Did he forget to use magic weapon crazily, or did he know that he would be taken away by Xia Jue when he used magic weapon? Now, like a common rogue, he wants to kill the hateful young man in the battle around him.

"Fire, fire, wind, surge!"

With the call of Xia Jue, Xia Jue tried his best to play the chain in all directions, and became the wind and fire of Xia Jue. Where did the tornado disappear? At this time, the invisible things like gravel on the ground suddenly became bright, and then turned into a bright red flame. The wind

had the experience of getting into trouble. Now Xia Jue opened it and locked the other party up It's too late.

Anyway, there should be no powerful magic weapon for middle-aged people's body at this time.

Xia Jue doesn't worry that middle-aged people can break through their cage.

Xia Jue turned and came to Du Yueyan. Looking at her pale face, he said, "sister Yueyan, are you ok?"

Just now, in order to prevent the official seal from falling, Du Yueyan collided with the official seal and suffered some internal injuries, but there was no big obstacle.

On the contrary, Xia Jue suddenly asked her, her heart palpitating and blushing.

"Sister Yueyan, is your face so red? Are you seriously injured? I'll check it for you.

Xia Jue said, holding out his hand to catch Du Yueyan's pulse.

"It doesn't matter, just suffered a little impact" Du Yueyan quickly let go, joking that so many people around looked, was Xiajue holding white hand, really shy to death.

People around them stare at what happened in front of them, marveling at the magic sword skill and the power of lifting the mountain of the boy in coarse linen, and surprised that Xia Jue can easily accept the celebrities who convey the secret.

People talked about it one after another, with bad looks, admiration, jealousy and greed. Many people moved their eyes and left the place quietly.

Over the city, in the invisible view, there is a huge sword shaped airship floating in the sky.

There is no seat on the next airship except one.

At this time, there was an old man with snow-white beard and hair. The old man's temperament was graceful. Unless his clothes were too simple, he was only a coarse cloth coat and underwear, and was mistaken for a prince like nobleman.

There are two rows of swordsmen standing beside the old man with white hair. Behind each row, there are one or two swords, or even a few swords. There are 12 people in all. They are different in age. The oldest is as white as the old man with white hair, and the youngest is like a soft puppet.

The uniform clothes of these people are all light blue robes woven with the extremely cold thread of Tiannan snow mountain. The bottom of the robes is a sea of clouds pattern. Everyone's sea of clouds pattern is different, and there are not many. More carefully, these swordsmen have one or more flying swords on their sleeves

if you are familiar with the story of cultivating immortals in Fenghua mainland, I will soon know the swords of these blue robes What kind of person is a scholar.

Flying sword in the sea of clouds, seeking for clan, setting up a place in the south of heaven, only my sword clan.

Twelve swordsmen dominate Tiannan in the mainland, which is the most famous twelve swordsmen of the sword sect. Twelve swordsmen want to arouse the identity of the white haired old man who is so careful to serve at the same time.

The leader of the ethereal sword clan is Tianxu old man.

The empty old man was holding a teacup in his hand. The temperature below freezing point could not lower the temperature of the teacup at all.

The empty old man drank tea slowly and said, "boss, what do you think of the following two teenagers?"

A tall and burly young man came out and bowed.

"Sir, that boy in white is a little frivolous. I don't think winning by magic weapon is a real skill.

The boy in coarse linen has backbone and ability. He has excellent swordsmanship and divine power. He is a malleable talent. But he only does strange things. He doesn't know his life experience. He needs to be investigated.

”The old man nodded and said nothing. "Do any of you have any other opinions?"

The surrounding swordsmen in green looked at each other, their eyes turned to the petite but smart swordsman in Green's body.

The little swordsman came out and saluted the teacher.

"Teacher, the first disciple is right. If the teacher wants to take the apprentice, I think the boy in white is more suitable."

"Ah, why?"

"That teenager is very confident, so when he left the four gates and eight chains, he knew the outcome of the war.

It's all in his hands.

This confident man can be our brother.

As for that young man of divine power, he has good skills, but his way of walking is ancient style cultivation, not the way of sword cultivation of our clan. "

"Hehe, it's still Xiaofeng. You read a lot. Do you even know the ancient style?"

"Student, I also know that there is a big difference between ancient physical education and modern physical education through the records of ancient books.

Today's physical training takes magic weapons as the body, but ancient physical training takes magic weapons as the body, so there is an essential difference.

If it's the current physical training, as long as we modify our sect's sword training, there will be no problem.

The point is that the boy has been made.

We don't need to put him back in the oven and do it again. "

"Yes, boss and Xiao Feng, you two stay, follow those two teenagers and protect them secretly.As a diviner, these two teenagers are destined to have a big storm on the street.

Don't let them both die early.

Of course, if it's not a matter of life or death, you two don't have to step in.

Just focus on the side. "

Although I don't know what old man Tianxu means, as the best disciple of old man Tianxu's practice, even the most knowledgeable and intelligent three disciples, they don't mean to listen to the teacher's instruction and the teacher's steps, which is one of the codes of conduct of the twelve blue swordsmen.

"Yes, sir, keep the mission!"

Xia Jue unconsciously, the white haired old man on the sword shaped airship above his head staring at himself.

One or two swordsmen in blue jumped from the airship and landed on a nearby hill.

"Originally, I just bought maps. How could it cause so many things? Xia Jue scratched his head.

Fortunately, the competition is fierce, but the damage to buildings from the surface is within control.

Xia Jue searched for a long time, and finally found several volumes of maps on the ruins of the backyard. He didn't move anything else in Tianguang Pavilion.

Xia Jue came to the sleepy boy. He didn't pay attention to the way he was sleeping.

The reason why Xia Jue has a good feeling for this young man with a lot of acrimonious words may be because he is close to him in age, or because they had a natural sense of tacit understanding when they were fighting side by side just now.

Especially when facing the seal of heaven and earth, the two teenagers are on the ground one by one in the sky to fight against the seal of heaven and earth. Without tacit understanding, cooperation and absolute belief in each other, they can never defeat the virtual master in such a short time.

It's a pity that these two teenagers don't even know each other's names. It's fate.

Xia Jue said he lived in a rich family, but he said he had no friends.

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