any way to crack it.

"Rubbish, it's rubbish. That boy in coarse linen is the end of the crossbow. Stretch out his arm and kill him!" Middle aged people roar in the air.

Xia Jue stares at the middle-aged man and analyzes the feedback information from the 28 flags of the square eight chain formation in his divine sense.

The first time he used the four side eight chain array, he was still at a familiar stage. Before, only when he sacrificed the twenty-eight flag of the four side eight chain array, did he know that the twenty-eight flag had a clever plan.

"Heaven and earth, pull!"

With a clear drink, Xia Jue's hands quickly combined and manipulated the four gates and eight chains array. Suddenly, within the scope of the four gates and eight chains array, he felt that everyone was full of blood. The real Qi in his body seemed to be attracted by something strange and broke through his body.

One of the most obvious is the middle-aged man who is still floating in the air. He feels that not only the real air, but also his own blood is beginning to boil. The real air in the eight channels of the extraordinary meridians is like an uncontrolled flood, rushing to his Baihui acupoint in an instant.

The middle-aged man with beard was scared out of color. He tried his best to suppress it, but now he couldn't communicate with the vitality of heaven and earth. His whole body was like glue and sticky feeling made him adapt. But this kind of sticky space around him still oppressed his inner body. He heard the ring like heavy voice

the middle-aged man with beard began to pay attention to Xia Jue, but he didn't I think Xia Jue has such a powerful array flag.

It's just coming out. It's completely holding him down.

"Younger generation, dare you!" The middle-aged man finally couldn't stand it. His practice was better than Xia Jue's, but Xia Jue's magic weapon completely restrained him. If he continued, he would lose.

No way, he can only sacrifice the magic weapon at the bottom of his box.

The middle-aged people with facial hair suddenly added something yellow, orange and square, just like a huge mark, just like the official seal on behalf of officials.

"Heaven and earth are healthy, calm down evil, and suppress evil!"

The middle-aged man throws his official seal into the air, and his hands constantly change tactics. The yellow and orange official seal is filled with a burst of light. The scope of light is becoming larger and larger. The middle-aged man is included in it in an instant, which makes the middle-aged man very powerful.

With the shaking of the middle-aged man's hand, the official seal increased rapidly from the sky. It turned out that it was only the size of a fist on his feet, and it turned as big as a bull. It turned white to Xia Jue fiercely.

Xia Jue doesn't seem to feel at all. He is still twisting the law and tactics.

"Son of Xia Jue, be careful!"

"Brother Xia Jue, be careful!"

The Du sisters behind Xia Jue give a warning at the same time. It seems that Xia Jue doesn't respond. The two sisters clench their teeth and pull out their swords at the same time.

Du Yueyan's original magic weapon was found from Changyue Treasury in Changyue town. She also threw her own magic weapon, like a thread, but it was a creature.

As soon as the thread like creature reached the mid air, it made a hoarse sound and stretched out its head from the thread.

What a naive baby silkworm.

The silkworm opens its mouth, spits out round silk from its mouth, and goes round and round to the official seal roll that falls in mid air.

Although it's softer than hard, with the weight of the official seal getting too heavy and the destination getting bigger, Du Yueyan's silkworm baby can only slightly prevent the official seal from falling, but it can't prevent the result.

"Xiaohan, take the young master with you!" Originally, Du Yueyan was absolutely at a disadvantage in the fighting method. If she was distracted again, caner would lose the operation and make a lament. In an instant, all the silk came with the wind.

Du Yueyan and silkworm baby's heart are interlinked. The magic weapon of her life is broken. Her heart is like being hit by a heavy hammer. She opens her mouth and spits blood.

Du Yuehan wants to take Xia Jue away, but Xia Jue seems to grow on the ground. Du Yuehan doesn't move at all.

Xia Jue slowly raised his head and saw that the sky above his head was covered with a huge shadow of the official seal. He vomited a few words without expression.

"Eight, three, Suo Bao!"

At the same time, Xia Jue's hands and fingers are connected together in a very fast and complex way.

Du Yueyan and Du Yuehan's cultivation is not high. They don't know how good Xia Jue's method is at this time, but the complexity of light also knows that the tactics of this method are not general.The middle-aged people have already laughed.

As soon as his official seal appeared, he locked up the people and things under it.

Unless the border is higher than him or has a strong defense, it can not resist the heavy blow of his official seal.

It is unreasonable for middle-aged people to think that this official seal is the most precious.

This official seal is one of the 18 official seals of Zhuge Dynasty at that time, and it is the seal of Zhendong general with high quality.

At that time, the Zhuge Dynasty lasted for 300 years. In addition to Zhuge Town, where the Zhuge family had a demon crime level, there were 180 positive signs of heaven and earth that could kill the immortal Zhuge family.

It is said that if there is a positive Qi array of heaven and earth together with the 18 positive Qi seals of heaven and earth, you can ignore the differences in border behavior and directly surround and kill the blood realm talents.

So the middle-aged people are very confident about their magic weapon. Zhendong general Yin can definitely kill the younger generation in front of them on the spot. Unfortunately, the two sweet women have been repaired and broken by the mashed meat.

However, several young people who walked on the ground did not turn into meat cakes.

A closer look, the boy in coarse linen stepped on the sword, holding the sky with both hands, prevented the whereabouts of Zhendong general Yin.

"No!" Middle aged people can't believe their eyes, but it's very clear how powerful the official seal of Zhuge Dynasty is. They haven't heard of using their own body to fight against people who weigh tens of thousands of Jin.

But the arm of beriberi will block the car. Look at the power of your generation.

Now the official seal has not reached the heaviest state, it will only become heavier and heavier as time goes on.

At this time, the battle in Tianguang Pavilion had already alarmed many Xiuxian coming from the town. One controller after another that could fly flew into the air, while those that could not fly were surrounded by the ground.

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