People see the wonderful performance of Xia Jue's descendants and listen to them. When the young men in coarse linen appear to fight their bodies with their bodies, no matter how high their world is, they are all surprised.

"This young man's good magic power is not only swordsmanship, but also God's help!" This is the voice of most of the onlookers.

At that time, another immortal at the boundary of the body saw the opportunity, twisted his tactics and released the flying sword, which went straight to the heart of the boy.


A crusade broke out in the crowd.

Some people can't bear to try to save their own magic youth, but it's too far away. Unless they repair it far beyond the boundary of the body, they may shoot down the flying sword before it hits the youth.

Looking through his chest, he said: "run! Stop putting up with it

These people are young people. They think that as long as the young people play the strange way of killing all sides just now, they can escape the sword, and the official seal supported by the young people will soon fall down. But at this time, at least they have to fight for time, and the Xia Jue and Du sisters at the bottom can escape time

however, in the view of some old people, Xia Jue and others who are locked by the seal of heaven and earth righteousness You can't entrust the official seal to beat again. The boy in coarse linen is just frustrated. The official seal, which weighs tens of thousands of Jin, instantly throws the boy to the surface.

The boy saw the sword shooting at his chest.

Without any fear on his face, he looked at the flying sword quietly.

Suddenly he bit the tip of his tongue and bled.

There were two cold flashes in my eyes.

"Secret sword, eyes light! It's like two sword lights suddenly flash in the eyes of teenagers. In an instant, the next second, two sword lights appear in the air, which is the shape of light shadow sword. But if there is substance, the two sword lights strangle the sword together, and suddenly the flying sword falls into the dust.

The boy's mouth opened, and he shed a mouthful of blood.

This time, it's not the tip of his tongue, it's the damage to his internal organs, the blood from his internal organs.

A bleeding, young suddenly no spirit, pale, arms began to shake, obviously unable to support the heavy official seal on the head.

Finally, he couldn't hold on any longer. He fell down. The huge official seal on his head dropped faster, and in a twinkling of an eye it was stuck on the boy.

"Yes, I have! Xia Jue didn't move all the time. His hand kept moving. The complicated formula was finally completed. As soon as he grasped it, he gently waved to the official seal.

The official seal of Zhendong general, which had originally reached the level of a small hill, began to shrink sharply, instantly returned to its original state, turned into a streamer and fell into the hands of Xia Jue.

Xia Jue looked at the official seal in his hand and waved it with his palm, but it was really heavy. He didn't know what the material was.

"Thank you.

It seems that the official seal can be sold for some money.

Xia Jue smiles and teases the middle-aged people in the sky.

The middle-aged man was stunned, but he didn't expect that his most powerful magic weapon had been taken away.

It's so easy to be taken away by realism.

The most unbearable thing is that the other party is just a young talent, not a senior.

"Younger generation, you bully me too much!" The middle-aged man's popularity trembled, but the magic weapon he could use could not hurt Xia Jue and other people, so he hesitated and began to consider withdrawing.

It's just that a lot of people around are staring at this place, and they are disappointed at this time.

In the future, don't confuse in the world of cultivating immortals.

Xia Jue ignored the middle-aged man in the sky. His eyes fell coldly on the man who had just attacked.

"Surprise attack? What a shame.

Let me tell you something.

’At this time, Xia Jue had killed himself.

"Slow down, he's mine! Unconsciously, the boy in coarse linen stood up and bypassed Xia Jue.

"I'll kill him properly"

"Hello, but are you seriously injured? Don't try to be brave Du Yuehan called from behind.

Xia Jue waves to stop Du Yuehan.

"Are you sure?"

The boy did not answer, but stood there firmly.

There is a clean straight sword on the hand, pointing to the ground obliquely.

"Ha ha, do you dare to kill me? I see you can't even stand. "

This is what Xiuxian said, but his pace slowly retreated.

The young man just now can shine two swords with his eyes.

It was a secret he had never heard of.

Even if the youth can't move all over the body, as long as his eyes rotate, he may be able to send out that pair of incredible eye sword light.

"Go to hell!"

The youth didn't wait for the immortal who fit the realm, his body moved violently.

When moving, the people around them are very clear, and they can even judge the shape and trajectory of the teenager's body.

However, before the young man's body was about to touch the defense range of the immortal cultivator at the boundary of the body, his body suddenly twisted and rotated, following the immortal cultivator at the boundary of the body.The man who cultivates immortals in the fitness realm knows that the young man's sword technique is very fast, and he has made full defense. Some defense magic weapons on his body have appeared in front of him. However, to his surprise, the young man's body is suspicious and comes around behind him.

The monk felt the cold invade from his neck and spread in the moment of cold. He lost his pain in the blink of an eye and died. It was so fast.

The soul of the fit state can't escape from the shell of the body as the Chuanxu state does. When the body is dead, the soul can't continue to exist in this world. When the real body is dead, the soul disappears.

"The rest is yours.

”Young cool looking at Xia Jue, and then the whole person straight forward, fell to the ground.

"Oh, why?" Du Yuehan flashed by and checked whether the boy had fallen down and hurt himself. He came to see how little he snored and fell asleep? Du Yuehan looks at the boy blankly. What kind of weirdo is this?

Xia Jue shook his head with a smile and turned to look at his head.

"I'm surprised.

You didn't run away at this time.

What a pity.

That was a great opportunity.

Now you can't go any more. "

The middle-aged man with a beard wanted to run away, but he was very concerned about his identity, and felt that his practice was higher than that of his counterpart, so he wanted to work harder.

The man who cultivates immortals in a fit state is killed in an instant. The boy who controls the array flag turns his attention to him. The feeling of being watched by some kind of beast is produced in his heart.

"Younger generation, I want you to know how powerful it is." the middle-aged man waved his crutches and urged all the tactics of stretching out the crutches. The crutches emitted various colors of light, which covered the middle-aged man for a moment, and the light turned white to Xia Jue.

"Hey, I don't have a long memory. Take it. It's not bad.

In this way, holding the palm of Xia Jue's hand, all the light of the sun's life holding staff suddenly darkened, turned into ordinary crutches, fell from the mid air, and was easily taken away by Xia Jue.

"No, younger generation, what kind of magic do you use?" The middle-aged people have lost their magic weapon continuously. They are completely crazy and rush up with anger.

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