In this family, the covetous is his property and father's patriarchal status.

The so-called brothers and brothers in the middle of the family have no family ties. In Xiajue Town, more people were with the women in the brothel without any friends.

I don't know why, when I see the comatose teenager in front of me, I feel close.

"Son of Xia Jue, let's get out of here.

If the people of Tianguang Pavilion come better, we may not be rivals.

"Du Yueyan is old and thoughtful. She thinks of Xia Jue beside her.

Xia Jue Yilin, think about it.

They have just imprisoned the talent of cooperative communication of virtual realm and killed two talent of combination realm. Who knows how many talent of Tianguang pavilion have not held the primary election? What if you leave your body? Or will there be higher level masters?

Xia Jue thought of this and immediately made a decision to withdraw as soon as possible.

Seeing the sleeping boy in coarse linen, Xia Jue scratched his head a little. He couldn't leave the boy here.

I think so.

Xia Jue carries the boy on his back, takes Du Yueyan and his sister Du Yuehan, flies two royal weapons, and walks out of two small towns where Xu is chased by streamer.

On the hill outside the town, two tall and short swordsmen in green easily knocked down the last immortal who tried to ambush here.

The swordsman in short blue said, looking at the two streamers in the sky leisurely.

"Elder martial brother, these two teenagers are too careless.

So many people want to be bad for them "

the tall swordsman in green replied without expression.

"People die for money, birds die for food, and the square eight chain array in the hands of the boy in white is very powerful.

I look a little red.

Besides, these people "

" when do you want them to be nannies? "

"You should ask the teacher this question.

What's more, can't you always be the brains of the elder martial brothers and try to exchange with other elder martial brothers to become nannies? "

"Brother, don't say I'm smart.

How smart am I than an old man? Hehe, our master is called a cunning man. "

When the third younger martial brother said this, the elder martial brother's face resonated, "the people who cultivate immortals in the world say that the master has the style of the ancients and is a rare upright man.

That's because they are not around the master, "he said with great emotion.


It's also a good practice to leave the master and play around with the two children. "


Let's go. Don't let them run too far.

"The two swordsmen in green didn't see the flying sword on their way. They took a step on the ground, walked another mile and shrunk to an inch.

This is a magic power that can only appear when practicing virtual environment. Are the two swordsmen in green already the practitioners of virtual environment?

Xia Jue carries his youth behind his back. He feels that he is more stable than someone else. Everyone admires him.

After they got out of the city, they had no problem and walked eastward.

After flying for two hours, Xia Jue can't bear to see Du Yueyan. He and Du Yueyan fall together at the foot of the mountain and easily deploy the array to eliminate the insects and ants.

As soon as he turned around, he threw the boy behind him on the ground. The boy turned over and was in a coma.

Xia Jue wiped the sweat on his body and carried the boy on his back. He felt that his clothes were soaked.

Xia Jue compared the map he got from the shadow ring with the map he got from the demon disciple Chang Zhiyuan, but even after searching for a long time, he could not find the corresponding geographical location.

You said you didn't get a complete map?

Du Yueyan also came to find Xia Jue, and also did not find the mountains and rivers recorded on the animal skin map.

Du Yuehan used to poke the sleeping teenager with a branch nearby. Seeing the teenager itching the place where she was stabbed, she gave out a silver bell like laugh, and seemed to think the game was very interesting.

But the interesting things are always tired. How can she get that teenager? The teenager doesn't wake up. Some boring Du Yuehan also looks at the boring map.

"Well, the name of the mountain is wrong in this map of animal skin ruins.

It should be called Hutou peak. Why has it become Laoyaling Du Yuehan is not a place name like Du Yueyan and Xia Jue, but directly sees the similar terrain on the map.

This is because she likes to look at graphics rather than words.

Du Yuehan heard this, Xia Jue and Du Yueyan looked at each other's questions.

Did you say that the location on the relic map was deliberately wrong?

What they saw was not the place name, but the concentrated contrast terrain. They soon found that all the names of mountains, rivers, lakes and rivers on the relic map were false.

This seems to be a way to deceive the devil.

If it wasn't for Du Yuehan, Xia Jue might have thrown away the animal skin map as garbage.

Xia Jue and Du Yueyan finally find the mountain depression where they are, but they soon find new problems. Even if they have compared the real geographical map, they still can't find the real site.Xia Juebi and Du Yueyan think that the map they got is only a part of it. Only by finding all the maps can we find the real site.

Du Yuehan thought that he would soon be able to embark on the journey to find treasure. Unexpectedly, on some maps, Du Yuehan was frustrated and laughed at the sleepy boy in coarse linen who ran away.

But this time, I just took the dog tail grass to laugh at the nose of the teenager, and suddenly found that the teenager woke up and looked at her with bright eyes like stars.

Du Yuehan was startled. He threw away the dog tail grass and said, "are you awake?"

The boy nodded and stood up from the ground.

Xia Jue watched the boy wake up and walk away, and said, "you have been in a coma for four hours. Are you ok?"

The boy nodded again.

Xia Jue said with a smile: "you are as silent as gold.

My name is Xia Jue. Do you really have no name? "

The boy said after a moment of silence.

"I'm an orphan. No one named me.

I have a name for myself, sword devil

This is what Xia Jue heard the most after he saw him.

The naughty Du Yuehan said: "is the sword very powerful? Thick skinned.

Du Yueyan stops her sister in a hurry, but her words have already come out.

Fortunately, the lonely boy's face was cold, but he didn't respond to the word Du Yuehan.

Xia Jue was also astonishing. Although he had no name, he took the sword as his name. It seemed that he was really addicted to swordsmanship.

"Can I call you Xiaojian later?" He asked the boy with a smile.

The boy nodded without even thinking.

Du Yuehan giggled and said, "brother Xiajue, you gave me his name. It's really cheap.

"Xiaohan, shut up." Du Yueyan's face is very serious. Her sister is naughty again.

Han Yebai reaches out his hand to Mr. Du and says to the boy and the sword devil.

"These two beautiful sisters, Du Yueyan and Du Yuehan, now want to go to the ruins with me to find the treasure."

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