"Is there a forbidden array here?" Du Yueyan asked curiously.

"I don't know, grandpa told me."

"May your grandfather have said not to cheat you into being naughty? My grandfather often tells me that eating sugar will make a fat girl.

Isn't it slim to look at me? "

"Grandfather can't lie.

I know. It won't fly there.

Xia Jue looked through the eyes of the sword demon. There was a mountain covered with lush ancient trees in front of him. There was nothing special above the mountain. However, Xia Jue, who was more sensitive to the vitality of heaven and earth than others, always felt some strange changes, as if he had no spirit of heaven and earth.

It is also said that the cultivation of immortals array is driven by the vitality of heaven and earth. However, due to the role of various array battles, the vitality of heaven and earth of the array is very different from that of nature. If we understand it carefully, we can feel its mystery.

I'm watching.

I don't know where falcons come from.

That Falcon has a big head.

If there are several falcons, the great Falcon can easily cause great damage to human immortals.

The fierce Eagle may have found some prey on the mountain and flew out of the mountain. But as soon as it flew half way, the eagle's body was strangely cut in half, as if there was a sharp weapon in the mid air of the mountain, cutting off all its vitality at once.

Xia Jue is OK. The Du sisters are surprised to know that the sword demon is not lying. It's still a no fly zone, but the no fly Air array is really vicious.

Xia Jue didn't complain about walking at all. He just entered the world of cultivating immortals, and riding flying magic weapons such as flying sword can greatly speed up his speed, but it's really painful to always keep his posture to drive flying magic weapons.

Sometimes, walking on the ground is a good choice.

The sword demon is familiar with the surrounding environment. Stepping on the old fallen leaves, he turns three times and takes Xia Jue and Du's sisters into the deepest part of the ancient trees.

"Come with me, it's a bit strange here." Xia Jue noticed that the sword demon didn't walk in a straight line.

I could walk straight, but I didn't go.

Didn't you say there were traps ahead? After listening to Mr. Xia Jue, Mr. Jianmo, who is not good at communicating with people, thinks that we should pay attention to Mr. Xia Jue.

"With me, there are traps everywhere in this dense forest.

Grandfather said it was to prevent bad people and vicious beasts from making trouble in our house. "

"Did your grandfather set up these traps?"

For Du Yuehan's question, the sword demon did not give an answer, probably because he did not know.

There is enough time to walk around in the dense forest.

There is fog in the middle.

If there were no people familiar with the terrain of sword demons, they would have lost their way.

Finally out of the dense forest, they have a very broad mountain in front of them, a piece of cliff shows that this was once a building complex.

This is the house of sword demons?

Du Yuehan saw the broken wall in front of him and spit out the bitter leaves in his mouth.

This is what the sword demon had in his mouth just now. You can avoid being poisoned by the thick fog when passing through the thick fog poison barrier.

"Sword demon, is this what you call the relic? It doesn't look like it. "

That's true.

All kinds of relics found in Fenghua continent are the wealth left by ancient immortals and ancient cultivators.

As the ancient Dharma array continued to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, even after thousands of years, whether the so-called relics are still the same as they were ten thousand years ago is another space of cave and magnificent hall. I have never heard of any ruins that are so broken.

The sword demon nodded and said, "here it is.

Grandfather said that it was once a relic of the immortal. It may have collapsed for some reason.

My sword and my studies have been practiced here

"Well, let's go to your house without looking at any relics."

Xia Jue sees the sword demon. The sword demon nods and walks towards the ruins. Xia Jue and others follow.

Their figure just hid in the ruins, Xia Jue and others came out from the dense forest, one or two high and one low swordsmen in green.

The stout swordsman spat out bitter leaves, took several puffs, looked at the ruins in front of him and said, "elder martial brother, is this also a relic? I think we are really walking in the dog's excrement and bumping into the remains of the ancient immortals that have not been found. I think this is the once stronghold of the dynasty or separatist forces that we don't know. "

Gao Jianshi didn't say a word. His eyes looked up at the charred mark.

They used the unique method of observing Qi of Jianzong. He didn't find any change of vitality in the ruins. That is to say, it's just ruins.

He believed in the judgment of his three masters and disciples. As a result, they always read a lot of books and have a wide range of knowledge. It may be the ruins of the ancient dynasty.

"Whether it's the remains of ancient immortals or anything, we're not here to look for treasure, we're here to protect the two boys.

I'd better go with you. "" yes, listen to your brother.

But the disciple said that the architectural style of the ruins here is the style of an ancient mortal Dynasty, but the forbidden air array in the sky is very strange.I didn't see the structure of the array, and I didn't find the eyes of the flag array. "

(master and apprentice, I'd rather say that ancient human beings were very powerful. They used their bodies to repair immortals. They had a powerful ability to compete with monsters and beasts. Moreover, they had a unique use of the array. They were good at using geographical forms to set up the array. Maybe our forbidden air array.

"Well, the eldest disciple has a point, maybe so.

However, this no air array has been unstable for a long time. I think it's because the physical and geographical environment of a certain position has changed. "

The two swordsmen in blue said while walking in the direction of Xia Jue.

As soon as the blue swordsman entered the ruins, the fog and poison barrier that was only in the dense forest spread, quickly covering all traces of these people. No matter from the sky or from the ground, no ruins hidden in the thick fog were found.

Even the two swordsmen in green didn't notice the changes behind. Occasionally, the tall swordsman turned around and didn't notice anything strange. He shook his head and felt as if he had been mistaken.

The sword demon who is ahead is proficient in terrain. He can know his home even if he closes his eyes.

With a smile on his face, he said, "grandfather, I'm back! Cried out.

The voice was loud, but there was no response.

The sword devil doesn't care. In his image, grandfather is always absent for a while, and then comes back soon.

So the sword devil thought it was his grandfather who went out again.

He took Xia Jue and Du's sisters to the deepest part of the ruins.

A big house appeared in front of me.

It's antique. It's made of building materials from ruins.

You'll find that people who build houses don't build them.

The whole house is just piled with stones and tiles.

Even if the space is small, it's not clean.

From a distance, it looks like the ruins mountain.

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