"Ruins?" The sword devil tilts his head and looks at Xia Jue's question.

"Yes, I just found the map of the ruins.

There should be a lot of treasures here.

I want to see if I get anything.

Unfortunately, we only got a part of the map of the ruins, and we can't find the real location of the ruins. "

"I know the ruins.

The sword devil suddenly said so.

Du Yuehan wants to make sarcastic remarks, but she is stopped by her sister Du Yueyan's stern eyes.

"Do you know where this relic is? Xia juixi looked out and went over with a map of the remains of the animal skin in his hand.

The sword devil shakes his head and doesn't look at the map.

"I came out of the ruins you said. I really don't know if it's a sentence on the map."

"Blow the bull!" Du Yuehan whispered.

But Xia Jue believed in the sword devil's words. He believed that the lonely teenagers would not lie and there was no reason to cheat them.

"Xiaojian, where is the relic you mentioned?"

The sword demon looked around as if he felt the direction.

Du Yueyan immediately takes the map to the sword demon, but the sword demon can't get it, so she blushes instead.

Young people have been very cold face, but can blush, it is a strange theory.

"I don't know maps, I don't know words."

"Ah, can you read? That's great... "

"Xiaohan!" Du Yueyan is afraid that her sister will say something exciting to her youth again.

“…… We can learn to write.

"Du Yuehan said his words completely.

Juvenile Ming ruxing's eyes looked at Du Yuehan, nodded and said: "yes, study together."

Xia Jue touched his head and said, "I don't know the map. Why did you take me to find the ruins?"

The sword demon doesn't speak. His nose moves like a dog's nose. He points to the southwest and says.

"The direction of the relic I came to is here."

Even Xia Jue is a little silly this time. Does anyone use their nose to find the way? it's been a long time.

But Xia Jue still believes in the sword demon and chooses the male friend he finally finds. Xia Jue doesn't want to break up with him so soon anyway.

"Can you take me to your ruins?"

"That's my home.

"The sword devil was silent and corrected Xia Jue's words.

"Why is your home a relic?"

"I was on the ruins when I wrote the story.

It's my home, of course. "

"But if you've been on the ruins since you were a child, who taught you your human language?" Du Yueyan's heart is still very delicate, and soon discovered this problem.

"My grandfather."

"Do you have a grandfather?"

"Grandfather is at home, too.

The sword devil's reasonable expression.

"Hurry on, it's not too late to talk about any rumors while walking." Du Yuehan hastily urged her. She seemed to see the beautiful scene full of treasures in the ruins, thinking and laughing.

The sword demon looks at Du Yuehan's childishness. The beauty's appearance is a little fuzzy, and her breath is getting heavier.

Xia Jue and Du Yueyan found this problem.

Xia Jue grew up among women. He saw many brothel guests and sword demons. Although not the ugly faces of those guests, he saw that men should also like the reaction of women.

However, even though sword demons have lived in sparsely populated relics since childhood, they rarely see women. But is Du Yueyan more attractive to men than the naive and clumsy Du Yuehan? There is something wrong with this sword demon's aesthetics.

Thinking about Xia Jue, the sword demon said.

"As Han said, let's talk as we go.

Can you fly in the sky with a flying sword? "

The sword demon nodded and said, "grandfather can not only repair the sword, but also fly."

Quick Xia Jue knows what the sword magic chain means.

Suddenly he saw the sword devil throw the rusty sword on his waist into the sky. Then he jumped on the sword and began to fly in the sky.

The speed was unexpectedly fast, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xia Jue also threw a flying sword specially used for flying in the sky. As soon as he stepped into Du Yuehan, he stretched out his hand to Du Yuehan and pulled her up.

Du Yueyan also juxtaposes the flying sword with Xia Jue, and the two catch up with the sword demon from a distance.

But no matter how Xia Jue accelerated, he couldn't catch up with the sword demon. The speed of the sword demon was too fast, fast and confused.

In order to know that the high-speed flight of the Royal Flying weapon will cause sharp friction with the vitality of the heaven and earth, the array tactics of weakening the air flow are engraved on the Royal Flying weapon to protect the immortal practitioners from being disturbed by the high-speed air flow.

Because there is a formula to weaken the air flow, when the controller flies, a natural transparent protective cover and other windshields are formed around the controller. According to the attributes of the flying weapon and the true Qi of the air fighter, the windshields have some color changes and absolutely no transparency.However, the sword demon's body can not see the existence of the wind shield.

The sword to kill his enemy is a word.

Come on!

The sword demon also noticed that his speed was a little too fast. Soon he couldn't see Xia Jue behind him. He slowed down and waited for Xia Jue to become white.

After a while, Xia Jue and Du Yueyan come to the controller and weigh the sword demon with different eyes. The sword demon has a sword at his feet. There is no wind shield, but the strong wind brought by high-speed driving seems to have no effect on the sword demon.

"Have you found your way home? Xia Jue didn't care about the reason why the sword demon didn't have a wind shield when flying in the sky, but asked another question he was more concerned about.

The sword demon nodded and pointed in a direction.

"Fly in this direction and you'll soon see my home."

"Well, let's go."

Du Yuehan looked at the sword demon Feijian curiously and said, "Hey, can't I ride on your Feijian?"

"No way!" Sword demon didn't answer, Xia Jue and Du Yueyan with one voice dismissed Du Yuehan's idea.

Joking, sitting on a flying sword without a wind shield is like suicide in the air for Du Yuehan, who is just building a spiritual realm.

The sword demon no longer talks and leads the way. Xia Jue and Du's sisters follow.

On the way, several people didn't speak much and kept walking forward at a fairly fast speed.

Then, in the sky where Xia Jue and sword demon could not be seen, two swordsmen in blue followed them.

The short swordsman frowned and said, "elder martial brother, shall we follow like this?"

"Come with me!"

"Well, it's not easy.

OK, go on. "

Xia Jue and the sword devil certainly did not notice that the people who locked them in the distance were following them from a distance, and they were still advancing rapidly.

At dusk, the sword demon's speed finally came down.

At that time, they had entered the high mountains and steep peaks, surrounded by big ancient trees, heard everything from the forest, heard the cry, and felt special fear in the quiet mountains.

"This is your home?" Du Yuehan looked around curiously. Except for the trees that hadn't grown for several years, he really couldn't see anything.


It's almost there.

If we get off the bus, we can't fly in front of us at all. Flying Magic Weapons and walking in the imperial air are prohibited. "

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